nere are a couple of poems, which may be on interest to you: . both of them fa ctual,written by myself. '. C . V V _ q F C t I V , . Reincarnation. q _ . , l Hear the song of the unborn children, _ Echo swarm In the; womb of Time, _ _ q ' Lkke the, music still in the universe, t _ Ihat pleads for a clokk of rhyme.. Pleading to be delivered T . _ . '. in Music or Art, or Poem, . t Those Chirldren seek for bodies, . t And a place they may call 'home'. _ he once. had a small wee brother,: . , u Who died ere he was horn,, . . T 's l , Then when Ahecamé,his mother l . T _ Would not leave that sbul forlorn. _ . ‘ "he said, "How lonely it would be'", . T "For‘thgt small Sour-year soul, "To roam o'er the 'nills,orx-bn the tseas, ' "libere the windy waves do roll". ' _ . I'was then to him,his mother, _ i - Cave the name of the one who died, And thus he lives in his brother, _ ' . _ l With that soul identified. . ', - ' There are many souls. around us still, . _ , c2cekingtodiest. warm and soft, Giver. a chrmee,'11 have joy and will, When the 'stork would ‘come"mcre oft. ' T Like the years of? sand in the upturned glass, , _ Amer/fall to the realms below, l So the witnesses crowd fnmthe storied past, ' . from r ' ' into flesh 't'l‘wy fain would go. _ _ Thus do thry call in the"Wornb of' Time" Following to and fro, T Like that unsung verse that seeks e rhyme, . VT . There the unborn children got V _ , (George Henry Hembley) . . . :