t _‘ l , _ o . . V ' UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. (ht point of mailing). 593 Gettude Ave. (Gertrude). Winnipeg. Man. ’ March,8 1979, hrs Sandy Moore,- “.H.2 fort Ferry, butario. Dear Mrs koore,- Thanks for your letter of Feb.26th. Yes, i guess l am the person that you are looking for in your research about this history of your district. I have done a little on histories too, and will be glad to help you.For ourVarpn11y,you should start with John Hambley,(r7ft6-r 57). and his wife Julia uane,(l796-1850).he was the John hambley who was taken prisoner by the French in the battle of' Trafalgar,and released frorTriosn after the Battle of “aterloo). He was the leader of the party of' this name,who came to the Purple Hill district in 1839-T8u).tCrom Camelford in Cornwall, Er1glarpd.chere wereno dreads of any kind,just paths through the dense bush.John's son,Williamt,'settled in beachU and Charles hambley who h had married his cousin Susanna,settled "ril'ci1eis east of the Uartwright- heach line".(Susanna was the daughter of the original aohn Hambley). Charles and ousanna lost their first son on the trip to Canada. Some years after that they had three children die of "Black .'fiicph-. -theria" in one week. dust across the road on the next concession there was a family by the name of Gibson,who also had three children died at one time, or in that dreaded epidemic,and there were no doctors in the whole district. Charles Hambley died in i865,and left three sons,William who died at age 22, Moses born 185I,and uohn,Joseph,’oorn 1855.(My father). ‘John Joseph was le years of age when his father died,John and Moses with their hother farmed that land where the row of cedar trees still stand on the farm where their Father,Charles planted them shortly after the big cyclone came through that district in f850. (It was called a tornado). John Hamtaley-married Jane McLaughlin from the Nestleton District in 187le,and they had seven daughters and two sons,all born in that rurple Hill district.*he girls were,Mary (hoffatt), Lauratythe Missionary to Lillian<Windrem),mea(Duckler)Eva(hcAvoy),Ethel(Heffren),Hazel(Delcher), two All these,and one scmyoharles and L5eorge. “ow a strange thing happened in this family,*he first boy,Charles died of whooping cough at the age of' two years,After the little boy died,Jane,his mother said,"l'll raise another boy to take his place, and she did Just that.The second boy, Charles also,was born in 1886,and his son is now living at Swan "ake “anitoba. Then in this somewhat strange story of any family,The lad George Henry died of' pneumonia at the age of' four years. My father said he died simply because the Doctor, Archer,by name,we5 drunk,and couldn't do anything to help the boy. After his death, Jane,his mother said,the senond time,"I'll bring another boy into the world to take his place", And she did exactly that. Believe it or not, All these children that A have mentioned,were born in that Purple hill district.But in IB96,in the summer, John(my father) sold the farm and moved in to PortFerry.Por about a year the family lived in an red brick house 'up on the hill',and there on Nov.13 the boy George Henry,wes born.Knd that happened to be my, the writer of this account,born hov. 131 i896. (My sister Laura took me up there to see that house and in I?20 when visited there, as a Minister of' the United Churfh,a delegate