Castleton WI Scrapbook, Volume 3, [1998], p. 15

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”an. _.. - , 2 _ ‘ led', ,2 rv. _ 2. Mtg. "= , . » :‘_ . . I - an: it“ Bi is a, REE "Ci----'-----, e/ri/ir,' " iif,stll,l,,ll, _ M5iKl irl1 I ma [Elri3i'i"iilti, . s:' _"d"r .225; . _ ' i - iii' ts,r;'iiji2c?, 1-: .,,,e,,,E,,t,,tleN k'i'ligiM. Fifi") 2 . RICHARDSON. ANNIE RENA l I2»C‘."2“.‘i" 1 Ml! 1"“‘A‘ik vi,i,irij'iis',li, 3"}: I 'rr'", a ' m d $r,'/'/e",r) r nr",-',- _ . i. - Ai?, ”.22. - " 'liMIMrR' is, tk%e 'l'e2 .,'-.. 'xr,'/v' ttii" e sacs u , wvv,)ir,ifcr,(i't-r'rc . 1 ~32’; "." - l? , , . Mendgy. Marya: l IIT; ::_'-'I.2'2 Jy ' ca'- an. E ,alllri:,'::)it'i'r',2a'i"iisi?trs:r?r,! 9.&§:§‘§§,1:93 e ;2.2 “a il B, BNN' I Sldhrook Private Hospital, Cir)?:y;rcr';r iiijri'sjEkT,55, ku, '. f: *2‘st2»€\:‘:’*2:3* iv" ' 'i)ic5lii1llrlr? Vii": .gPrhorgrg. Ontario. Fiona ":rry:'-jr',: 't1'rcttc"'-'r"/'Ir,% i" Sii'ir:M- "rudt't'ii%gSR't'r5 trg', 1f,i'Aeit" 'il/Ci' Cvfrl; 7.2.5:: i2?P, "'; "iyef,,C, wdi'6 _ - 2- , .2 a some: In her roan: ear. _,"r)'rirr/"s//, ".iii'ittij';ii,:'ii,,"), 252.29%: i "‘22. 1:21:22. fig?” Vc, 2:”??le tf; l I ‘ ‘ Fa l She had been a parien‘l at 5'eircii'sissei'ii 'iittriWitrd "irc:', " " 3 2 .4 'f,y1ri,iuEr?i8,',i, 31*‘"r‘%§r<”’“ t T t, \ 2 g Sidbrook for five years. Rena was [ffjii,i?a'l?t"j1"i'i. 22 i Ne' 9391; YT" 4 " f2: 2 2 ,,'rttsj'iii)i, "3 RT 2. ‘bsfxrs " 5:222:22 Eat 2 $2.21” w» _ _ u, I r)] (l)", , iN" l W" 'Cir/Ts'? 2*2~-2-,..2:2 'r, ~:2 , ti'): MF. l 1%.}: owls: 5,r/,?'tlr :5â€" ','Y, "t ' - M © a pradscsasttd by herhusband Nel- 1i)iv,yiiij/vr': _ Lc','):';,,',,;)),', 0:21: C F',, 2:21.511? 2:322:32?“ Cd "i'e5hj/rtt2rili?:c,r; , 's , lr1kryingmemoryvfrnyaarsor, lies H. Richardson (January to. _cri'ri'1i' fi":',",", . 'ii'?ii,tWi,.i, ck7,i,iit'iiE(fjiis "t,i:ic'ig'r? zr":4‘3§i"“t§§§§33}:1333133373‘rl'5ééjf:?3§=?'23§€32-ri‘ ' Q PeterHanna $1993) and by her six brothers. 'rv'/s'CC'y 22 " 'sh,)), 2;. LK, .2. c, 'irf5itJr', Ct'ift, 'i,s5r'vii:j,-'iiy 'i"clCre?'iyii?r,'it'it', Wiririefslii':,/'ir'v'hs,'irvi"i'"',h' it'. _ who passodawa on ul 29th, I997 Rena is survived b slster-in4aw t_'-r"a _ 2.: ' "Li('g'9 " 2 a haw-“wt; .7... _ gt. 'tiii",)),';,?-',:-,,:"::):: .2; TNr , If Y ‘3» "iirijrr1'r'i)// atWt:l:),tli,t ' 'r) y, '2'. "u,'s tc',)'?. rt f. 3‘15": "iii' kiwi}? (’2‘.“J‘3 h SJ Ateartn'rklestiornmyt_ " Hazel Rlchardson WOW” and by c,z)rrrifCiiau er: i'r'c': lr, 1,iy1/ {“22 ',1'ei'jrs'(s((,v:i'/ri, -'isf)'iti.'jj'ii:'i't'i'?i Ji'--:'-' r "I'"", A) Eachtimemythmuhtsrergrntarw. eerI nieces and nephews. ..:}§§(;;;::2»,2$§§§6‘:%9 .iii,liiriir; 1'/s , r?'*3’\€i3§"':3li:c" ,', ,2: iiii)'ii,i'iil,i'i',i,fiisi, if} Cir-tYC; . "Atmr1laetlrebswiedmeay, Rona was born In Black Gaps, _"eis,'ijii' tllmh%'rii 'East; w. 's 'cl f,rr,fsrjf)riris1t)iijsr;s'r,, 2122‘ . ii); J:s Teiti'iiii iieit tr'er" Q? .Formrheareitweephg,wo.. Quebec July 24. 1896 and was the "eiii)'a 'IENB' _)ti',4,i"' tMlm 'ai' .3121? I“. in (i ,.22.;.:,\‘~._;Â¥~ 'ir)i,/i _ .1 _ c:'; £12121. I 523235312, 'ili,lkt" Icarwmbegintosay good-bye only daughter Of Robert and Jane 2‘45: M2222»: 2:12:13: 22‘: i, :‘i.\;i.;‘f2z\i~f3v\i. 5 _'iir)'i"f"'i'i,j, try (irs?,'i?rt',?ii?Ri/ .- 0reveathirkofleuinuo, y (nee Colville) McNair. Prior to he: Irif:a 2.222%“ Bitif F 2.2:. if: 'ri:'?)'),),),),'-',)))?', 272322. ; 'Jtt _'.,r'r, (il,),",),"',"-,-:' C i'iJi'itr,r"al"ifC_/,i/cd', lamhuldhgone"rthallrnruart [ retirement In 1956 Rena had Im- t - IlMittitSii1iiimliriMiiiit ‘62:.22'lz2" thiltsg-{t‘z 1s?iij'/f,"isif,ift'siCiii(ii, __ 1 3227212? _r"ltit-', Ayearhug0nebyaMsti)llcry having giadualed trom Macdonald - itith' ita'33iiigiWtal 2:21 ['iirr'it',ttCrfaHty,,i .3. vs),!,:'-.-),)))');';',,:)-, . tist,)', (ijt,'sij/d'aris'--ttf w,ts'i_iwrix,t.iy':li's L Astlmmrtuths0istgtoreavrar. College School tor Teachers. Ste. " " T . 'imitate-limit' AW', v‘kdgugm‘w’fi‘gfik‘: "t,Ffteri-'ptr"siixrrr;, 3' 15W.-::\:'\:‘ Tetmybreakirqhesrts seemstohelleve Anne [lt BSIISVUB. Quebec in . '" ' . l“:::‘6%i,i1;§'r' . '_'jf", rif2fi\%§“;efl:fi_"" 'tNr".",,");:)-', 's)') _i?da'it,N,q, Youarahere with me today. 1916. Shit taught in schools of the " - KWSN Ree 'ii':,?,!,,:,?,'"-')'"'," : ““222 Shaillbtkrewrulorvtottorsrh,r Gasps, Shaweille, Danvills, 2Mޤg§§EWWJ2 ‘22:- IlllRi! il? Shaylbsrerevgtatttamwtsee! Granby, Delheeu and Montreal. _ tlililii"tiiiE'i"'iiifii'iliiieiiii'siii3tlllt iiif 1llllEliNBl1ilB,lalBlt'ii'igsSlSr2'fifi, - 'ilii 9 & Shalllbelievewhatlivasinmylteart! Quebec with most oi her years Ril - . "FV ' 92,11; (.22. i'dIllR,t "ii'i't'it'f?aiiE j _ K-ss, ‘\ " "atll ' Yes,lbelieveanAngeliswatchingovarme. Ioaphlng first grade. Fiona had . - . 1iMllttlllN2NI M, V ‘ ', MtE2th' ”212-22222“ - " - ‘2. Mil r1ylwekreVerMom. fended. en Cedar Street in on: , . . 219”"? . . , I . ' lt'iii)?s'(cic,liigltlh'i'i'rlt8!lM, , RE B. 2 l 'A L2. .0 , bomeSII'ICB 1”(:2 where she wasa q 2 MMieliRNNIIN 'k . . - 2.52%: P t he: 2:: , i q " " mom or o oihorne United I 2‘ - :‘l 'd , u. Mli8kitiri'ii' 3231333,: 2 ' - , _ Church and Unit d NI - ' " Iiilllm l , ’ , - , ".3334; (iii"iti"iiigi, . 'iilllliilll Jnloving memory of Women. Rena 1tl"Vllhr;1 Whil_e the oil painting is entitled "The Jazz Pianist", artist Ruth Coleman ourdearnephsw "i'?lfi'eu'lti2'l"utu1t2e Harding told US the Sublect is also her son. Peter Hanna taining lriends and relatives in her One of 17 members ot the Colborne Society of Artists, an exhibit of her Those whom we love 2r'ri/)h'Jtgr212t'vnitptl be portraits opened at the Colborne Art Gallery last Saturday. There was a . go out of sight on a:2:30pm., Saturday? 122t steady and busy stream of visitors forthe opening reception 2-4 pm. ' But never out of mind PP. mm” ta fallow ist Salem i The co-op deliberately opted to host an exhibit of ponraits for the month of They are cherished in , [ti/SUIT/teng',,': Agra"- . BC 0U re August, augmentlng the work of other co-op members. Ms. Coleman Hard- the hearts Funeral Horne, 11 King St. w: ( mg, who paints In oil tor the sense of texture also aints land s. Coimmer- Ontario. . ' p scape Of those the leav A rosident ot the area for the past SIX years, the McGilt University graduate b hi d y e -'_.r.C=r,------ of fine arts has been painting since childhood. Today, from her _studio "in e I]; P . _ " the cow pasture" near Baltimore, she is delighted with the area's ambiance Um: 5 Bill., “my” Doris page 17 and variety. and cousms, Echoing _--- The show runs at the Colborne gallery In the Old Registry Office, King Uncle Bob, Aunt Iris and 'DBlTllARIES - Street East, until the and of August. Photo by Mandy Martin cousins, Windsor Toronto. Sadly missed by granddaugh- ters Quinn and Samantha both ol _ _ 2 Toronto. A private family graveside sor- vioe was held on Wednesday, f) 29, 1998 at 3:30 o'clock. lntennent ount . . HogCamelen: Brighton. an CLARA EIJZABETH ALLEN Elizabeth Allen (nos Duncan] was 2 e born on the famiry farm in Morganston, 2ifgg/t?e fits id I: Ontario. January 11, 1914. She resided there, attending Ping Woods _ ,99. public school and Mar anslon United Fe.; . Mika Church untilshe pawl the 'antranoa' . " ali, 'IB? exams at age twelve. whereupon she AV urn; ' M. 'al%ilig and her mother and sister moyod to i,11?,tsv, i-'i'rfiii;,'ii,i/ 2 'r .. " Im tho village of Warkworth tor her to\ I T @2232“; ' V _.?,:"),);':;)")),::, iwf,r., _ isail'gE8 attend high School. Upon iuining St. "s E tice, " W155“ dtP.rl:s'ptifp, wgqrag ""' r...“ 1.2,. 8Ea tm Paul's United churchshe became vary CY J siy'li,?fte5,ii2i's, Btw' 2.3, $052,592; ' ”:22.-.2251; .2232.» ._. "/?'2m, cf actively involved with Sunday School, .ts' an _ Sis cy 5,333,423" ,tl"'ii?,i)'ji'ir',ii-: gsMtgiaMttitrk Bit 'tlBgrNi8Ntltittrigr Mm = - I” r: 'l " singing in the church choir, and particle L t l Irie, W r)'ei'ti)i'sfiiir _ r'i“ j . t " 'm - " . " , 2 92,222»; . gatingein the then very active Young [39% 2,l's7ss?jl/,:Wcri;', 2 J “33%;: r,,Ci,f2ti,li7! _ rhiiimNIM MMI _ , , . " l t)e , _ eon 's Society. While acting in the "C . 3,1,3? - 'i'iillesi""t'iiitili"lli'ti, 2', riiit%"t'r;'t,i,iEriri1 _ , '.5as%',? l C 2 . YPS annual drama presentation she R, in _sij,it'iiii",ib?,, We;" e... .1 tits'r,t, ttft:?Wik W‘s-r... e 'gr,] . . , .. - 2;.- _ -... sdE melharhusbandlobe,W.GrantAllon. " .. 22%;“ M 43$ 2 Ftrs, 1tR'fk?Xari _ '8F, _ g 3-4 that " kT . 0 F,c7,er,(i't' _ 22 2 f,itisci'tl a. Br, '.'. :22; E " F - 9 Et"iaiiiiiN awt'Wd it. . They were roamed January 23, 1932, Its “:53. 2:..212’2’& 'i'fif3S)," Ji? F Sh'gt'ig8a" a ‘2 gE%lllm' Vigil“ and resided in Warkwonh throughout T, x B'tyse' 'tl l itlii, btiSgfpt:'iti?22'r2 2223?..1 - tWI .17., . ,2 22:211., {it theirmaniage aftrvasistpsixream.lll I, V 2 as: ' 2 , , _ " 'fe"' if ‘2‘ IC'" » $illt E 17/i's1t?tr?5jerFc, “We 22:2 -2- IOBITUARIES tee, WWII“ New may“ if C "r",--". ' “2" J" _',' _'.'.. "r-" -"_r, EW, ,5 ” “3:32..'j__.;;3'. C'Cr',r', oe-,,,,'?,'----,,,",-.,,,,,. ornn'iunit ursin oma us over _ _ -, . _ V / _ _ii,it; , fl .. " 2 Irs; 2 1:11} 1 Ln " Ilh"iél=Lh' 2.1:. ,3 _:':', '. 'Y-, l , .. _ JhReelf, JOHN DEVE'ES two years Iggo, andgil was there that Cl _ /., i "ee 2 2:. ..‘ _2 ;-,.- _."r"', __r,u' 'Y'"-," . "y _ ec:,a,-ivya"aecs-lV'i","rrr" " C , ':' tthe Trenton Memorial Hospital on she passed away suddenly on 2: o,' 2.2-1" q 2 iur __ "N.“ 7 Cv",',." '; Jcsay: L751: .3: y,'fj,tc,ir"rl), "i" " V» "f, 2:... . Sunday Juiy19 1998a odes ears l c., ".trv','v, 2. : “at: .2532...» y.'::':':: ' .. 2 . rrk '5vu, l _ 'rii?iej.aii%NEejiib)seE 1253:; l. v'ism", Jahn Déwias ulnar? Bgrignron loving 8atut6ay,hWtt19(B. t km _ .. J'7 3 _ V 4'. C _.,.' . _..:.-;:2_; my -,'c.." as; isl .- _ _ tr; 'h.-' . Fit eWipaiSi2rd'-fihtlg,'a"a" r ' . . , . I s/r', 9‘ .'i.z?,i:;3112h:7\§"§2§92.' a rec? . - -‘ 22 criret ski-4,253? rE2Sa'itNi7W2fi'i.'l'd5e'iftcs, '94.; husband olSylvla(Zandslra). Dear o'leasrt?ll1zatlt'1ma1ril,th lf/ l css; 322,3 U? "i: )"rrxrr'?,fv,,s'c'cr, 2‘ C: C mafigm ttirr9, . . 'iatEht,8 ”maggot y?1rAAnpattp (Mrs. Ray We“: untiringiy to the tile of her church and r;fir?,,is')rii?,i'r,s,G ' 'ig ’ $;,, ‘2-252-,.:,,2s.2.1;g.‘~2:: tliit',hltotfgitgidtlsp2, heroomrnunity. She spearheaded iGTk iirr"c(ry'ietr', 2 n _'irargr/si'yittisi,'ic'i-y2i; . aitai5N, .7: mt iirijirg Ctbittiisiit gf, 'rYlN. C q92tet ' m, " Ot1; ll twrlBs, .. ' t ist i. i'iiri?ijttriiih an. fwfipyfimwgfig; iliiitiiI Il ?W§w~%}§§v ilr17l'rrl'l'ifilol1irsl?fdasrllJlt, Tselrl1,fI'il7lgfhl'tirl1s2",sgt R, i/?ccs',j'c-c) - c3; 2, .5:12.3-71.2?”‘,:,.;.'d,‘,"‘2;a”r",'f£3: 'e?'fJsrs':,?'Jfis%' "“hg tEEiaiiiBlaimii"itittlW'g),it Cambridge; Glraldine Dovrias, the deli f 2 'dos “Cb T,",ceyt'r'fr,r ;d E3" ,2 '_:'.; avail g~53§.:§f<1§:e22~vE§7~t2§§2m1‘.1mu‘::«.,‘.',?9‘»..-:.2‘.:h322*"2:25;*‘~';.:,2;:"~»«,.:"t“fl GE an “on: M y M D Tesurr and communitypara ' 'ftvf9',jUll mk'l'i'i' 2:2 aw‘dwe it: F2ltEtTii'iiFi' 2:2:t’ho'ihm2‘viaw2 2 g itt vunms( rg. all l° namtrtmtyafismHertoer, Lu,: 2W.::,222 am _ 2. (sir/thy";::':?-::'::?)):',') tv,"rietliiitit'r IB. _ “ irtegi5tiE' iEi'tgaitaiaiaE'aMi"i" Dvlmaga),Colborms, Dearbrnthsrol Involvement as secretary-treasurer at N #tts2'c"iiiilM.Neate, rgr‘mai: 'htiS'gftia2iiiiiiBli8NiiiMiiiiiiiiiill Arnold:Plclonikllen.Trenton:5id. the Northumberland Music Fennel a; 2‘22 I KP. r6cviki:'c.J,"iif'iit?s'.') @"t‘iif'é: .: I 'litEiii5li8'tBElMllNilllitlllIl Pr1layt!1ut.Hyitsira, Plthtmian1 mad0erknotmggo wide. herlwe it.” tN Bt 'CM, . k, It? 6.'i)2 ij-,j,iirtlitsS, Ff...» 'd F, It " IM 1%fi@M8laiXilMmWir,B, 1?1R, wad; Jane DEW“? Bellevrlle. Sadly missM of antiques 1g'gggut open her a .2222: , r,Tuttir,(i'i'iii,ie:C, g' ri'E5iii,ti,'iilii")i'r rgygzafiifi?“z lygrart1childanJtmalhatt,9ssphim, own shop. Playhouse Antiques. which 2:15.":53253e2!“}~Ԥ5§:‘:§3‘»-1“‘3‘2 _p__ 'r,?':","-;.;:-"??-?'.',",'-??,':-?,?,". _ 2222 "gtrfgrpgrgggt,'g Kw.” she entered for thirty was: My” F,'.gbC,'isTiv' 1ck2M '-1L.': 'sthi2Te ,'rrrs'tt rr- tleton is an innovative guy. He's constructed at filo/hill (i,stii!ilil,tii,'i,ilsiibtiii-, grltl2t2?tisii1sr,trgil'itn, Ernie Morrison of Cas bi d feeders on the beautiful pro . . slmction industry. hatamdyreooived vsrrwiyplik.tyte.miit!atcett,ryft ique protection system for one ot the If ith f il pd tigltihl2 t'1tghe"thl 'tl'lt two of the first Fresh-try 1flgg1 uni . . . . _ an ea n anon " . wh tho two rm: 5 arm: mate art he and wife Vi delight in landscaping and sharing w any y an slllr'ylirilhrtll'sffilf?l1llll 'lllrli't tt1lflgflsN'l"Jc1'lfull'l?/llrll'sur fr'elr’tds dt kl tills/tIll);',"!',?),'?,',,"',,'),",',"?,?),',',", Ilu/f, ,ptr,s,t),"r'vi1, “5'th Big: I . . . d shield that use 0 cover a par ng . , ' a resse every ranc in I cover IS a discarde . _ Interment Carrying Place Cemetery, Cobou Prosbetzy. Th: "132313;: greater Toronto hospital. The metal base isbtrom I manger _ Anngir. or: ",'h,'iiili)t,ii','i'iiii',Jit,s 2.. her "2.3: t', lots ree .i . the intact incu ator or a y ta "is or lil a mm" , . ans used to use madil admitted her greatest manure baby incubator. The Morris as: gygv'53tmmvgggsbgegugmg " . 5 W " r goslrngs. aste " Mr Morrison laughs. Photo bv Mandy Martin Gram; sons Garth, Bryce and “ugh. "N th oes to W , . tor-in-law. Janice; grandchildren. o mg g Johanna. Hillary. and Nathan: sister, ' 2». Mabel Wallard; and niece. Jane _-" L“. 2 ”Well“ i 2 - 41.;

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