Castleton WI Scrapbook, Volume 3, [1998], p. 45

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THE COLBORNE CHFIONI F ocus '-E--Thursay, September 17, 1998 -9 Holman borgitg ni? ti) L L BR' At! L L ttrs L ' a 'dal tui - r, r e Iillll1ittilit' .111. amt o ace 'ill-Ill! gi ' _. ( BY MANDY M TIN p.eople,assigr1ed to keep the dogs tracked on r ' 'tll , - lt, , 'L Ms: L' _iii,i,'i'iii_'vi_,iiii,i, STAFF WRITER :18 mam scent rather than bounding after rab- 'sh' Tr, s. "'i,' ' -. _ 'l' "l ,i,i',srtiiijiii"cijii " . . its and oth . N " 'p, . -- . Nur vr/stus, a . C '<'L y, v.o_,'rt iti.'iti'a L big huglthg'm-Inds balling, horses whinnying, off. er distractions, the group heads , diff; iii9, Ct " , e as, rss,,:;,:?,,,:?,:,),?)':,:,),),, .. - “333$”??? Slain. 'L 'kit. ')iil . mg Olin sounding, south Cramahe Town- Fi - . . . . Nlit - .9. .. Fm .._.-Q‘9;,;=:39Â¥~fâ€"§-$§ iiéiaf‘veQWchi‘V $5.. L’ "L _ “($153. 'ti?, L ship residents could be f ' Irst time or less experienced riders bring Eai'i's ENE, ”we: " fifié~fifi®filfidfi L ( f L .gglfiytéilggér; 'tfr' _:i1ii'i,isiii,rciiij,i,i'i',"- _sj,i,i7)aa'i! incredulit as the . li orgiven for up the rear, the better to observe and allow it8IMi "i'iKiiiiiai%ia RI _ ngfimgfigfiQ'LLL'L hr, wfflgfifim LL39" 7 X _,rrjif,?,iti'?s' 'id4it " coated twin If! "dfe)i,',',d, the flash of red.. their horses to gain in experience Mill! IR' in? or [2',ft,"iiiii"iiiil, 1 'e,'4s"st,,ii'ii':)'iit1,'ii. ' .9 ($673. 9:33 9:" iisk t m- 73??" i? . 2 Dr! e t to sand in CD ' d . . . [EN " t li "no kW! 49.33,. :':s,'j'i9f.:: , L,i2 's1rt,riiiutrAf,-P,, "L' L("' Rh' L'L'L': L LL' last Sunday mornin . it 'l:',: » d m flel s With the new club area extending from EN il, I . .2er iEi1l 'Mh'iftrj. l L; "r?" flit": ..tfiLLIflEA? Ttws, F.,'). , Hunt g s, m eed, a Fox Newcastle north to Millbrook and east to iial bi? 1l,ElllliBiiiit, legs: ht Mt tirf.'l Sh' "12 'fsilji'i'tCt?it “it?" L3 iii,iiii " 'i?i8, . . WW I E F " . ", _ . ,." '2 th . z... , 1 sch . 9 "hi' “i .. t9 . Branscombe Road residents Suzanne and Iiitlte,t, Sunday's riders came from Picton, L' t Ra1Bttl " 13$?" L'; "r'ktggtE',lie',tti"ft L ' "" i,.,'),', "ii'ii'i"iil'4iii!i!,t LL" . . . " . w”, .7.- _ yrs .. " ., Mth ‘2} I'. ©BSE -' . MM ' " Alex Dow hosted the to ready for the first 1 brook, Bethany, Cramahe Township, 'il . 'iM' ES' , i% _. _ .9 1151-39: trr. sti9i'iykrsatMBi' 're' e E l informal fox hunt of the f n idi common, Stirling and points in between. BS " 'll1mlirk' 2B. 2? IB, rl;li'iiit%rsiiti',?ii1 $,tete'frs?'s1.'?.)3jaGi'iR the Bethany 1ui'/lJFvd'tel,1cr1rhnd if??? of “The hunt last from two to three hours," Mt 3" S', ili& . l E%8lfti)'ii, '.. 'tiiiis%Mi$lB8i,' i.) WW 1lRI5? . sunday mornin F 9 It ll ast explains Suzanne Dow. "We stop for refresh. 13%;: . Ril Melee-97"": '* k, Ari' Bti El, JtfaiQ ”Q’cfifi'w lowing horse "giersro? 1ogit: trucks ment part way through and then proceed to ' , M, , cs‘hlé-i,‘ v- M, .3qu9 . G btd f til% 'Sit . fiMlMilili11 'iiStiit,i, , . . 8 ..o . - . . " J " -., rr . .- . . . - 15 Rhilt V incline of Brans f 111;“: t e las"steep the end. Then, a breakfast is served which is . . 9.3 ML', ggr, in Ta b' - egg , _ 'PPT.., “‘- [at" "., 93'. "fi' lar tu Mllrs) It 'E‘aig'g Bra b com e Dad to “me at more like a buffet, It's just a reat'da ith tt:iailE:yit; TSi), [i 1% 53W“ liNt r :'iti'),1t',1btiifris'ts3, [iiiiigk2y;t.t= t , a" , MBT, r nscom e Forge, the home of Suzanne and reall ni " g y WI . BEh.igii:'ii' JB. Java," ",'ti2 _ Q It' a: 'ti giMttt " iilMEa Alex Dow. As the horses were unloaded the The Les _PeoPle. 4-." & li St. _ 9'9. " ‘ 81NI . z... 'i5; » 'a AM "if" tcA _ Ctdt.3%1i _ 'ii?,'Eereb',P,, ' . £3? ra' ' . . , l mgtso ent lli t d 9.9;. .2 b',ff'i'i'izfgiVSu,'ii?i' _ 9...; 'tEr,ttgsFgTdai - t2rtt?r?,jctp.'??s' 'i%rE, ."'»"-”’* --"'“ ' alarm P O a in ereste , , PM ' .. ,. ... C; 9.“... Aprt'.q . . als were readied for.the ride, the owners even if you don't rid h . and, gir 1,3, ' $21.. riii,fi'it?s7i3'iasi, 'iili? tt' wa T, aw, ..z Frdie,9 fdrA ‘.-'.. -' ' trarsmrrr.1ingthemselvesintopictare-posteard isalotoffun h ide,thesocialmembership ..Q.IW?1§3$‘§‘:'M‘&;&Ag-gm- ’9. - ' " I"tEr',5y'?'titTii't'i'gi "" , " a riders . . ..S enotes. F,stii', Esyrii,ke.t1,"i:irefs'.rCi?2'j' Met', W,giiy'iH8 V '_.. L? KI. Eff." Fir?r'p.'f/1 L , . f 'Ire) ter-y ru "d and cagisplendent m breeches, boots, jackets "The annual Hunt Ball is being held Octo- Essa ' MWM’9é23geiw'Xfi": ; ii'iiiiitiii)'d t)ii.':stijf'g"i fg'VEléLflfifxfi‘fi' ' . 'sri: .fj'-'r'i?iiqj',i', 'ilfip.i Tr: 'dt 99.91- I 'i'j',riPattits?s, f' Br _‘e .‘ itil: Aui'?, bi'i7irfirst:'(id "We don't chase or hunt a real fox " by 24 at the Grafton Inn this year. It's a 8 ..Wfiméfiggggzg-ififiqfloflxe 9""‘5‘1’15‘M‘; Suzanne Dow explains, "ft's really “drag" ei),"'lievrdlilsy, ',ig.'sg, 1n formal wear and fifwwwflwwlflétw‘l .. ,,""'j"f f?lii(c? _'t; Vr‘vfiw‘géfifi'figy‘g‘gd ' . e was...»r1»._.=l:,=.:s-‘:‘.e“;L¢'l:.-,'.L2;9» tc'i:cC_'v'sii'is,r'wj,r" vt- y'rr: '92- I c, , " l: 71"?“ """7' . ‘7’ " co; ringing. Just before the 1tparyre, I go out events like that anymore :11": I" too many Fifilifryjjng.3.- :..V ~n,-;,-;"lé.,--;'59‘9ft,:ja". fyfv' Jtri:,iir/it (1rr, 2nrrr,, Ct-ii, _ . an rag a scent on Properties throughout the can buy tickets " ' y 0 y can come, 37:15:112'3} 'iiii'"l,ri_"s,"_,_,j,'/r'-, 'in,'" 'i,; rriiir'v),r,rrfi'srjr'i'rr,"; 'ya w'. e,V" ' V" er'.-- L ":e C I "C" ':" I', "// I"': L'LLL'L . . . . :9... ", c" _-r' 9.13.» Ix ',", 'ri" ,. ,1... 99.9. 7.1» 2 /rt' .‘i r-'r' " "New wr. -“-. -V‘ “" w" 35:331.: 31cm“ ."' a mixture of fox an“, staunch interest started when herf th ”$31, “@.;Z;?if.i29’.‘;{} tjd/rail: , N C vi,:"" rrc.cjia'irvrsr. J' s. y;;».;..:~',::. ' an “mm the pack of hounds can involved her ith h . a er 9Q§Q§3.,Ee9g~:y-»‘.,e.; i'?ilr4 V.,:':, 'vs." 3.99:, -rp'rucca' f; ':r'1r_,' pick up and follow." yo w. t e Bethany Hills Club asa ; 3;:.‘-E /j"r-vr1 (rrirrr: ""3 'L'L ‘5’?" .' L'LLL "r) ', l ",ie 'rr","' There is o Ling woman, and then at Kin stun wher . wr {if (rf,i",/riiri,ss'cj' 1'yii" ‘3r13,;{i"f5.'-9~j'=.if C, rd L 'e 'r, ",'., in" " "s I, "LL'L"'LL'L'LLL "'_y'e I-si' "Cys: , f f'."".", protocol. Only men she formerly lived Al D g . e f KtWscis?;rrsj"r/rjsi",/j, v".,.", -,/-C, 'vfirr',r',rrir /ts . "rr,rv'Cricci'c' 192...! cs:rly, stsrvysierrs:":r" 939:»: can wear the red Jackets. They are the "Mas, trade is an id 'd' a: h ow, a farmer by r?, "qisri'ii',pjirl',ris')si'tiir; '/de"rfrtrsta, //'y'f//'yr? 'y' l. L . TV 1"r:.' _ L l "L rr" *le>'¢-'-’=‘“’L Fy.,' ters" namedb , . , aw n er an t e cou le's ou 3.)».Eryn-If1.‘:-'"““,".L:LT}~Zl,’§f"'§.€"'«:i-:»2 .3 ”91.3 _ l ') V ; 991:.“ _ l _rvc' 'c,' . _rr".ri' Jrlg" .‘L tors y the hunt club 5 board of direc- son William, 6, was mounted andJ 'iid #5.? £331.12. ". "pifrsiic'iitY. 'iii/iv-Irv/i-,),-')';,,'))':-.)',, " ' "i/c': l J." 'r,-' L ' L v' :', l, ' cr, L' :,r"i-"s 'L LL'L'LLLL I: i",' . oily in lastSamrd , mg IS .-g;:Ԥ2~.7_,«..t».;-'11:63:» jr"' s,' /r,, .i. L "c/v-ici,) L L "rt') LLLL"L"L' if Wu give extra time and effort, above . p ay s event. Eif,ii,',)'j:i,/:r,',,v)ilt L39. _/,,1,r"':' "lfv,;r)i'j,/r /ijiirs/ "r/ri-":"' r,rr:rr"vs.,r))riii. ," if; f‘ 2 c?" ’39.». f 3:39: ti, ordlnayggou are then awarded with '.'. ' T Q . i,'% "ga'iia' , ' i 'id, 'i,, d %(}§,V.9";;le l _ /', _.., 'L-' »(f- If“; \-- , _ ce'".". I' 2 ",,U _ "s' -"-, co ours," I. ole explains "You can wea T 1. c. -. , L _ _ T . - "ixuet.i " VL‘L 'sgultihsai, Cy L"" _ ' 'L "'e, c), s,4sw . r l H I . _ I T 'rMrrAq T $8tthgtNa, .9 " . _ a . WR-m'; :99»... ' .l raw-H J. Nsi :he red cost and the club colours on your col.. td " 9.3;" _ C _ /' ' . _ _ ' 1lt2llEmltili'flr2igt4lirtttii' iegt) 'tti tfili k't at." I '39 " Q... ‘ _ _ ". . " "- ‘ t " " " EN "V LI , ' " - - ' in? V" IN'4, _ _ c. . h The Bethany Human“ Club colour was ,Q ..Q” At', a" _ . . . , LEFT. f "stirrup cup" ot sherry is sewed to all hunt Cirzesyt‘fgold. burgundy for the Frontenac Mi Mliiati iriirt, n _ Fiiit participants before heading out with hounds tram It . ith the two gr0upsamaigarnatingthis I M% BE/i Iaia'tatii'fr 'a/Es/ar, 'rcC; 9-3 we». the farm of Suzanne and Alex Dow of Cramahe Yeamhe colour flashes are mixed. iiBEtiEt' 'a1tli,atiiii "sri"rliititi"i' L "Ei'r(7jEi518éiBli Township. . " ' = 9. " , . Ware; , _ cc 'tiTiy* K' TWA " " Women IThis: wear ablack Jacket for the "9‘,” Tf. B.ciii1iiiiii, . . MK 9 L ' [i"),':)),);")',',!,"'),,?)),", Photos by Mand M rti formal hunting events. Otherwise, both men , , ', iia, PAF, iii ' T, [thill) , " IN' "c'gLYir,iiTi%i? -., . c, rrC - _ it"; C,'),, and women are tp wear"rat-catcher" jackets - “J” Jaw. . . 2, l. 1‘, '3”. , Tggi K' - 11" LC,', IE ?lL.;€""-":@‘é '3’"? a "dectfdiill ' L + LW" tweeds. $22394. FE ga' 'i/ii'1'isjd" -’ 431.? "'4" , '71-” - itiMiE KY V L 2&3‘» (iii!li!gl, Etlil Q i ' . ., '87 a liikiic, 9-3.». .9 - a Kr'.riiA Te2Fiet - -~ _ iiiE5/a= ' '" ' " Psi, ' - L- "I B8ltt - Family membership for the year is $600, 992' - q J _hstiijtaiit"ig M. . ' E? E l - Eiir',yi"ij) All}. i}; ”hula - iEi'a'aiW,8 'lrE"iliMllll s' "L”! $350 for adult and $150 forJ . . .. . td 'e. ' 2.2,». M, " , x , " ' . V BE - _ f" 'FM. r '.1 . , _ 96;." 'd, ' iE51. Li' iMhi1 "I , I “mm rider. tercl fi.9_ 'am "hi “kwkéé lar p F. ' XE J" a 'tf . 'Ere " : - ' 2 72 ' t s qurte a good deal. You can go out Erfiii",i'i'ii . i'A r 7"”?‘r‘, 2, ll , tl «4 it'rE"iiit' " "L3 'tth" LL 'e, 3 L . a. " a?S L 'C.'Ki'-'Tj' " ' tw . . . "9... - " dk: " . 9.29.2. . “my: . ”a ' . _ " pi, Maud " "" F.h2 L - V d ' iceaweekduringthes v... _ r. 9. "j, lie' 9. .i - 3:9 EgUi, . - _ Si 4.. .rr a. _ ot- W'.PT -'- MK', ' 4""? Fd " L the an 1 fl pnng and thll,plus {.9 . I g 2, .9; Fr. - g e MU. wr Rq Irul =' IR . refer 'tt':ii;rrsr"sr- : ii 2 .. iilaRFit t:t ‘ ""' ., S ("e, "mam every year,"notes i5,iFv5,ifiil?:li li? "tPLO, " w,'s,ls;';'ii,il.' = ' ')'t:,'its11'it. , ",r, EW, 'r, 3.4 rai'g?)'ptjii",),, l RI " " Stl L ‘l' ’ 'Ili) L" uzamle. There are also social members. For 'it':,')",?))?,,;)):'.-"; , 'iii "7 ti,iFiiici",iiji"i' "" 'iii' §§g:‘§§:#.§' t "L" F ttt LL LL r", LL'L'L'T LL L'iL'L'y'L'"L a k 'riir?')il, L "" 'ii)) 550 a year, after every hunt, there's a break.. *~ Tre ijili: ilt'iiii':,'iii,ri,,'s',iiti" , 3 5?»! hf”: L 'li' I ‘71? f: q " "it? L "'1'" ii @"L""' '31:} L rr fir, LE A' " F ' ' . . .... Ne. Mr15?trii' . . i' r7trst 'yCis?i',ic.s1"irfitt/t"d,lrstd he " IL" , 9- _ LL LLL L m, ' LL sy', ' , ' l LL l "rr. if t fast which ispiten a real feast, and a potluck "rt'iiiWlr2iii w.».2-99, , I _ -, ttetifr? X‘lafifimwil» ill , l“ i’ q .. C-", ~‘L trj' ‘2' a s. ilEg If "L . if , tn T, event other ttmes. There's always a "stirrup" F,,tcigiii?cl2sEt5 Eri r'i'r'] Lii] l 9 Tr. militias"-',:":-,,"-,,'?)):');')?,, J, 9 ig .' , al " , _i.:ii.Vi.. , IIS' .; . Attr. _'i: a»), W','; _ " ll .- cup before leaving. You can _ t IF,e='ra . . .‘ng, "sT,y', .9. . '5'iy"iT7.P-, ."-'“--.,.".l Ut"d V; .94.?» "a, i- LI " ’ .‘ . ' g P, enjoy thedayn Jus Come and lg; . ' I ref:?,'ictr'l7, 2 " l', "Aa'", ‘Fgfwfiz'fim‘fifl SI iig RE ','s;t 't:'ii)ii'.',.i L Kt! _' , 'rhill " '. ' L L 'ru . , tTv, . .. "XL") ' _..» 9334237». fad. , wr"' _ CA iisd-iryircr7ci,'rs'ure I Us. IP, IR rd I 's,C2, L' ', " ' LL L ' " L L l l l A1 F Wsmty -.. tFtritr51i'iiiseiutisrtle 3.459.. gram Uzi» ., l ' Q; ' I k' » . Cir-ities, " , Et, _ J t " A ' . cost 10?:1?en:bersmp finds go to cover the iiliti"ii'j a "iéfifil' 'ss%'iirj'i)i/i,'i,?yt,k,7i?,r,RtW,ai,r6, as); E y' lf, r': 53 N! il r') . . ',)',,r:x,)':'i'iav)',(; “,- I, H qr m “mug t e 30 En lish Fox were...» .L Q 'l,9, s";”' 9 kW':'.:' 9,. 'th; tte. siiiriifipeitciiirir"s,%ii r Itm ;. " 'rr" " "i, l . Ir: f ' “WV: . m' '3’} ' C ' , H.ouncls which accompany the g aviator“ - 9sfiem54§l$hn&$fi3’£” 'L'L".e-":3i‘*.LL‘€" 'aii'i'iE I,ii L" 'll/hr, , "LL 's'stitC4tri " LR} , _', " . . ' _..- -.,:"‘r:' " c. Tr ....~.-.:.. l' " a ",rct,Wd FY ' L LL E' , L 1' ', 'L 'L' e riders on their cross-country lltlllmii ,9»; 999-9,- C _ .9. -... 9 . u ' I ri rel-95'." ', ' 'N t" 4""L'L'LL'LL \L'L‘T'"; ica treks. Ri r". Ilti3tirkt' t "eifia'r','iis?,"trfcitc?,b, J (ii'; ',jfiis)'riii,ii'fif,1 'r'iirry,,.E', L "’ rrie)ri,8s'mB T We. 'LL"L‘L “7‘5”? ' " . “Wekeeplhehoundsinaf Mieitig ~- k ,.r.:§§£§;;g'wiflifiw: L Ll: M' 3.2-1}. Iri "MF, Eg e "" Jrt,()ltrti"rs:rc: i's' I ar)) -ii - " . 19,-,- * ggNli5: . * Ltep) = GWr% 9.5,, ma; = b' -: ' " f? "' a', "_, I' ' 'LLL mer dairy barn," Master of tolls IliiE .lttt . yin“: _ aeeflty, we... 'figié‘éffp’nfif . , IEr'e' .‘XLIJ' [W,, g i'iel ' , l I' g '54 lit t ‘A-f" ii'sr/ftjs'/ cri,'iccll, l. 23:? Ralph Cole of Mill, Mtl 'iiit'tjiis'i'i,ifiiiirssi, Afifiié’ffi'fi‘fig‘lrz iii 'iitiiiiiiili, 1 i5g-!stiti,5i,'i,'i1 'i/iiihr,,i/: _), Cir"?!': C n; 't'i'i?j': "'icj,ir'i'jciii,i,'ii/'sv""lri, _ . o explains The h ate-9 s19: . 9 r?iriii :9. 9999» 'is't,ii,e,'ilel,if,li?iri"'aaq, EM"! w, if") ', , " Cy, (if, L Cr ' 'cr:"? L , ;% LL LL 'L L'LLLL' sTH v'-ur,r' LL" L . . ounds .qNGae', git-ӎ ata, r?i5%1tWS"ir),'i "LW."g?gsilit2tsi'i's, Wei-4.36”“ Mid' BiMiNBM Wg ae " l; 'fr/lc, 3.5»? ', “a”. .9... C _ F C Lt.' .. ,V‘g-‘r'. C . T.4ar 9 anxmus to be oitt , T - .rmE " F “a; 2 . WW.': 'm . i',)t'i',ii'tri'ti;i,tift,,: $342.62. Sh' ' 'MFI.. saw”, 991.9%“; £9117, . f 5.1;. Fu", 1’5! t , . , Y, Tu E ably/“W . or a t "tiiw,. Matte " 33351? R 'W,, 9.12.} r.',. Fstt2ii A _ 9‘s»... 'Etalill. . _ ttttt I att c, Aeciyi1mc)ir, , -k' /t,clv,fe, a”? “W - _ 's, . - l 91.2.“. gtiettjijit,i'.ii,iC'i'd'd'd' “9999-9393992... "ieiiii)'ii'i'i' 'd “3a iiig _ _tiililil; ",l,iilits'ie,',i.rc,:f:,'is, if" ',",rrr, s', ”'9' LL /irj, cr w, Fttanslmttruek .9». EgiRttB, ia"ltiie5?fei,8r:t9iti', t u "git., ik Mit Flu-3:32.15" - hetltitl . 7'34} 'riii"uc'):r,irifs Vi" " ("'LLLL'L' Ir. ,.r-r,', L L "L"" L tt 9. . a. 'Mffihi. " ~29? _ 3taNR, ',Sk"ri- 1.EeLrtit"ifrers'i. .1999“ - MtEr, ca we? I /tiCtri'cf '.4yi? c' lea-.91: 34:29.»:- _ - Ar 'LL""L" . L nan'iverlleone ofthern has "ililllilll,iiittillii,iifiii!,lli, ',i'iitl,rji'ffii"it:it,i", ",i'ii'v,'ii',iiri'))itsi'i'tiiliilill lat 1lEY " (l Ilh'8 _'i',if)i)ii,r',i'i'i",ci', (ifij't/si, 'yiCefj, e,i,'i/,rct1.srrra, a::,'),";,),')),),,;',:,),',, _s:'-r.'"g . y're tr . EIR?, r: MMi ,- " " j,ara'i,i1'i it' . F, 2'1; 's - I”: R'atilEl- IMY -:' ‘ " I (tir/ia;'??,-:.;,'; Wt _ _ it“??? ctt.1i,yed1e"rs Ir'" l " 1hr'/i, LL Igor . ' to the different amed to come iiiliilEii88iie viit"tt8"gAa'ii,'4g'i'r,',,, 3”=..§3..;,-.§., fi MiglltNill 13213.??? N «ti j'r':i'ihi'ii,1riiiii, 5;” ('39; ttiii) 'fjsii'j'itjt,ii,i(t't: ki)fiitij) "f L'LML” g ' homlbmw ' sounds of the '8885S “Life-91‘ "itiiti(,'iJ'i'- * .»,.."LL'3"L I?d'/s. W93" \Kagiri'ti Eiiig.lliiigil EltNiil "rrrs, ', .3- . , 'ii/iii,??:!,;'),";), , . 's"it) 'ipi5,ifi/s' 2"Us'2i2i)ii, ' .". ,' , - Ralph a _,trigi,t,tttt?, 'ljtli,tili,!,,t,'iii,.1_, rwfi9wzfi ai!, Tr.,. EF' MkNt, tam " B, ,", ' ӎ? ““Séglasg; JtTji,i,i'i1ii We!"“egfig'V‘r'iff‘aLL47 " " - . n l . WfWE0, ltr' 'i:iief'i'ifs'cier'iy '.:"i1'f's)rr;rriifry":iWiari',t,r "ti?, ' . Ji'fic',r,rJ.f,i'fi?gMWq 'rs 1;»: am . KR, m?, fi. $6553.31; f M. ',rfip3y, ”iv r', ' , r Trp. .e iF,', raised and Ile', Shle have l'..l~:;;...-‘fsll.%'<‘f' rri',cC:', c/',ii')i:i"y,iiries'i)ij; Mt/ Gigi 'SFS "i/i)ti'i'h'trr,rilr/yeS il.tiiRittl tl 'ii?tif F,,itar'sij, CSI'?, 'irrtiii' Fh6't'iff?i5yr?ssi') ' VWF, " 'LL'EL'H'g L hounds f lhlalned the Mt,i2)'i'it'i'fi'ftjs,:,', 9:33. j'" Cs/ii/jst"?';?: a" ' 11L $'iiElsr,Tj',gl f Fall; ryEric'er,,is,')j'i'i,c',ri4 _ _ Pg, , " $5., I _. F" 'r , .2 W,f, i'ii1:'ariir'jljfiiliiiif. "593:9? “ -- T.?,' .3345» L” now ' m chrseto 40 years }”'f92;9,’9”»~ , 1, iilRfg 9.5:; 'sg-ill';)).',;,?):':)'",;:','.;")-] J, ii2F')ci"t" , = , N, Wr, . 5-1}; g;Efifh'ffi‘h'3Wt‘al‘hfifi’lfilggéég‘inf i', " . RStt 'tet, '.5tJfi.ryiiiijyir,f1'tjy "o' , 3'95..- 1?M ' l» wry-.9 ht , .. " J}?\ . 'rsr1'rii5, 9 F4l 3-, , 9:74 » 'sCgtiirl' [',,eriiii'it.i)i'rl',iiiiiCiii .-.-9 {13... H, , .3. We Novelist-1 It 'tigl ' _ "sy'ik" V, E, . ' réiritg'tf ‘5” gym. . IWig , ’ ls... a: my“ ' 99.; -" 2. vf3,'d?K,s, . i'?'shr'//iir)."i)?ii'if?is',iil' 99‘ Ml“ P L , unlsm Mh"ir, :” " . c... ll" rr P, . A'b'r 99.1.3 .- ll B, BE 'aim \-.=; .3th ‘92§‘..a”..e‘.,.Ȥr.;‘ '91-», “l 'fi?f,.ii'ti.iit),tj,f,ii"vt: the» a we". ' ' says. an Cole 1lrliea iti, u, «a g Wd " NT .91, 'iii' © Mrliw .... . - ..l .99., 3! r, KWH' _, CP, .., F, Pt Akhi weir-”(9 IW,'g w » " _ - . - E , l I. A.. til GP ' Ta " A. 94”.. .' IE u... " " " Mm we» %er4lfl, Ttts 'df-, "-- "KC' F, Va.- "LLL'LLML ct rrt3,'r.71l4.ii1?,1't 'fK The club has! i. I iitvt3lillEilt) so... __.99-,-2_ Pu'. Bllllil iitlJ5 ring-9 itiri 'llSi%lil " 91:5...”J‘finaei'filfiyjugh‘fif'fgfi weekly, Wellness; “Ms twice t " 'am , 5‘15 . b5 2973’ ling; iilllil ill ll"? Illlltiilllgliitii " 8tiiraiit3, i"gE2% " Lefff/dift?t)it.j 'I tit').).)) ' ' a s iN , . his“: Ar , " 'rNI' , ' MtlmirEttBi " 'tM-S-t J. ggi ' - A" ' ' .._ L ' L 'rt,Y,2i,',t, ji'i'p"t';1eragSt',t IilifMl . llttl'il$ll51 q - , a .133 ij..m a r, Illliii4 Ilil!aiaiiiiii . Gloria and tsngariitrfetHrm (retired) Gordon Sell- minimum and again iT,tl1, 1' M“, ' 10%; BlX '1ts't1,tr,im,ir',.,!8d , at} m'8,"t)i' - Al , , - " {3-9; are of Frontenac ready for the tirst foray at fox Emng' Eights each Mai ttieiiilll . . " _ " , .3"'L"79'37.».’I'V~«4€9., ng‘L a, 1tlt L 1NMI, . ' ' l BI hunting tor the Bethany mug and Frontenac Hunt , w " . T. .epr, was? if; ": _ l yu' 3.2.3- A (ri,Cyr',% . ' L L tt © , from Jd Sam... message: a: . I g99h-€:T9%§ewwm9eh9h . lit .9. Iiiikil, ' In Cramahe Township Sunday mornlng. the char aster lead- RM, 5.221%:9’399m“erg”,‘r,§v9‘g»‘-":1""x?- c930,?" 2 23-min. ms llGi , -‘-.2rv:;;';.:-l.i..~ 'tyi-rr"",',, ”Jae-*3? Vow.M9.Vels‘z»r“3'3"LE-ViԤ " 8, L = levied by helpers moan sherry ' "qe-lt%itigt)i),'lti'/r,cirj,; [ r»’é'ifil‘éé'll‘ngi’il'k'”fi“"'“‘nm‘$m'”L it F,t'f; omfted th the mounted 9 9 .99....» . = 3 iCt';yi/r?,"Wlyr'jb? Vol-1» list ‘ ' release Jr the Blimp moved ff riders. Thus Ba i d . BaEElCimi 2teic"GC; to “will the Bellhng an bounding, the 30 Engllsh Fox Hounds Of the the Burn 'Ill,'; Mses In the grog, “lined and be any Hills and Frotenanc Hunt Club lead hunt club mem- hunting humm-With seVeral did. circling of 'll 'T. the scent (real foxes are safe) laid to mark the route , and help from a ts Iran the e first informal hunt ride of the fall season Sunday morn- ' the winners" ing. ' ,

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