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' 'iUcirt,?tM, 'ifiifr8, ',, T"', ' . N '2' f' , 533211333 l 1re;vvdry9. 3~ " R , '= ck, tR ' 'ui-file/C, _":' 3. 'i", 2.. . ' ( J (tE #3632433»? 1.7â€â€œ . 433.32% ' " rk"i'Q),il)itrf'rtst) wr , Mt, . "' 3" 1335!; 1 /tsr)vr/;"vr:H, ' t , ' “ A?.'.? - . . _ 33.; v,'viggtl . l IE' "32% ' 'rir:cfrCrrji',r'i)iistri"e; Ld'! 3 ‘ _‘(h-- 'r%S,FJT,llr,, '-' i l - y/d t, , as. . "t 'cv/rj?-,::??)',')',',','.:")'),:?,,' ", #34333 'ter, 'ste,',')'?""")?:',':)),)', "'yxfr',"rj'ij"frr " Colborne Public School visited Colborne Art Gallery last Thursday afternoon with teacher Peter North. Gallery decent and artist member Wilhelmina Kennedy challenged students to regard art works as another form of language. Photo by Mandy Martin you analyze the subject matter." ing, with its colour isn't used School and lend a paper macho BY MANDY MARTIN The challenge issued to for anything, so sometimes we sculpting class on February STAFF WRITER select a painting or sculpture have trouble understanding, or 25th. That is something 1 really ' Grade 8 students of Col- that stirs a personal feeling, the appreciating it at first, look at enjoy doing, working with the home Public School learned a young people disperse through- the colour, the texture in the young people." ', new “language†last Thursday out the three rooms of the brush strikes. What does the Her offer was quickly and ,' afternoon and it didn't require gallery. colour enthusiastically accepted. visiting another country or There _ say? What "This makes me so happy, to fund-raising for months. All it were ques- " us the fch- have this gallery used by peo- took was a walk to the Col- tIons about These thin we? pie in the village," says Wil- horne Art Gallery, these If“ . gs Sometimes helmina. "There is the language of works, Wil- are silent there are For a photo, the group speaking and of writing," helyirw r n? wyfs quickly pointed to the Kemp Gallery doccnt Wilhelmina P1iles, mov- but th l . for 'RT- Kieffer large canvass of - 'Kcuneliy"explains to the atten- â€133°, two , ey a SO tual things, "Ragged Rapids" for a buck- tivc "tulip. "minimalist' " and these drop. The kids had been taken â€The“: things" she points-t0 paintings. . have a language paintings with its realism, the technique the paintings and sculptures, The h -7i)iff,efrnina jfezmec/y hfeathiillf oglccilourhon cilour and the vts. ""are silent, but they also have a meme rome . I e rus stro es, lan uage It's different than oblongs Intz- - -t.-, fsked ‘They compared the work 3' 1'l'1'i1 {or the written word zled the young people. Why no one picked a piece a with Group of Seven paintings it“ 2'd have a language of "l pointed out the earth sculpture to identify an emo- they are aware of," Wilhelmina 2', Il', tr" tones of the colour, and the tex- tional response, one young man Kennedy notes. "So you see, I s latter. one's hooked They lure of the work, the shape, and explained, "Because l don’t they already have knowledge." are as“); to J,irit' a painting the thin border around one of know how you do that, what Understanding a new, silent Ci/ici/iii/tiii/r senses - the works," Wilhelmina notes. it's made of." language was an eye-opener for njikcs them happy sad stirs "I noted that a vase nearby was "Most ofthe students have the group. _ . lhleii' emotions , , of the same colour and yet, worked with paints or draw- "l'm Just tickled pink," the "That is most imporlant: the because it's a vase, we can use ing," Wilhelmina notes. "So, I elated gallery amen: enthused at N . ' i i . . . . ' . .,,' - dt 0 to the the end ofthc our- on1 visit. gf i) senstiig m the painting before it for something, but he pamt have volunteerc o g g _ e I. -- --., Ҡ_ -- y - _1 F tii-