There‘s going to be a b CRAMAH EBRIEFS CéAanue eszraewicie 8210000 as its March 30 installâ€" _ board (comprised 1 e mmmaemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmteiieniieiaieretcmmmmmmmm . NCE Of hC (2% 4OllATS; thC memb reaap ce o The _l 9_99 annual Association $453,563.19 were approved b Ontario Provincial Po!i,ce can toell;S ofbolh ces of Municipalities of Ontario will _ Cramahe Township council M);rch $71,000, and $8,700 (50 per cent _ toj Clhgr 'alit(l)(}v evieginge be held A_Ugusi 22â€"25 in Toronto. _ 15 â€" with some easing words from _ Of 1999 levy) to the Lower Trent gFm‘ 19139 thO' oufe. : This year‘s annual municipal Clerk Administrator Gerry Morriâ€" _ Region Conservation Authority iying $35,050 e _ r Gerry Morri 1OH1Y. approved paying $35,039.64 powâ€"wow, marking the 125th sort In addition, the township‘s including PST and GST, as it. anniversary of the association, is "That includes our first payâ€" final payment as its share of the Pfcmiufff‘" h: Aias changing conference location ments due for 1999 for education, __ New Colborneâ€"Cramahe Fire The fi Jco:f‘?mgel i from the Royal York Hotel to the _ Northumberland County and ‘ _ Department pumper truck was also mo"rm ?: rpiongs | \(’)VCS[O]3 kgrboqr CTflSl!c Hotel on _ policing," he reassured council approved for $89,000. January 'i:lfi‘:g?‘ l;)f’e"c“::)r’“lgz:"l l(lio S ueen‘s Quay in Toronto. members. omm align with the municipal fise. Accounts payable totalling The county will receive If the a{nalgamated municipaliâ€" _ year. Previously, the i[r’rsurancflé ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"nmmnittsssmmmmnne.. .l emmmmm =â€"==â€"â€"â€"we ties of Cramahe Townâ€" coverage was for April through ship and Colbone Vilâ€" April. Even with only nine months lage are going to realize _ to pay for in 1999, the township‘s _ | zlfé;sl[;s:w_ng in msu;â€" [999dir:|£sgurance cost is an estiâ€" o remiums postâ€"Janâ€" _ mated $900 less than 12‘ months anmpes: & 7 3 Fi 2 Nf _,_:% Eug, . E:;)éllz)fl]gtl,why not of 19998 coverage. _ sys J 3 2x sA 50i2l $0 s gether now for Colboxl-ne Village is covered by #+> | beeeeiere gâ€˜ï¬ is insurance purposes, the same insurance company. Jarâ€" =3 % §28 % $s $ 95 £: ’é §% Cramahe Township dine Insurance has formulated an & ï¬ï¬c S 2 § a%g E EE $:) 8 g $ Councillor Marc insurance p?.ckage with Ontario Te : 8e _;=‘=' s§2 ;}‘: i| §58 Coombs askedAm the las_t municipalities as members. ‘V mt o €if § 3 3 E 5 § 4 i%é rcgulgr township council _ang > ~*dff j PV € :% s E $g526| 5 hs mecting. § There‘s going to be a barn t seryy : § 4 bilff It wouldn‘t fly dance! se sls °|is5 he;:.a.use the two municiâ€" _The Casl.leton Sports Club Inc. | i arg 527 IV_ _z driaix io palities remain separate _ will be hosting a barn dance at o entities the law, George and Judith Depaepe‘s barn : Clerk Administrator on June 26. The event is a fundâ€" > Gefl'y Morrison replied. _ raiser for the recreation activities fmme:::vl;r,la. year offered each year in the township. , that is someâ€" â€" Mandy Marti thing the transition * C A very generous gift n i s e By Manoy Martin ts o t tCc s helmina Kennedy appeared as _\ | s c s s a delegation before Colborne | ® m ‘%&f%‘g . %ï¬â€œg‘g}f’%@%@?{ffl* o o e Village council to outline the [ _‘ ___ 35%5%??3 gé f::“;%’â€ï¬‚" ï¬â€œf"‘%?’%?flg%{%%:m fr u°xg’ f latest accomplishments and WÂ¥ _ ?%ï¬%%'eig fg@iff’ï¬Ã©?ï¬y“wu ol J i’ f ‘%%;;Ly 3 contributions of the Colborne g%@?‘f [ss U0 M jgj Art Gallery and its member @?â€"é{}é& v:w“iv}'i‘g;ï¬ â€™~’$é"/f§â€??‘?ijâ€&“:%“ï¬Â»f}; 1/ 2 012 > x‘ev’»’?’f‘ 1 As Ms. Kennedy sat before [( "qâ€g i 52 1 9% éï¬w"/y/*“[’â€â€ [| 6B _ _ y . W L. the council, she gestured to the WR ssm o ty p y >) _ e â€)Hlf%i $R > t 3 {â€â€œm} unadorned walls of the council â€" EN : f‘ 1 Tt as 9}; H 4. M %ï¬" e . chamber and said, "I‘m going _ BM 3 142 .l td . <B _ 2k to donate one of my paintings ; J l Lh 9 . ase for your big empty walls." t uL 15-:?3 _hor â€". 11 if s j d is n 12( x' h.: / es Pond", a wilderness scene from wl gi ~, \*’?{4 MB o 1/ po s a Northumberland County, was | 29 is %}?@% Fe t ene) 4 No e delivered to the Municipal _ || F W fi 3 Noi ts 3 Building. The large painting, ' ‘ ; â€Ã©â€™g&%irbw. ;gg;;gj;i}“- ? 1123 rendered in quiet pastels, now es is Jg uk . ?’/:%»5‘»&" i5 Te‘ d hangs facing the entranceways 24 s cp ts ii" %?O:f‘ï¬%";;’% ty to the council chambers â€" a 2 w ce 00. é‘?{@â€"/’j’q‘{g e place of honour. } ts % [ ‘;;fp;’;’%% Ms. Kennedy to attend the . : ,"&â€*"1‘“):/:;%%% ;?;‘/; council meeting for an "offiâ€" P se «ie f . 3e “"}Hf:‘tf"fï¬%@ f cial" photo and presentation ; Te‘ _. 7 ’(&f;l/’f»/&*/f?;‘â€â€˜ s ceremony to mark the generous [BW se s )%t,&';‘é%g%ï¬â€™%z P ie gift. All council members 3 y n l e 4 t members S 6 ie e o f (omedregsenay ooo o on io mt s d ecnted the finy ranan ie cammnonenane io thana t y, right, presentec t' e munlcu:!allty with a painting for the grateful for our gallery," Ms. council chamber at the Municipal Building. Council members are on the right: Kennedy said. "I am so pleased Councillors Sandra Colemalrz,‘flane Boreham, and Tim Post with Reeve George ) you are pleased." Boycott and Deputy reeve Pat ‘"!~~*rons Brore ey Moo Mess e 26 1. Td C000 ocm