m C3 e I epelfie agre. s > r [â€"â€" Melg ; ¢ g >;992%Ԥ9§E%1flé’. 5 m Se 1199 ge8:g59tg ;?s??«ga,%;,.maf’"fl S o 1747 C'Eâ€"?s§3§E§31§g52552;>23h&€ 5S _ e 1e‘ ©By7e pas E-~<w+§m%;stï¬ï¬zmgmcc?wï¬':? C * s 2. VR m & B o 02 C ol pt B to £ /ljl relo (( & _.‘f:"Qnâ€"-â€"E.ga- U’C‘ha’.:c‘FFs 5.5 ~~ : 40. on about C 58:’7:"94":":'â€"-»03"â€&"â€of':'Eï¬"â€™â€œï¬ â€™ LE / discussio i1 to a s & 2. _B,..o-t,-;____ S grsm:t\),,jg: m a L bo 10 ina the fite fa Q’E!s B"â€Baa;-flasgniaoï¬_ oflozg o Co 1 $280,000 ating t hat & f & z. a d > C 5; t t 18589594 $riBgifc2: 2 290 2 §26 o s w grounc he first floor, . catir building, but th 228 § 8 5 & § 9 % gge 4 E2B 5 ¢ § §F$Ss psSs wnoy Mart renovate t e n expensive, §41 283 8858395 §$7 z 598 4ESs as . i M s Whrer and we agreed w n o mmapiep Rete Boycott. 5 o & s a o 8 g 8 o o & 5° &n SraF roceed wi tes ings 3 3 18g5 C 89 & ‘aâ€" should proc no r thing 3 8 8 & & g 2 $ Ap ino reloca shou lans have othe 4 P 2 E. 7 5G 4 ? zs |®@ he domin at option. The p "We ing up, like S " Ts t 8 9. 5p8 6 &5 u> T icipal serâ€" that op ator on d fixing up, zh g I 8 9PR 6 s cipa elevator t nee 9 8 8 585958 533 co ion of munt include an ele tha d other i cBeo3 9 _gg ms o 8 G 29 $ E. E 3. :,u]i(?:es won co]bOl'f.l_“i5 l[ltle Blding" inâ€" _ the arena an SE229 95:‘% 25 :<: ;’:g i S g 7 Q“a 7 gg: "] Q = and Cramahe CUâ€!nu A $338,000 provin projects. tual deciâ€" e 2 24 2 2 GQE'E 5 84 2s §g$ 8 J § a3 n un Taw agree(i_i}‘h fovemment The even locate the C);,â€":flofl-"-‘-wa'c P "‘-\:'fl’::’o C ate cipal cial gc cturâ€" 4 s to relo Dppfigsc? f6igfs 111 sf:i‘l|p S mnvny mt EME Municipal Restru Calbomne fire departâ€" $ ° 2. 2 4 § 55R & =s | ilding will be : rrant is Iborne ildâ€" mg=éc'g :'..':OEE’,'“SEQ-â€"â€" SR o & 1 2J T4 Building 4 ing Fund gre d Co PUC bui 2 2 o £$8 3 §2 8 3 v0g 8 5 5 5 8z 7 c a e inistrative centre e t allocate t to the t w=<=rn,â€"x- § 2g £ s 8 8 5 g= a ~@ administra specifically a ment to t! ia Street. & 5 58 Eonl 2 = 3 2 0 B a Analons specifi 5 toria 5 § 8 o & 4 2 § 3 2 8 8 5 aose £ $ § 3 3 8 8 y ol the ncw;y_-dmalga sp imlenmation ing on Vie ‘fe hoping 323 » §$22 2. § °g‘ 5 3 g 989# 8 3 3 ted municipality of _ fora Mblni(‘il"a] Office "What we $ O un -U:,-CT‘:-Jâ€"cm 3 Bz ut male s f costs. Mu ; is close the 0"'@0:!5:;._“‘""" se 8 B 2. ship of £6, 5 will be 0 is C1O r a i5fi. 252 5 $5:7rt 2 o the Township sotssi ts to dé in August fo £ 8 § 8 E 13 2 &aks 2 FE 3 § zx E; cohoan f Cramahe. funded by the g llbr‘l?l, and do up thed 2¢ 3 11237 2 to 2 & e 8 A p=d 8 ¢ That one move mont a ust an $ ooRE B 8 a $3.§ B § g a. $ C3 D ; thers. ‘Ho e D stimates hall in August 4 Y8 9 G oS 29 & 5 q 63. 27g3 7 sults in two 0 f he cost es fire hall in r_:-v“‘â€"o:'-'E.". 2e Sz oq“"':r"""na =r 2 Fesuils inistrative The he fire sEepsq El 5.8 5.9 5 § 5B5 5 7 o * m 3 dministrati ions also ove the Boyâ€" = A a 2 a 9 2. 3 9 B C 8 & 3 € The new a for option: is 1 m " Reeve $ars® s 28 o a 2 § 8 7B U w a 3 c o ill bump the £ additiona idâ€"July, C 5 "~9f ns PS3 3 5.8 2 o 8. ¢ P 8 = 5o o % offices wil he _ included an a io mi "The PU 8 §3 °93 PS & 5s §$285S 0S 4o «3 3 Library to t 00 estimate ott says. t of 823 T 3 &n g $ Z’a:o'â€"'u,% e;azgwr c o Colborne fie $120,0 figor co it can be out flnsc ol & § 5B 2 EJS EC 3 g :2 5 sent Colborne novate the top ildâ€" _ thinks of their ° 7 qz & a y § a & 2 oC & a ? 5 5 6 pre result$ _ re icipal Bui back part o § hS 5 &# 2C 0 5 8 & 22 z3 C 8 A 1. That move ® the Municip the dâ€"July. m g: 5 6 2 5y 5 >O%ï¬'m@m=€>- m hall. ion of the _ of t the Colâ€" ilding by mi S 2872 a £ PR fg" s 5t 9 4 relocation, * ing io house building f the elifsrgis $s sifi°f a" ! se l prfeniencra; s snstmawran 3 9 ° Ee &3 8=g 93 :# ® S 3 Colborne op Cramahe _ borne $220,000 to bul]d‘“gf Q (si 7758 ¢ T 2 he Colborneâ€" another $220, main for s % ms o § ‘ a U § ent to the 3 mmupeemmmemmmomr re †‘ $a ESss 2s > 28 o ==:.: $ s Dc",?"f,‘fic Utilities r‘*lo"&teu;rme T warer and Same |, $ E5PE _ EPTFE §52.¢FEâ€"s 5 T. / existing Public ia. _ dibrary toa t m C hydro." Clh 59.3 £o 5 9818 Ff 5 g 8 8 eley i & § Building on Victoria basement . t .. those yDï¬m"'?‘d &2 > > 3 2f & @8 $ 8 55 f 2 £ 9 03 <G ï¬ a Street in Colbornc-i { "Both 1Join tnose | drawings are & A 2 w i 5 : ycb in in 7 m 1od 3 § £ 5 § m §3 ~RP ys 8.% 2 8 % 3 S uEm m [ S The scenario, orgl_ those options Â¥ ‘-».":-"r;r'\.r?-'f,F?E', being B Fe sn 24 &59 2 S955 80 | o osed by Co n dle Optons Were ) nc for 3 & 5 55 5p8 io E8 5 § 95 218 _ m | € nally propose al counâ€" _ (for th cre Maiae nes °0| prepared Ch 2s 6 248 i e 5.w & 370.0 2E 3. | 8 borne municip 3 library) w 88 q}‘;’g‘pfé@,ï¬iï¬w?.’_:g the projects. N 2g Reacln S 92 ETS 5@ § S5" 3 i1 two months ago, â€"goes," amrareh / iciâ€" e =#p5 Solut 7 ¢" 8 f 9 | cil two hie noâ€"g snn y) aac e Muni < 8 P 3 & = 3 & 3 t ntil th e uces sgent Th f REG i8%T :0 §93 3 $ &3 % @ o emiatuon or 2sA s ol pal Building im" 285 @5 8 & EWE ue 3 e, two municipa amahe _ cott reports. ;ï¬:;;.g%;;;,-j{ï¬,,"\‘]’?f enovations €si8 C ams s s ‘ Colborne and Cra The Transiâ€" _ | wf%‘fl‘a'ï¬"’x r MTeo to 8 S & agreement. ‘on Board “l"'.'-‘t'Ll-fl“‘*f‘L&‘ eS 2 came to N2 crunches tion 0 d TL C tender once F§o. havmg € ie also rejecte enc C SpeCiflcah costs of various re putting the § leted. | ion and renovation ibrary in a tions are comp tion auseâ€"andâ€" _ Jibrary fors nsition . ions, the caus sed Senio The Tra he n r & , ons e results _ propo he corner mbers are t 1 / 79 ffeet sequenc ilding at the Board me Fan e /1 / 5 SHal d al proposâ€" _ building : d Arthur Colborne e & J 4h C‘lh fie ? / in the original p of Victoria an 10 elected mahe erS Say 4) 2 A) Ctb\,J ï¬sow we can get on'\“\fl;m_ as als. s Streets. ; ; Village _and Cn’z†teac lf’C@H.&é/'é flcsscï¬ on what 1‘J%l){;;1-iling this board m‘[‘: "The Transition Es The decision W?: Township C?]unhoard x «5 uesses an iller says. 3 o weeks y te the The j 1emen ary rf“/ ET to make any & hoose, she . a ard," Ms. Mi achers ard met two ached: reloca members. The & â€" _ going to ma s would c one board, lementary Teac Boa e ied reac he present. meeting regu 1 achers attend member The local Element brings. toâ€" go and we ta library to the p has been t u §00 ols Rock the changes ion of Ontario bri 22608 ations to 1 door to hammer ou More than session at the says. iked the cha eration o ions from out renova hall, next ; larly to £ \ school leacthT; ed the briefing i.“:(genue before 5ayTeachch “kicois tentative conâ€" gï¬ï¬,cr four fonflc[)(;;]l_lgh o 3?3 town hall," Colâ€" g{:MuniciPfl‘ Butld: details Pfe‘a';’alz%%?a a ventio â€" ays. he prev h Peter ington eve George : ry 1, h Elementary s ly Wednes Haven Con s. Miller s ade to the previc 8. ils â€" both _ the â€"Claring e Reeve € f tion January elmingly d by A k‘s vote, Ms. ing a _ m: s. Miller says details berland 3 born "We had _ jng. s some : d overwh ct offere s week‘s ithout casting , Ms. hose thumbe , 1998. rcott says. was so I j :;?:121 t “dopmc?,n;:ï¬)oafd! es tsht;mc oflhcrg lï¬ft :rl::;]:uco»:\‘orke“ "acs";ha can‘t ’“,;"('ffl ttuard "uswc? f:u:ds that merged ï¬:crlds 1,475 Bongg;im}]iltï¬ of There & blic scl is relief. confiden ic unless sc he contrac union rep a cost es the local pul ident‘s re ballot, j dds. ublic ui cept the The to their unmn-?{::ldhad eXpE'cu:gt would passlflqcslg:;]'al raise her hOP‘fS 2[50 vole !oh:lc(-cP itive _ teachers. 1 a iller 3 & ; a S1 fen caafred coaae is ic 796 Eaifors were coun‘e *4 fog] / very pos & ers ol il a tes. of Ino comt e e h Ne of those . unti es votes, 60 no vo I was not she an r cent of | 736 y t time, March, but 58 that deal said no "After the las n who voted 0 2oo o e y