* , § a g a llk Of f & 1CS:; D1 4 & ©® e 2//90 f Conprerne _CIReicho _ SP° 2000 yepomer Thereveretiveorthem 3 : ; ohil .. e e e o . one caug f CON;;INUED From 6 f ’ e > S -;f palle ug o Americagh'f;l;gggf: sphot n m er id e . i t m es M“ yee*; | 1 lp s . g T(*r&‘\'";g,{e: % maï¬(;g?%f the criminals involved j 1 noteg x h edote . s , tm i4 es ut BW * rrobberies were skilliléswers gï¬tographlc . ue P Je o oi N ~’/, o agt 1e e %‘g‘ with the I?Rt:lgzgla;ga Bill recalls. at post mortgl,retqaLl‘(lirgtgi f ?"fl t 3 1 . _ h . g& ja é ‘} op > <. t ; f;ogflpi?f 5951 he arrested flérï¬e hoto i .. . ol fls . ; im mailta t i .1 . .. . o e ieE feit $10 bills ?equirzd. Ialllsthecr?g:tll;gs P t c AL J ag i e . ; .8 e 1e _ g2§ 5%;5’ ; men.pl?ils 5‘1;] gcopunter dEtaChments) ATgee, \ " f f’ ) ;< \ eelles uce â€" Fale r,v:‘:;?_f_‘ {? gȎ; 3 h 3& at Y"‘F](-ie grr'ests woeremade poss. mortem facilities were |____ se 4 felsae c en o / “\’Ji‘ f :ï¬; -’%yaé(v 3 ff e oA ble because of Ed Barlow who prefty primitive and | . @ ie . c . l | on [ss _ Pay l ted a little gas bar in Wickâ€" unpleasant. In Belleville, | ï¬&b K.4 ACAe . _ .. . .. . \. S s,ï¬;,,’lj P s _ t . & 10 I:;r%: was handed a $10 bill, and things were palatial by s ‘?’7 '3“‘{“2 .c i ~ !:!_i».fi, 3 [ © ..3 t‘}}ae'y were well done, but there comparison, he recalls, | 1M E2 o _ . [ . 0y 3. ‘L;EE "cah. | nif] = ? as something about the men and he had high regard | (% * e e o e . 6 \ e tw _ [ O es m 7. de Ed suspicious. He for the expertise and proâ€" i Mess 28 se se en that mad finger over the bill fessionalism of the V e # Fol l o ingertces 7%élL("a./\fâ€" & > n ye 1n§m his hand. The pathologist there. k C _‘ ~.| 1 s Db &J c on [ 0| ; (% 0 it c})l franking marks "I would take all the F ie l s se y e | U Emsmsnialy â€" had stamped the fr d the OPP in evidence to the Crime plce) o ue 4 _ O 4 2ez (| | â€" on the bill. He phone Lab in Toronto. That‘s A K: ~"_ o) l # 5_ ol C"}?%}'lggt’hree men involved were i x%efsbaéi;?ï¬oegél‘fgï¬g 8 4 . N _ Proto ay Bitt BALUK _ just qut of jail, one Austral}mg stored. I had to be able to M : O ane. N ; _â€"___|_ TOOLS OF THE TRADE: OPP Constable Bill Baluk purâ€" and two from Toronto. ‘Iihey Fl‘ say I had taken these mat t’-«»‘.;i-}.‘ a 8| chased his own Speedgraphic camera and wet cell batâ€" 34 bogus $10 on therél. kngaong J photographs, that they 3 3 3 “‘\ \ | tery pack to take photographs to assmt in the gathering of m1sse_d them, but I chec dethel“e ; weren‘t altered, that I [« â€"â€".â€" i F \) forensic evidence. Missing from the picture are the large â€" Jast cigarette package an had developed them and j k ï¬ bulks of film, extra flash bulbs, mfeters atndfa 2â€40[ rg;n they were. h (e m 9 . In 1965, d the camera for a set of golf clubs. y s J %?)‘rlgr?{g.dln {qg?g;lm,ig | 1 o & tens BB hs trass A LOOK IN NEXT WEEK‘S COLBOR;‘;}; | they would take possesâ€" \? through the daily from his roll of cash. Later that _ CHRONICLE FOR THE CONCLUSION sion of them there and C calendars by year, fall, they returned and robbed â€" THis ARTICLE. ; then lock up all the eviâ€" Proto ay BriBauk jogging his memâ€" â€" him. It was the dence. and second " Selfâ€"portrait of Constable Bill Baluk in the 1950s. He holds ory, tallying the first night of ’ It wasn‘t until 1954 the bulb to fire the camera‘s shutter in his left hand. significant events the Roseneath Bill actually was of his police career. _ Fair, I rememâ€" assigned his own vehicle. Up till â€" glycerin was a common method of There have been many memoâ€" ber, and they then, Bill would complete his thieves in search of cash. The rable events. October 14, 1950, a stole over scheduled shift and then, on his young Bill Baluk would be called Roseneath farmer was robbed of a _ $8,000. The man own time, make his way to the in to take photos of the crime â€" significant amount of cash. The wouldn‘t tellus detachment of police force that scene â€" and neutralize the exploâ€" â€" man had sold his farm and taken exactly _ how requested his photo services. sive material left behind. the proceeds to serve as a selfâ€" much because "It was nothing to transfer "Nitroglycerin is extremely Ostyled loaning agency in the he was scared three times from one detachment unstable and explosive," he community. of the income or police force to the next to get recalls. "There were three ways "In the spring of the year, some â€" tax people. _ where you were supposed to go," to neutralize it: bang it with a _ men had been in the area chang "We did he recalls. hammer, and the hammer would ing chimney pots. It was quite a catch the robâ€" As time went on, the photos of fly up with the force; you could scam, actually, because they overâ€" bers. I flew out traffic accidents and accident neutralize it with other chemiâ€" charged. They charged this man â€"to Winnipeg to scenes expanded to include cals, or burn it." $600, and he peeled off the money bring back one autopsy and fingerprint photos. The use of nitroglycerine for. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"__â€" * s ~â€" "In 1952, the OPP sent me for a â€" robberies waned by the late 1950s. short course in Toronto on identiâ€" Bill thinks the criminals with the fication of all kinds with Dr. chemical expertise died or moved Ward Smith, head of the crime _ on with no one to take their place. lab, and a Professor Rogers. We When Bill retired from the OPP also learned how to neutralize . April 330, 1980, he requested his explosives, how to gather eviâ€" â€" work diaries be returned. Several dence." months later, his request was Blowing safes open with nitroâ€" granted. Today, Bill can leaf ’