- M“ L-----'-.-------- . Over 7,0 Over ,000 raise at ance . d f . false or continuedfrom page 1 ' The fun event saw the ladies handing out .Hal- In fact, over 30 Area businesses participated in 1owe'en Kiss candies in exchange for the donation - the fundraiser, The event was a sell-out days in not real smooohes. MC urra advance. . . _ "We had a lot of fun," Gail says. "And we didn't Mid-way through the festivities Friday night, the really kiss one person! There was one man Louise 0 _ crowd went wild when Darrell and his family said, 'Lean over the counter and I'll give you a kiss" arrived, From his wheelchair, he talked and met but he disappeared out the door in a hurry. We _ . l _ aml y with friends and supporters. Darrell McMurray called his bluff." f " Cy LboiUJe A {'erth was able to attend to visit his crowds of supporters. Breadman Garth donated a Halloween cake to I t... c"if _ loll Ho) Saturday, the tally from the dance came in: be awarded as a prize in the jelly bean contest. It Br MANDY MARIN $7,211.25 was raised. was won by a very happy J&R "regular" Carl Rose 5rarF MW At J&R Variety, a Thursday "Hailowe'en Kissing for his guess of553 beans in the jar (543 in reality). Booth" raised “$850 and the money's still coming "He took the cake home, cut it up and brought I There was lots oflun and lots of inâ€. a delighted Gail Ferguson reports. She turned pieces back to us girls," says Gail, "It was deli- I heart in 11.3an- of Darrell l 111 the funds raised thus far at Friday's dance. Cious." .. - T v. The comrnu- “Eric and Cindy (Mitchell) did all the work orga- Darrell McMurray is known to many a "the pro- I McMurray last week I . . nity raised over $7,000 to prove n1zrng the dance, and we had all the fun!" Gail duce guy" at Fox's IGA where he has worked for 23 I the point, laughs of the the J&R contribution. years. He's also an active sportsman, playing September 30, Darrell McMur- The J&R Variety proprietor and staifLouise Bar- hockey, darts and baseball, etc.. He's an ardent I ray was helping a family member rett and Marg Post came up with their novel fund- community supporter and booster himself - and I shingle a roof when he acciden- raising idea after hearing of Darrell’s dilemma this time out, the community is attempting to give I tally fell approximately 20 feet from McMurray family member and friend Eric back to Darrell what he has so generously given for breaking his back and one heel. II Mitchell. Yeats. I "rve had no income at all; Knowing not everyone would be able to attend Darrell pointed out last week No the Friday night dance but would like to support P"""- _ insurance, no Unemployment the cause. the "J&R Girls" decided they'd sell Hal. 2)'llu GrIIice McLean Insurance. nothing at all. lowe’en Kisses in exchange for a donation to the r/bl', Ie/heat/ji/hehe, Family and friends hale be? pumpkin pots. . I . t . late Nathalie cuttdn. While in Nova helping Out financiany.s'1nce t e "Our pumpkins were Just overflowing, ' Gail Scotia, Grade studied to be a teacher accident. Looking at SIX months says. "A lot of people came in Friday, the day after, _ 2u"g,hj,i,'irgglg,uit tge off work to recover, and mung and asked ‘Too late for a kiss?' and threw money to iod'/llll?diei1f,1ti2?Jia,ri't reduced income if and when a into the pot anyway." and marriadCliitdrd McLean The taint. the paperwork is sorted out,fthe linIgcaIIieId lo godn'dngéon. Ontario were “assures on the McMurray am, I or arms on race taught on a l' t are sudden and considerable. supply basis, From 1959 until ION, 5 .; il nd Glace taught school, despite her I That's where friends, mm y a decreasing ability to hear. Following the community at large have the death other husband and [he and stepped up, _ l _ Mitchell organ l "ui?itiiiril'iiifiiii-i"ssarm-w- f1al1lqtftvgieil,t,T,g/i)g, Eric and CJ/lc" y l 1 ' :s-,foom-Tua-gs-pt Died suddenly at the Northumberland to her love of hunts. From 1974 until nized a benefit dance at the ICU} ty OBITUARIES s2 it) Health Care Centre. Cohnutg. on, 1983 the McLean home was known as borne Legion last Friday evlr)u1g. t"--zm-2F,tE,EiEf-" Monday. October IS. 2000, aged danhe Codringlon Library. When the i. . ' tr mendous list of . f h (led years. Katharine (Lamont). belovedh Library moved to the new municipal Thet e S a 1 e I) Died pta"' uliy at orna. SllTUO wtleolthelalaJamesJ Sparrow Dears building Grace went with it until people who helped and to thank, by family and friends, I Issalutday. molher of Roy Scarrow and his wiie’d Nevemper oi 1996 when ill health Mr. Mitchell said Sunday. l 'ije,'ilii1i,UlSiJiyia1si2se,ag: Ellen oi Calhorne. Lorena (Mrs iiiiii) ended along and Joyous service to the “You know, it really makes you ing son of Peter and Flames Da'vles. Campbell) 0! Waikwdith and Ralph community. In 1995. Grace was appro. think about the small area we live Dear brother oi Wayne Davies of Scartow and his yi/t Vivian Il pnalely awarded CitizenIol the Year by . 1 It's h Davies at Gananuqud. Sister oi Edith Coleman-- the Town and Township of Brighton. 1n and how the pyyolt fee _ '2,ftmsrr,2t1"hAv11, 02%|er in the and Hazel Hills, my. oi Tara and “18% ‘Well done thou good and laithlul ser. touching, You Just doll HEM this gl1/'dilel'," “in: !hockey and late Fluted Lamont. Sadly missed iy?j vanl'. Grace [s sur/red by herdaugh- kind of thing in abig city. campbellford Soccer Leagues, in her grandchildren Peter, Ian, Ruben; leis Irelly Ann (Mrs. Mb Dale) of The Colborne Legion donated which ha also acted as a mm Hg Jamey. Jim andIHealher and by New when and Judy this Mike Cairmh h hall the Ladies' Auxiliary attended St. Mary's School. great grandchildren. The family .. oi Waterloo. Dear Sister of Mrs. Elsie t E . ' d a lunch a Campbellfard and (hunptelifiord and received friends at the Walas Funerala Harlowa of Halilax. Nova Sachs and organized and serve I 3 District High School and was very Home. 70 Church Street, kawmhg Marlyn Brownell of Fugwash. Nova deejay offered his serviced, area active in school sports and plays. His Service was held in the Chapel on', i'iites Predeceased-by l brtylher businesses donated Cltyor prWes. favourite hobby was playing gull. His Thursday, Ottaber 19th at 2 o‘clock. I ',1lgitl),1er'l: Sadly missed by continued on page 3 funeral was attended ty a large num. Cremation with interment at a later) 'lgl c ildten Eric and Pat Dale and her of teachers, trienos and family, date in Hillcrest Cemetery. Tardy? d rs and MW Dale and grea.t gland coming from Oshawa. Toronto, New Onlailo. Memorial donations Were to. 'r'gi1ttP)git Funeral S8MC8 was Jersey, Los Vegas, England and the Canadian Bible Society or the chat-35I Me . 1.: e Wages Funeral Home. 130 Brighton. $tewmtsfamily wish to thank it! of your choice. ‘toatmb fag ram"? 'll" tlu/eg -Mrrwrt ' ___ '-pr "W" _ _ - 1 T Marion Mahoney and Sick Children‘s EvelynAllce Sharlaml 2iri7l'ii's Cemeate no oi: . ntermenl "u.-..-.--'--------,, _ . ' I I SMITH, VERNICE ELIZABETH Hospital lot all their special care and Died at the Wartwarit Community '"'-"h'rl,2-"neifka,uki-nss-- Peacefully at Community Nursing Home, Warkworth on support and a special mantis to Jenny Nursing Home on Monday. Bomber . Brman mp! "150" Thursday October 26th, 2000. Vemice Fultord in her hammer. his mpel.Tt1trw.ertovT N, 2000, aged 84 years. Evelyn Died (hMbet 20,2000 at We 93rd year. Beloved Wife of the late Percy Smith, Loving whelmed by the many floral tubules (Stevens) beloved wife of the late Ted Batman Drops Atklnson. format at mother of Bob and Theresa Smith of Cobourg. Joyce l r and memorialdonauphs and espemallv Shetland. Dear moths: cl Roy west Damrdth Mam 2ii, 1927 al Williams of Belleville. Percy and Louise Smith of Otta- d ii by the community suction of?!“ lo Donaldson and his Wits uiias of as l, home, Met KailhaMaCWh'ar! (3ctgber we and ids and Lyal Chapman oi Colborne. Survived slif them. The family renewed friends at Hosea-team and Roger Donaldson and Pie, When (“Harland Ktittta my' by grandsons Vaughn and Ronald Smith, Alan, Stan N V The was Funeral Hume Ti) Church his wile Linda oi as 4, Warkworlh. William" 24, 1962; “a game“ a SIS. Brian. Art and Steve Chapman and granddaughters Ito West, Warkwonh. TI WWW-“'35." Dear sister cl Tom Stevens pl let-in-law and iyatlycirlay, The Janice Ashman, Becki Talsma, Lisa and Lori Smith at] Funeial masswas held In St..leromas Scarborough. Joe Stevens of Eeyore? and M'sj‘wn'alm (egg; Beth Vosbourgn and Margaret Appleman. Also “155. Church, Warkwotth, on Thursday. Wellington. Beatrice Cram of Sla , amallIna o /2,tS,0hiifros, vived by 20 great grandchildren. Dear sister of the late t October 12th, at 11 o clock. The Scarborough. Emily MOWER? tyi Thus done e 'l',i'lJlar21'/isf,,) of Mildred, Lila, Amos and Clifford. Friends may call at Hey-rend Torry Gallagher. The Scarborough and Florence MeFadpsn 'r'luJg.rk'hui1ud,'l 10 Mel Parker the MacCoubrey Funeral Home, 11 King Sh, W., Col. lb Reverend Clare Hickson and 2t of Durant Oklahoma. predeceased by endogdored rand a of Mitchell and borne on Saturday, October 28, 2000 from 7-9 pm. Fu- R Fleveiend Ted Potluczek f/,i,c,ii2fs" a brother Jack 9iwens,8adly missed Melanie Forget PEedeceased by his neral service to be held in the MacCoubrey Funeral it Interment was IO St, 'i'aflfiii. by grandchildren Paul. Stephen, Ted, patents John 51",“ Atkiastvt and Vera Home on Sunday October 29th, 2000 at 1:30 pm, Inter- .3 qemetmy, Warmth- Manhunt; (lr1& km, Dave and Robbie and nine great Mm, mpg Lost his elm, WWI merit Fairview Cemetery, Grafton. Donations may be -xd m"? were to the Cana Iarl Meer grandchildren, predeceased by a John Duncah in a farm accident in made to lhe Parkinstaris Foundation or Northumbep ,5 Mg grandson Jim, The lamily received 'isiiiiiraii7k"r'ersisu'iiGirn' and land Health Care Centre Foundation. [Cheques only ug friends 511ҠWalas FuneraiHome. 70 her husband Bill Whitaker. all of please.) Church Street. Warkwotth on Comppelllotd. Cannon loved and was - Wednesday. then at the Ogden loved by many nephews, nieces rela- Funeral Home, 4164 Sheppard Avenue lives, neighbours and friends. melam- Eas1,Ag'mautt on Thursday. Sa)Mte lly received lrlsnds at the Wales was held in the Ogden Funeral Home Funeral Home. 70 Church Street. on Thursday, 0sertusr 26th, at 273? Warkworlh. Service was held h the o'clock. The Reverend PatrickYU Ohio!- Free Methodist Church. Warkwonh. on also. Interment was in Pine Hills Manda ,0ctober23td, atly30 o'clock. . y _ _ Cemetery, Toronto, Memorial dona- Ths liaverend Giann Dixon animated. lions were to the Alzheimer Society. Interment was in warkwdrlh Cemetery. L, 4 I J