Nooember8,2ooo THE INDEPENDENT a e3 m ___..._ I ' Four newborn boys make for one busy household , d bySTEVEN WARBURTON 2'eEiiiii2S - " ' "i::"akiaiv"liii'i'iii? â€a _tP.aalNri'"'ir,'rT," J - ' a. new... 'l'iiiiiiiiiiiii, , arip, 'r7scl4l$i? .gg Il' _ . as ' a a... 'v/i,':"),, . ' A soon-to-be resident of Kigs 5- 3.9.2! f 'i' ngy->f=%.§x_*“:._- Yi; ' , e . I I' " F"" .jt‘fi’i. gig. . .ggfgs'air‘jgm‘â€: . . Cramahe Township is enlist- Es1s:",tri1i",vjatr/'r, )th _ J§g§y , 're It.' " " . " l I - T 3 3 tr,s, 313353.13. 'ill Fe s/EV‘Wa-Qhï¬h lg1r,ll ing help from the general Ek/a?,-', Ir ‘Q I _ hit s' 523V. 'ir-:,", l' Mi BB I i - 'il, i'il& be}. .;'- “a: 237.33; 'NtdMiI , h. ' I . wig-ii". J' "', 1 _ -' ", - Wm.) C V Tai 'a't_ilqii" .- ,. . - . , T -- ' . _ T . I ,. or; glg "h' . public to help take care of 'tkc?.,",,' _ _ b"':,',:', _ r"s2rs, "aa'te'jJucre' .. "rr"'; , FFF, yra':"u5Cicya'Ca'rrtftPRri'r7sr. . â€xxx“. ' 3353, 1â€â€œ. Ci?', ( Mil ME . her four babies. Mwtleara rag,†.. 3 .2: “Ugh.- _ _..". , “?xk§%£“ 'irjsirjt' - l " {gt-{gs} L-seat , gal-33:3. On January 26, Mandy 'B$Rith',:'irr" MF a“ ',Y "s1sii'ii(ii'ic':l'ie'ii';,' aa’ghhiex ’ Cc, "" = ratf2-f2 r' Cobourg, gave birth to tam-gin: 'ir 53 f 2.3:†" / / 'ics, "tre'i,' at; ‘..,M>'..°-5 J, ':iii,s'i'i'ii,i,i' ':A'a _ ii qt1adruplets or, to be more 'ii,ts j _ j, I , 7 _ _ stt?,s),, _ _ 'r,, 6)"; . cl., Mt, "rr- itcr ", '5"tris?i 2WSirp ( 'ds), .. f. . specific, Moms ofideiiizl let,,"",- "'i'1/w'i:1i is“ "r tr, , SillliW"ir (',jili,,1i?ii,ii' "; 2W" M 2'17 C‘f ghetto 4' a. {if . twins. b th iic' r" " g .\ 2: Fs'; l ij'('ii,ii,?iiiiiijjjiii F, li_'r',iv?l:tli, Ti.' ' T "tici)"" ifs-zargi. 'They were om at e " ". _,'. br, _ f,N _ BMt MF, l I eff-.3“ ',r:if:,ii"iii?ifkeisi'i': _ - . ,re?ivcr?(fit' I 1Es'-'i"'s" a. (sic/r::-,; 'il', ' Women's College Hospital in ' _ sr,,_,sjit,iir'i," f '(ir_i;i,,i?i, _y/,cj,clili,)',rurc--,, 3.5.3123 .:’I \\g 1.3% ts V i,iii;ii,r,,','r-,'tl"r,i1i,y,')'i.,1i.!,l, Ii Mit - 1csrl'i':,,i:i.)j,,i,i"s-'l Toronto," says Scam who 'h ,.éésiï¬â€™ha‘r...‘ii:gâ€:. "fr ii/i. a, "tit ‘..' 'j S'i?%rEi'iitii'iiiirtr', i' 7 tCaiisit?e?r1di% i 3“ I . T f . . . ‘. _ Nf::,?',,'.' â€â€˜1" w" 'lit;? a»; affirms " . . an}: "m we». ' ', " Kim-it _ C? 2,531: .259» goers-4.)- ~ waslivingin Cobourg attire 'etltt,i. 'if,',tiiin:5' 1'i:j"v'r"'"j,jii'v,'liis'tN. tfBMWb, or Jait r, q _tii'it'icicr, C _",: Iiir,tli2>s,5'f'mh1 - - .Igtirtlg, Ke . I time. "l had to go to Toronto "ar':,:' 'ii?eiiir',_ r,'"'Cti":s'lr yr"""','"-, " al 'alrite'" (a " . / TAU'." .35: -.». g - " because our local hospitals. 'a ‘ L1%tii'c, z: kt "I. rr r agtgMIBllltt. til Lid asia; iii" . 'le" 'Ill" I are not equipped to handles r ttii, 'tiii), l 'CU: It . 3 N“ a: My .. ilIilllMlMllMllll 32:33:53 Mi1lllIll , .13“ llllRillllEi] . . , Sewers that she was in " . lk' " F, , Igg .2 i'ih'igili-tlltNli8lllEl!illillNllllitlllillrlillmllN " .yll Mi q - - 'Ill. e I the hospital for two months ' " . a tgil, " M' lit ill18llleltgMitlB, trt MI in? Miil8 {3..c MiMiIllN ill " ' . _. " I ' . _ , prior to the births of " iillEk " - 1illlllitliliiIlNllllllNlilglll$lliiiNi-NailllmilliBllll " ll, lllltlll Mtlllt , " Matthew, and Michael. " " ' 15 " tt iitlllrlllIllBllllilNElilgilRiilllMrNitiillilialtltmillllMi-lllMl " i . - t "They had to keep me ‘ - . . , . % - .13.»: xv. - "imleittm $1rM1EE= tar", new - .u- ,u-r .% _ - .r-v . .. _ - t there because I had very Bab brigade high £33310: bpresiuge‘" she Nickels, Benjamin, Matthew and Michael were born to Mandy Scam injanumy. Mandy and her husband Rob Crasmas have recently tsays. ebabieshadtosta P 3 I 303's 75 days afterward: moved to the Brighton area. . Steven Warburton photos Michael was only two and a Cobourg home and buy the a Rolex Oyster. A shelving a peanut butter sandwich for eight with the possibility of buying ? half pounds When he was present one. unit in the main hallway is dinner. That doesn't happen “lhaveanextendi-cab sol a passenger van but that , born." . Now that she’s moved out stocked with nothing but too often, though, butlthink can fit three in the front and they tend to be “a little So after months of traver east, Scan says that the 40 baby food, all sorted. A sys- the girls will enjoy it more three in the back," she says. pricey." ' ling to and from the hospital, people stopping by the tem has been put in place in when the boys are able to Tut when we want to go Anyone who loves babies Scart, and husband Rob, house has dwindled down to the kitchen for the washing crawl and play." somewhere, we have to take and would like to lend Scarr twere finally able to bring ten. of bottles, and a plastic bag Transportation is also a two vehicles." ahand should call her at (hy , thei? children home. Tm really hoping to get of sterilized nipples rests big issue for. the family of Scarr says she's flirted 475-5820. , But what is it like trying some mature competent peo- beside the sink " to raise tour babies? ple to help me out," she says. “I generally have to buy a , Tve had a lot of help," Starr and Rob's new mega-pack of diapers every says Scam "In ce1rg, I house is located near two to three days," she says. h 23"] Itt, 40331313901111“: Brighton's Adult Education "I spend a minimum of $50 ' y to e p wi ee ing an Centre on Highway 2, They a week on diapers." ' l Fe"r7itr, (S 'm' 'ifrre-;7stWA%N=irNM, " , . t changing." are doing some final renova- So busy is Scan that she , tl,8gll!N 'ici,','))',":',':)))? Wt th 't'gtit,i,yg 33199:“? (if Local service chibs got lion work before they move had to resign from her job y ‘ (iii,i,'riii". l ':j,'r_"ria, itiglilg 3;: 'ehee 'll',',', ey e “I“? ! into the act too. Some of in. For the time being, the with the City of Oshawa, "i'cf"j,'ij:1(, xi I ‘5" ï¬ragxgj‘agh‘a s"ii'f , 'le t.. omeumes . shell“ them donated money 50 that family is living with Scarr's where she was working in fiirefrt'lr('icfisji'c"'; I gaf‘r'W/‘h _,',")";)';'.):.';,)';:)":',,?, c,'.'-':';"--, geep It through it, 313$ she could. hire respite care. parents near Salem. maintenance. ','r)s:i/i:k'icrsc,sc:ji . â€2M; "i,i's)):'ri"'rrsis'i,lt,i' (2:11], f 0 says maid; es Port Hope lawyer Allan In a house with four In a way, though, Searr _"'fr'."i, 'u, _ ~ o'". e - ' " i.r,f'jjt'/?', i':)):'.":,':;.':,,,.'. lar),':,,---; no; “I"? a?! mored S-h McCracken even donated his babies everything must run seems to be happy about it J., _ TV "" , _ " e L" I r‘xgii51g7? Ir,; also as I"; dang _ services to help Scarr sell her as smoothly and precisely as Babies, of course. demand a _ ', ' I 'jifi'jiiiiji'r), ihirii,:?,ji'rii; _ "A ianee, 9'31" tale? l 'MWieNm%itiiGWft h' . It. " - - Mamah%alt2r lotoitime, . , _ 2 " â€a. left (Lifting: shyiirSadl; MaWlWetWeeff.' ' tt' ', BS “are“ MWimaeEt@r ' ' . . " .- . t 'ct,:)), 5?: g _rVfc,'-,crrr'r:i'i . ' iliiiiiiiiiiiiti, lilllilM â€Mg %:§‘Nmz4i T,1 ey re teething right Is, _ Aki' ." 0’“ "Before the babies came '5iiaiiiiNliWiEe' l 'tt " - _'T. an fiiaiNgMEi now, Starr says from her f . ",r"" 2. E"e'Sfii/rp"jirre/, "'t"' IiaiiliilliENiiiii, , " , h £3 Sl ' a,“ li . room She is bouncin . 2- fi' A a;' , . EirifseStij% 3 along, they gotalot of atten- 'dhNiiiiililigiiiam t it; 33"â€;523.‘ 43;â€, Hung . ' g . --I "e" IlllE?,riisi:'ssii'i:'?i'iliR3, . tion, Now ill have to look liMB, 12:23.1 iii I MiNlKh'isitsii,% a ' ' Michaelon herlap whilehis it tllllilillit'i'i'fiii2i cle', Illt f h b d h t t all' Mt' Mil, , ““ ...:*’ _ twi Matthew is en'o in w,,: rr--" ' MltlN 1mri1l1lrtMi, - attert e oys,la e as oea " ee .. MI , if; (ll a “53‘“ “of ' n. . ' I y. g V. “:M- .. 2::- - 1gR8BErtB" IllgltlNtlllllit lt; I 'ic),":,"))",'),',?:)-, Ill " himself m it baby We , 2 ' lil-li-lil' Illllg1 , . l , " 'MlltlMl ' , ill 'iii"),'))):' [tis',',"?'?:, Meanwhile. Benjamin is _r:’ Cr“ - - qllllil gllIllBlllrlir Mandy Sarr.r ho ds. . i 3%: Ily,:,,,',,!,?,:,,!,,!,!,,--!:!,-) ti , y211ijijiCita bouncing around the room . s," MI '2' " " _,N1lililMlllllilri Matthew, with Benjamin 3 'lthBli"I'iii,iriti'("t:iier,,?a% if , Ih"ice,"c_ii,"i"i,ij"su"' in a baby bouncer while â€a?†z. an... I.iBl2tjBBiieI m foreground. i8ht_iiir,rdi'i'iiiiiii'ii' "ii,'srie's3s, , , ... why 'i"Ml .Nickolas sleeps ortablanket U (at 'ad/