Nooenther8,2ooo THE INDEPENDENT a e33 S E CTI 0 N Tw CY Free tht , i'3.s Art or the I ’33 . vacanes T H E I) , Animals D , . Clinics scheduled . U il Local artists forarea n e en en a l fytribufft? . ' . e Human Society communities , _ Cr. a benefit a e 38 _ P g gage 39 Si . th . f th P rfect Pie -__ee_ . , Annette Grant r) i, __ , ‘ Allie Rtke l Maple Best Meringue - Allie Ryken, I t MliE I r M " I Syrup Pie brings Strawberry-Rhubarb, auctioned Bill _ - " ' ' i 'lNllllltlllit ' . for $50. , '41) were." - " i - It MIN . d I $209 during contest Best Filled - Velma Harper, I ri - - 33 ' 'MtNilgl1ttlgltt ' 3 auction Peanut Butter Pie, auctioned for l _ 3 , - I ~ BIN I11lIiltl 1lllllll _ b NANCY POWERS $25. , - T PrP, _ "1~f"i' - - all The Independent Best Savory - Jean Lyle, Tuna- I 3 A“ f 1 1w 3:339". . . " Bil in her years of competing in Brooclli, auctioned _ $3a l I rr ' ' . V " Rim 3:33-31 ' the annualWarkworth PerlectPie Ser1iert - any limit “Elie" ll , 3; 3 . pp ' Bl " Bit 1 i . T Contest Allie Ryken of Castleton Hogg, Mincemeat, auctioned or r E"; 3 _ I ' ' " 'iiii" has earned several ribbons. But It t . l ' Will; l "il f _ ' , " t I A ia last week she f1nally achieved the es lumor,appepiev 31 tom 1 13 -'u., 'r. . ' - I " ' L, LM..'. status of having made the"perfect Grant, auctioned for $50; hon, ' 'fi-r-is- ' »/’: _" I i . ' pie." ourable mention to Shea Martin. 3 - 3.39, . . Ir, . _ . ' r I . , - Men's open - any kind - Kevin ii/try "h' 'c' V .. I i I , ' ~ aegis“; £31151: jt,e all]; Elchnk, Coconut Cream, anc- La F Cifrl' ’ " _. I Il I among the 64 pies, was sold for timed for tyr, honourable mem BI "rt-ara i! 1lil . 3 'sr,.,,",,,??,, ' Ll $200 during the 2rst annual hon,Ton3;i.Dodd. H th Cl k, ll IN., M ' " ISIN I _ c. _ , _ ' l " l ' Perfect Pie Contest hosted by the Bet ecan - ea er " M iN " " , - . “M" - , - r - Order of the Eastern Star, auctioned for $100; honourable I , Nugget © , , _3 . ' Warkworth Chapter last Saturday. gringo“: 30:31:31}! Gratton and , * _ - - . - " EF#t BIB _ for; " ' ' The successful bidder was Derek en a?†IT, . b R th . - Mr." l - '1‘ I I " "m " Dickson, of Warkworth Foodland. lest or pem T - ll ‘ . z’é w, itX% 3% ' / * The winners from the individ- Thain, Pecan Pie, auctioned for - 1 _, " "' - a AM I a ' 1 , . li 1tNi , " tiMir' a a . ual categories were as follows: $50. i _ - H “I " - - _ " I . Best Fruit - Velma Hat er, . l - BSti1 5EM1 r ttEY, £335 Cream Cheese Pineapple illic- Atlefb, Allie Ryken skows thetop . . e 3 imiMlllMlllg Il% & M.' I J. i tinned for $20, ' award winning pie. At right, Mike ( ' ' ' . Ill - ' I " †" " I - I Best Apple - Eunice Williams, Nihch entertains the gathering I ' . B , - . F, auctioned for $35: honourable witso'g. P h It - f “4...; t - - . . . mention to Jean Dudley and Nancy owar-"P “ms 5 800 eligible t __. t†q C h 1 t'irtxvrue (II-r1300 tie U0 cl "i/tso l 3y MANDy3 Mmtrm The new3municipality - and the Five people are contending the l STAFF WWW iIEZVEOCOHHCll - take effect January r ' E, three available Councillor posi- 3, 3 _ , . P, _ . tions: incumbent Colborne Coun- A total 172 area residents A ti i8 . l marked their Township of Eli It,' imam? 53833380.plecarle3 _ g: 'i' CllIOI' Jane Boreham, newcomer ( 3 I gl e o y? e , 1n 0 , ,3 , MikeJohnston, Ray Kelly (a for- I Ctamahe ballots last Saturday. borne, 4,4000 in Cramahe Town. . r, 3 '--c.' _3 . rr mer ColborneR d C ' il l Advance Poll stations at Colborne ship. This Monday November 13 V £33 _,e 3,, ' lor) inc 'Jdl1Tl'd) 08m - l and Castleton municipal build. polling stations in hath the ac' E " s' '. ',:rd l cillor Fght,'lll and 'if/dull','); _ ' ings were open 10 am. to 8 Fm. ship of Cramahe and the village } gig _ I "A l Cramahe Councillor Carl Wil _ l The '),2,'te12, P3311] girl‘ggtff 0fC01b0rne are open 10 am. to 8 TI 'ii51 r. ,. , November 13 Colborne hit, accommo a ose _ .m. $M - . . 3 ' l erwise not be readily available p On El cti D th Ad ' if? has three polling stations I all l . ' ' _ e ion ay, e vance 7- a located at the Colborne Le ton I for the orricia1provipcrwi,de Poll counts as a separate poll _ .r J King StreetEast g , I November 13 municipal election when vote numbers are reported , L' ' w: y Th fi ' . . day. _ On the ballot this time out five I l r. - , - in 05:21:? I}? p o11i.n.g stations This is the first election for council seats are on “mime , . _ r sure on k e ownshlp. Make new amalgamated municipality Reeve, Ode Deputy reeve‘ and 'ht I I vote tyfl1fhTarl11fieor10hyi,es. to of the Township of Cramahe . . . . F ' . cas formed with the amalgamation of thr/tflu/tleer/rite,":;,,, are Returning Officer Trudy Merrill, WEI ballot. The five Cramahe the Village of Colborne and incumbent Cramahe Township _ . Township of Cramahe. Ellis Ithtr,tgf at Salem United Township of Cramahe. As a Reeve Stu Oliver Colborne position, Lee Dekeyser(a former hornet}? 3511:65an at the cor- result, the total number Ofelected Deputy weve Pit Wéstrope and Cramahe Councillor and Deputy Mar Er y ad Percy str.etts., municipal representatives for the incumbent Cramahe Debut}: reeveiand incumbent township Hang“; go. (éastleton Munieipal current Colborne-Cramahe area reeve Jim Williams Councillor Mark Coombs are fac- 11353331 llllieoillgtlg'tot 1 f 10 r . . . , . . , a s or will drop from 10 to five people. For the single Deputy "T 111g off polls will be reported, --m---' . --v .3 _ ---.-- --- --_ l "icy, J ';ir)