_ I I i Wtoemberrs2ooo THE INDEPENDENr ' page 25 '1 S . S E CTI o N Tw 0 "cl", 1 i crying up = Datebook , s ll l a mystery T H E F o Northumberland':; ‘ - ' most com lete l Cramahe author Cl P ' current events l Jens sus ense U . . , p listings tovel i) page 30 , page 26 I . _ "'ra. h NR, . 3 - wan ' ' ts. a,“ V",. iii-'12; T. ',y "wereearring-1 , t ' w b," tT,fiffea, 17?} Lincoln 11.111111 Nie:.l,fi.i,',,, 1" “.1": - '. 774-759-5‘711 1.9131 I _ $.91 (, 8t a tth ')Jllt.i.,'ti',)?di'iti,gt(i Tg , a 7 Rlkt"i5's, ', ;.1r1.. 'bs, a; 'itirh)'i'iii 'i"aflilMtit'ir1lMR2,ahi,ieit' 1:: ' r. N if." can Ek,. ;3;, 'i/h'tt ' V 1 l 1 MMU" at. " = .1; * l 'Fr ‘-= _ r1 .1 C ' 'wh" MTgFE' Eh _1, 3 " . 1 4. 1x _ ' 'a, '),iC. F?, _ " . at: 'E 1 , 1 i'il, , .. 'tities' 'iq1ii'i', t'i,?Ml 1 Eli) 1 Ci'??,: 1.1%. 7 .7 - 1 ":_c2'L's Bici'jt?i.e'jirt, i&N'.ti i :. '1. . , i) MI P MW. 35;;‘4‘11:j;:_ bl, "1 1*. “up: #5?†2.1-.†ex 1,- "f, tti/eg" * ' ir%- .--...*-X 'sti, 4tiiei 1'1'1-1. 3:" it .'%Ni5 ï¬fe" 'ii9,Cat? ' a' - N r, ~,,,1, 1. 'eh'. . c"',, ' _1P&.“-»r‘ 21'. F, I - T; 2, " 3. MW') Ti ' 'rig 1,4,3? 3 IB, we!“ sri/k'. . _ .-- ff m 1.34.235. ",'-.' . .rt'ift, __a, _v'-iv(ea,,,r??' t'itiWrirti"t'i'it' 9 ' lite, "r/ir?; .lEi'..72iit.iT9"tgf, - st .5“? of“ jtis - if P. ', 'ir?, 'tt7)i5is ' a resses ' ', ce, A?,,,%rt'ar'da . "iM' " :1 3.7%,: " . Itt? /11 Ei,i'fig, Ily, - " , i I'! 1;: - 7.231,}; rat I ia , "gilt , ' ",t'iaiiilK' t l , .191; a em , 1.1- 1 iiglik'?,?, .1 i r NE h i1; . P. iD ik" i . - siti, _ an}. ', " r 31 " ,“ ,’ 7 M t , ". e 1 1 'EhPM e WNANCY POWERS - . 'ttrdf, :12“. Ksth;r 1 met ME .. 1:»:1'5‘. l . T“ Et we - Thelndeperrdent I "tttttTa-tfe. 3 Wk"" ' _ W; . 'l"s - '8 ' - 41""! E; _ ‘ I :_ ...,. Speaking during the 139th ' IllBM aa, 3 3313337.. " . ll tiiiiM iii, .. s. . . ' .;., anniversary service at Salem l Cig"r"" iiSlll - , ttttttti but" , ' 7%., , Ciudiiri by» EE United Church, the Honourable . F-irc-R-At 7‘ Te""' 1-, 31:53,. V" 2 ' E. 1:33 ilk; Lincoln Alexander, former 3;. 3mg? il ,_ 'l] r 1/. . E â€Egg... F) h? it": Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Sgii '2ftii ititkigttsattts . l ; 1tsiii- {if _ (If? 'tl [lla, noted that "rural Ontario is the r98jsi':it'iirt'iij, = iiliiii'i%laii' , , T we", 337:1} it. Ji,, “15:59.†backbone of this great country." â€was ii SE, ll IiPlitiit25iWt, 'a _ . ‘ , 3 tai tr.:'l/ "eV 'iF es') Invited to be the guest speaker, , 'iirersgWPf3, 3. @1931; _ r TBF'aib. mun. IR' I it} . . Rlttt$rBtw,Rrer? k', ' m, - a.," » _ " A' ma . ,3 by parishioners Nancy and Alan ')5,'ePd.'isijutitu,it Fl" 1 _'-.'" .‘*‘m-' 3 1., _ vii _ . _ Hubbs, Alexander spoke of his lite 35$?†= .. _ l s;*z"-.'..._,...;,.1_ 'aaFi1lL'i N' I l; growing up as a black man in "itr'if:rti3'rr'Tl, ' 1,". i" _ s. ". 3 IE'RWr' 2llri,'ii,,') Toronto in the 19305. b? .. _ _ 4 e _ "rs 'f , ‘1‘ . l at , '. ,h I..- " - ' _ . ic:.:', His list of life accomplishments 7,513.- "rti:aiiy.Ci; s/Cys-ri'-; :77. [tt,'f,Ci s-iii-ri-trc?;;' " . 7; yi' are staggering but Alexander main. tree-“’17: me-ls ' 1 Ci 1» _ . .. T»'..Nuu.,.,.:_1 .. ___ . = ' , tains he was humbled to be part of sary," said Alexander, “I was angry time." ' i. _ (iii"et'Ld_" _ V 'rw '41 -.r ss-ic: i)y)isi' such a “historic occasion" in Salem. with God, butfreistrreitmiirrflfrm -Alt)atttttr'made history in Canada when _ F-. cta1'sttir, " ir, 1....-...’5.. i... - _ _ .__,,,__,_, Alexander reflected on his dilli- and that made me feel better. And he became the lirst black Lieutenant _ a, " ', r. . 1: cult early life in Toronto, as he was I continue to do that even now." Governor oiOntario 1 a post he held for 51x tr , ' 'ii' a; it black, and from a broken home Speaking toacapacity congrega. years. ' . _ BF "w,, . _ after his parents separated when tion oiover 125, Alexander touched Salem United Church IS part of the - Rt ' $5 "f 5 .1 . 1 he was in his early teens. on various events oi this life, Colborne Pastoral Charge, which includes 1 f P ' j ' “If? f AB i:NE 1 Alexander and his wife Yvonne putting forth several anecdotes he Dundonald and Colborne, under the pas- j) 33:: , 1 1-1 WWW iC,gtiiiifiiait, were married on Se tember k), felt those listening could relate to. toralleadership oi Rev. David Timpson. 3 7'1..1...=:J_l":,itt"l1s-.wr , . t Al d d . the RCAF " 111*?1’1ii1- we?“ ' 1949 and were planning a, trip 0 exam er serve in id th Above, from Mt, Bren d a Timpson a a 'a 1, iiii'fitd vengt , . - , celebrate their 5oth anniversary, from 1942 to 1945. but Sill ere . H Li I . 13, ig%iii'"a 'ti tt " q 'M" but that wasn't in God's plans says was nothing "heroic" about his Rev. David Timpson, f".'. mm_" , l B%iiialltra ‘ I " Alexander t actions Alexander, and fan Wright. At right, ‘ ' ' ' BIN " ' r " "Yvonne was taken from me just I joined because everyone else Alexander chats with Brighton r 95' ' . - . months before we were to cele. joined," said Alexander. "l couldnt dent Basil McMaster. -" g - a brate our 50th wedding anniver. spell the word democracy at that Nancy powers photos _ w'-, I ' _ , r-------" "--ccs-.rc-c-rrr------, w BUGS. EDWARD (TED -----"---------, . VETERAN WORLD l r, ---T=t----------, Pa . WAR ll _ CARTER, WILLlAM .. STIRLING lGOODH'C’T'l UNA FONS-LANCE on tlt,', away after a long illness in Hamil . d Suddenly at his Vancouver rest EDWARD _ At the Campbeliford Memorial Hospital on S d N (Member 1 2000 ton, Ontario dense 0†Sunda N vember 12 2000 Connie Farrell it To?“ cr Ch Joy, sons Wa he at age 83. Survived by his wit t _ vembersth. 2000 in his 37th year. B0ly beloved , ' r] Charles Wake, guiding and the ia,' t?i"U' 605,532? g Sandra, also his JJh2 29121;: 18egs ElOHnie' an; i? fi'ft,1, 1iyf,'g22j,y/11 or Colborne Ontario and lot??? (4 , [tsit,',;';'))';,',',,'?,')??,,',) hie wife Elsie and Charlie and g rf,te,"t,eNr; nephew James 'i2d'lng/1(it2,sg of t r) John and if/il/An/hit/tgg,, 1773-“ by _brolher :5 c?, his wt? gr era g 33rnlithwlle apdparman (Wally) and ‘ brothers 'l'vp/2,,tt,5 Predeceased by his y other 9 wife Anne-Marie and son Jason Al aw . Survived him, c?. his Wig, nine o righton. Loving grandmother Jitt ' Florence'a tSlam and Charles and sisters widening _ special friend Shauna and da 'ai, so remembered by R Noah. ' lizabeth. Jennifer, Carmen, Laurie, Mary Lou, g _ will b n Jessie. Interment and gravesilj tatlas, , 1" Vancouver. A Memorial S . ug _ler Aleisha. also of t F: Lisa, Ritchie and Sharon and several great-grandchif- L ' e at Lyepon Cemetery on Novemb e saw“ t sh Sunday Novemb ervrce will be held at 3 pm ' Cy dren. Also sun/wed by her sister Katherine Curtis and N. G, 1Pfarihisnietiths to Canadian Cancers er mm Me- R Ry Church Colbo er 19th 2000 at Trinity Anglican f) A her brother Michael Farrell. Predeceased by four broth. _ I, appreciated by the family. 061er would be \I Q ' me Ontano, u ers and sisters. Funeral service will be held at the???& . G "--------------------, U MacCoubrey Funeral Home, Colborne on Wednesday, t, if ----. November 15 at 2pm. interment Lakeport Cemetery. N Friends called at the funeral home on Tuesday 2-4 and R 7-9pm, in memoriam donations may be made to the (b Canadian Cancer Society or the CNIB. Comrades of . the Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary, Colborne Branch 187 met at the funeral home Tuesday at7pm. ' i TT - -.----