A bookfor the communit W =-.,-._-=-1-a'l: 'cl..,?;..-':)'.,-',.'-,-,-."---' o P P --------"-. x "e---.----------------""- Co 15mm e. (Wren/ole" padre/ad y hi STORY AND PHOTOS BY MANDY MARTIN senior citizens have," Mrs. Argyris urged. Pere I owns 1p man Sun: Warren “The people who were in their Ms back in the 1970s were our last living link to the pio. . . o . Dcails of how the local Millennium his, ricer generation. They remembered the Pio- farmin accident tory book How Firm a Foundation were nears, had heard the stories directly from e m related to members and guests attending the the source, before there were even roads. _ . ' . _ . Castleton Women's Institute 95th anniver- "When I think ofthe advantages we enjoy A Percy Township man Service regarding a cottage vandalizing a trailer In sary tea November 8. Guest speaker was today, and the people who left their homes was electrocuted during a tire. Seymour Township. author Eileen Argyris. in Ireland, Scotland, Germany, to come to farm" accident around Upon their arrival. lire- Police indicate the pair ..1’vc always been fascinated by Canadian this new country and forge a life from the ' g b fighters found the unoccu- had thrown firewood history and particularly these local areas," complete unknown - climate, vegetation, T20 pm. 0.“ Noveru er F, . d cottage fully engulfed throu h windows of the Mrs, Argyris said. everything - they have my greatest admira- According to police, i316 t . g . _ "The immediate problem was there is no tion." Shawn Marsh, 26, was oper- in flames. . . railer, causmg approximate- printed record of history, for example, The author was “honored when Stan ating a john Deere farm Damage is estimated at ly $700 damage The owner copies of old newspapers. No such record Chapman asked me to write this book for tractor, hauling a corn auger approximately $30.‘ooo, and of the trailer lives in exists, not on microfiche, microfilm or the Millenglludn 2/ygieit,"i,eg7sryt)pyr11; behind it the structure was destroyed. Scarborough. und books. The only thing that does exist tor ofthe o orne ronic e, rs. . yri . . , F . L Esoihe wonderful clipping done by people had prepared a 125th Colborne Village The auger was tilted at a ()) 11h]: iti'g1eispt,1hie"di, crib: diwodmalisfwere like the members of Women’s Institute. anniversary edition ofthe paper in 1984_and 45 degree angle. . ca ". . . g r s e an eac ace a This book could never have been written in 1992 a Cramahe Tu9wnship 200th anniver- Marsh was returning the considered susptcrous. charge of break and enter, without the Ridge Road, Castleton and Col- sary history editrion. . . tractor to the barn, when Youths charged as well as mischief. borne Tweedsmuir histories." "This was a beginning," Mrs. Argyrss the raised auger made con- with mischief They are scheduled to Local chapters of lr, Women’s Institute said of hert ptige2s'fnagsf,',d on that infer. tact with a live overhead At 5 pm. on November 7 appear in Brighton Youth . l newsci in s an memora- mation, s ar e se in . . . F $3152: ttj,1r2ris2tu/l'/Jl'ii'f/1/li1tl1iilnri't to When Colborne library closed last sllm- wire, Causing him to be two youths were observed Court on December 19. l compiling a "Tweedsmuir history" of their mer to prepare for relocation, the entire clectrocute . . . -------'-----r---- local area. In areas such as Colborne and local history section was given to Mrs. Percy Township Fire _ Cramahe, the scrapbooks and file folders of Argyris to store. That, she says, was a bonus Service, as well as para- information are the only ongoing printed -}l:u:tiit altso crowded her Port Hope home for medics attended the scene, ' -' ' . - ura ion. . . rgioar1tlhoart/xi'" detailing local events, Dec t til1flsf///li Quinn was so much helpfAiny ',1nti,11viacshprt,i,rj,1o1lei £225“; I' h ll is anecdotal histories," Gresham had given Roseanne a box D c ip- . r.“ oil1egf//1iu/he/2; research for' the pings not yet compiled into hooksand I got Break, enter & theft ' Fi a; g 'i-t 2 g 'ii a f? l millennium history book. "School teachers so much from those. The 1i,e,eat,f,'en2,iat' Sometime overnight of 5:19-39“ g g so :8.» l in particular were wonderful. There are between people and exents became c ear, November 8/9, a Colborue . fi] 2.2 E 8 ES cl m many accounts of one-room schools, hand- how things ftt together. . Wood Products business 7 E†m an cr 5 g a: "3 l written histories Ireceived a handwritten The need to preserve and centralize a t d th th it f E Hg ro" g,' a, ,_. co g p: i diary given to one woman in the 1940s that local history still exists, she noted. FEW“: $3 - e 0 3131;â€): m B 3 < $53 0 's" 9.. rd was 90 years old backthen. . . "If any group within the sound of my imate y Y:510 wort 0 'i/i. it 53 3 3% g - trd p "When a generation is passing, this is a voice wants a good project for the commu- hardwood flooring. . E. S 5- a .. 3 H: a 2 a: 3 great loss. We want to get these treasures nity, they should consider microfilming all Police are continumg the g "i" g sto" ‘1 r-e Fl n g H they have in their minds. the copies of the newspapers] gave to, Dave investigation. 2 a: m m a on E n O “i was very fortunate to move to Colborne MoGlennon and Tweedsmuir histories. It Cottage tire E a 5. p: P m g 5 a, F? H in the mid 19705 where Iraised my children. might take a fundraising group, but " would I u st alter midnight on c, tt i7 z: a :1 e if g a igot to know personally many of the people be an invaluable contribution.†N ember 8 tl Se mour :3 a a' ti'. gm 110 longer with us. People Irke Charles The writing of How Firm il Foundation 0V . .’ y S m o Sign e, g E? 9 Rutherford, Grace Rutherford, Percy Clinic. took six months' time, Mrs. Argryis said _ Township resident contacted . o H, t .4. , m m I could draw on what they wrote, things and then came a ceallyjr1fficult task: cutting Campbellford Seymour Fire t'ofgy'exdua'" r they left behind like 9ht; Chm??? this: the content down to the 192 printed pages. C’rf (we! t ac 'ttii,gsettahte2Tth1,1c1e1(if11dsA17not11i War- "It's Colborne 1e/ire1ifi1s,2 bog}: gill/Xi: p D u' / 5/0 a _ r n. Mrs. Argyris says o e ys ory do ',, rsr.1.iirgsgt,1e(11iiraspuj11g'ai1tt)i11i' treasure our belongs to them (the municipal councils). ------.-,-----" l r - [rr-iii)