Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2005, Volume 4, p. 5

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"m'""'"""'""""""'?,)';,', l TAPâ€"â€" _. t" 1 I I I "I d. “I; J, " J J" J, J. flu Kiel ' D'U7 ,d d J., t I .1 I I I . ”Mkâ€"fi -- __ _.__ eanne Latter l rictims of . I . d . . -jT1'rrl-rsri'iTi'i/dir'" , g p cot/504W Cht . ty p ce seirch Cramahe Township's Bylawl BY ’2 “NC . . 7 Fer ”.7777 .. . -_ V. r., .. Boa OWEN L 7. _VFVq - _ . .. ' , . Enforcement Officer Leanne Lat, 1 Chronic|e@bellnei ca GM _ f, “I . TV r-, l i He didn t Show her the warrant at the time ter is leaving. Her last day with lt w . . o V.. f / Od; ' V - r ..c"rr 7 I and. she wonders now if she would have the Fownship is Friday, June IO, ex erias something that Sue Scott has never , ? 7 t 7 avoided most of the distress if he had. When . Mrs. Latter preferred not to 'TI 6enced before _ and never Wants to again. 'pl » 7 I - 7 t _ Il - l she looked later, she didn't recognize any of discuss her future plans, but COm~ loud k Ill) on June 2. she was awakened bv a I in r ll . _ r "q, , ‘ 3 t 7 the other names on the paper. mented that she had enjoyed COUChnOfEt: at the. door. She was resting on the * IN Mi - rrst'sii' 7 _ e , After asking who else was at home, the offi- working with the staff in the morni a er 1ypur let the puppy out for its /T - ' ,e,"r-Sr f ' I 'G 'iM cor escorted her upstairs to wake them. Sue _ Cramahe Township offices. ‘ ng exet'C1se, , r, - 71.3w , M“ was supervised by a female officer as she got wiinaear/e,otri',t,g, was an OPP swat team 3 V. 7 3 b" 1 hr" _ __r_ dressed to go outside. New bUSIneSS ald l, élrant to search the home in Dundon- 7 , ' " '.C"s .77 "-' 'ilrla)La, And while they waited, a team of officers l " Lson‘gt er'e she and ChtirMorewood and her 3 ‘ . I . rm' _ ELe,it') , _‘ from Ottawa, Sault Saint Marie and head l ----F- iii - 7 ,7, . , i) s leg/$1: JP) ' > 7 7. -- Ir, office in Orillia began their search. Sue says 7 3: . ' l Lindy w. had thought 1t,1'it1/tl'rcei,r 0131116113113138 if she 7 "e N (11:32:11)?“ Of a sting operation being con- _ t: " . . , WOLI C 1ave cv c . ' a moret . r _ J, Klll a new the police were at the wrong hou A realized - province han one location across the _ 7 ij, El8el 7 It . 7 the warrant nearly threel w Se. Check of . The D3 , . I “maul Ita' a ernative that they were at the 7 10urs later revealed lil kn undonald family might never have 7 7 " _ , MiiI 1 for lun h Ii T , wrong address. , own what the search was about if Steven 7 " ' 7 c nstead when the 1 . and Chr , T , . . f P , ENE l . , po Ice asked to come m . 115 weren thceneed hunters ‘, ' I . and Ice EESVZECFEdthm ff,o,2'es" She roused Chris and . ' 7 7 _ n , l l After about two hours the police came out l , V . 7 an at C , _ 7 7 ' f, 7 ' J1 h c, /, V cream In three hours st,ilhti1,roe/2itl.1t most of the next the r ' ', T 3 I , '7 7 & L", 'lrtfvehiott,tspnep gomg to arrest 16-year-old ( 2 7 / ' Colborne. NO‘S’V that the ordeal of mistaken identity is it”? ll, _ , 3 , r I V Mii iigtlg ', iillli! lock on his 'rehil1httl1sage1r,ehstg1,1iitnye2iettl' , .5 "a 7 over, ue can look back. She r , ' - ., W .,_.-_ , 'BE, iltBet 'ttttBid 7.": - to fasten; I . l l, , F ' ”x, See page 8 $fficers were always polite, 'icu0tuhtislhsatte,tl1f Sue Scott and Chris Morewood rha‘d ti-rne to The bioti,hupc,"te"s',thii,,s, mdgrtllEls' rotective I L, Tly,7, declined the offer of coffee, hut mg: relax with their dogs last Saturday, now that it side of the mother and mrg h e p r Slue l ‘ JF - gested she could make som f h 7 "C, was clear the were ' ti f asked , a e er ang y. 7 she went 07 t id e or erserfbemre y we TTIS 0 a false search. to see the warrant. She told them they 1 But the 2177:1171: ex eri . VV PHOTO BY Bos OWEN _,1"iyt'h11e, wrong Susan Scott and she knew none it has left her worrigd "Em: VVaS‘dlfiicult and were at least two OPP cruisers and five add 93%th people named on it. It had her mi , , c on the rumours that ulniiarked cars blocking the entrance to her ICess ut called tt City Rd. She lives on a ht g result from the mot nmgnust k lr l . T . . ' County road police. axe by the fllve. r unifm med officer m a flack jacket That provoked _ . b 23730 00106 L What she saw when she opened t1 $553122?” was Susan Scott, then told her police a series of calls by the m ' awarra T V 7 ' _ T . l dool nt to search the premises. continued on page 11 i ;, g cr a: a. an a: m m cr >1: m - I tour-4- Cp8rae?irok-e "" 0 3H8: " 35‘9“” o - gazeeeeawe: BB 'i.ji,'?i'51,/i'iii.i.i,il a _i.i.'ii,i:lji'i'?ii-i,, :2: m Em P (nt-r- “Samson: arp." E" -. tr “'5 . Swan rTf m 0"? . { 'ii/iii/iii/i/ij. 937; e 't1"fi,?i;'i?, raga-ea 5 age g 32.3.97 'j), 3; §§E§§E§§ZÂ¥3$ g E333 gg $§Q§§§-5§§$o§§” 5.. 'ii; 36> 'i,/J,",r.'-dtdj'ri'x5'raF,' " e",-e_r'cs"raohF..jyd-T_,.'it"Y, ””15 03 'a" (D m 975-5» 5:01:06) NEH-5m 're'.. 3 '1'": l JQHP‘QE":m m”??? cr 93:7“ _-s"):':?')?,',',,?"?,),'?",",-? 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