; cmmmmmmnnrnmm n mareon umm omm amenemenmmmmmenmsooeemmmm mm mm n ‘:7 j o 1 } f 401 crash raises concerns about flow of information _: ~ uigaene canmute â€" RPRNt/of _ : B On March 7 the OPP held a debricfi 4 1 By Valerie MacDonald about the horrific accident \J;rll?fg}llg . , MZ vmacdonald@northumberlandtoday.com accqrding to a report penned by the R ( YÂ¥ 5 i . A police debriefing meeting about the COunty‘s Ken stubbinss, killed two people, 7 P deadly multiâ€"vehicle crash on Highway 4o1 _ ItJured 11, spilled 57,000 litres of gasoline * 7 between Grafton and Cobourg on February and involved 32 vehicles (not all damaged). : ) i us f | 1,2007, failed to take into account two The OPP sugsested a public information Y w j important municipal concerns, say the Officer could better provide accurate naiin .« 494 i | _ heads of Cobourg and Alnwickâ€"Haldimangd Information about this kind of tragedy. le 7 td | « Township. They found signage and security were lnm. 67 "There was no mention of rerouting 1a¢king. Some tow trucks were engaged in j ¢ N 4 1 Highway 401 traffic from county roads onte _ extra billing in the circumstances. The \ t 4 more northerly routes like County Road 7 OPP didn‘t notify the railways that fisd B and County Road 35/115, nor about detoured vehicles were crossing their ‘ i8 “’â€' reconstructing the dangerous "s" turns *Allway lines and that the MTO needs to Mh: ablmint [ between the two municipalities during the â€" Teview the detour routes. Just as local, phol To 1 i au d Sb iOA .. j expansion of the highway to six lanes, municipalities sirggested alternatlves F 1c F on‘ oi e in 7 k Cobours Mayor Peter Delanty complained alogg 115 and 7, the OPP reinforced the m L.in W : during a county council meeting last week. 2800 ib se " & "Those two items were omittged from the (In the Coboure area there were long ES K o cSDeh 1Z] f report," he said. 1 lines of backedâ€"up vehicles, including over e _R dloith, ... Mn . _ ‘The exiting detour routes along County . the cAilway tracks on Brook Road and M 4i * S . §A |; - § Road 2 and Dale Road were originally hemming in the fire department along tds .‘ 1 “"4 eranl ol l _ â€". . established without consultation with the =18in Street.) 4 C ie e a on .. ,’-'M"“f‘,_‘..â€",â€"---’"‘?x ." i . a municipalities, they were just imposed, he __ The fire departments found there was %"“ . Oa ies | i G§iles~:*;~> ~a E said, asking Northumberland County to â€"POor communication due to a radio "dead _ ji~y> s _ SMt e l ols o2 it n pis 4. i. C We aadiietiinne j become involved in ensuring this 2%"° and as a result local chgnnel use was ‘;-;:;-_‘ Lae jf / lipubmte: 3 NC X e satâ€" y y k Th â€" F information is put to the transportation congested and the county is asking for. . esw I oo n t »..\zj»f'.r.- k <~A pQ/ dR ministry. more Industry Canada channels to remedy “ Afffemmmar‘ns c muaum (€) F 1\‘ 8 | s E "And (find out) what is the action plan,© . tMis. . tly © C pomen m e anl< sA 3 y | s Alnwickâ€"Haldimand Mayor Bill Finley _ The MTO is currently "conducting a _ w es hmnnne l _ _ | P | lirged council. review of the 401 (accident) history with. . ie J e e Lh sic) .. _3 S ) C ENNN* * {:: Afund sppngtopracny»~ _ â€" ‘ | If, you. are going to send the focus‘on the Northumberland area," Mr. _ @har oo i s C A~ esnt "‘5“’_: ‘,}"“«-,_ ognes ces “hâ€"ï¬;:; ies Oaian ‘* transportation ministry information, also Stlibbmgs s report states. _ f « Alald /) nitr Sss y ne Sm e ns IFl 5 ie ols f#‘ # x {equest al follow.up meelting" with Northumberland area of 401 is the oo mm mmmme mm mmmmmememmecelemmmmiâ€"cmmtios = â€" | stakeholders to determine what progress is worst stretch of 401 with the curves, ; 4 Eie rhoro | 2 being made toward improvements in such terrain and Jake effects (caused by) the _ A multiâ€"vehicle crash on Highway 401 Eebruary 1 claimed the lives of two people. | ‘ tragedies, he suggested. weather. J T | @ .