/"r'r, _ M) (.H/ . ' B . h _ Trent River The county bridge on Hastings at Countvaoad 45 or rlg ton moves to found . County Road 30 at the Village the Healey Falls bridge to the Bridge closed of Trent River will be closed to east, on County Road 50. In the _ ty all traffic April 18-30 o past, traffic has been restricted ' A complete repairs. Motorists to one lane controlled by stop ranc _ will have to use the bridge at lights. Recent controver51es over church, l l f tt bl T . , school s urred a . un or g e a e C c a bozo e C a p Ctlon . _ Cl-fp, (021171: promote the importance of our built I y f F h Ed BY .1th EVANS _ heritage, supporting preservation-minded annlversa or at er Special to the Chronicle A f'F, _ /?/O 2 golf“)? owners and providing a resource ' a owncount'l " ' IC'C"s _ ' . . In the wake ofmany concerns about identifv and 'jti1li"r1i)l1"paori1/ii"'iittt,litdtnt/,,1,,rt,11 This time last year.' Fr. .Ed Cachia, C heritage protection in recent months, Such historic preservation stirer a embattled Roman C1tholifpiflest who had . l Brighton will soon have its own storm of controversy in recent weeks when disagreed With the Bishop _of the C "r Architectural Conservancy organization, the congregation f tl - l t X. St Peterborough Diocese over the issue of _ _ C. - wi, The date of Thursday, Apr. 26 at 7 p.m. Andrew's Pi‘esby*tei~(i-tii Church gloléd (a women's ordination to the priesthood. . F , ml 'f' /i in the Town Hall has been set for a public sellthe property for develoiment )LIFJOSBS started his own breakaway Catholic t s', get A. ' v ' _ [ inaugural meeting of the new when it decided t T ' Ir, I, l int Church, the Church of Christ the Servant. a ttr. l 'if,; ", , organization, which will become a branch congregation [with C l 1911 0:111:11“ On Palm Sunday 2006, about 400-450 2.. a "e , J, " F ' , ofthe parent Architectural Conservancy Of have also been arouses} Us“. fhchhte'htial joined Fr. Cachia for his inaugural " " '. L)! _ Mh l., Qntarlo, founded in 1933. It will join demolition of the m'wns'ori “1131 hi h celebration ofthe Mass at the community U" " , " Ft in. éarlier-established such branches based at school now Brighton Public “123001 g hall in Cold Springs, and the Church of ‘ ' ',3P A e Port Hope, Cobourg and in the Quinte Mr ’Cutler noted that iriii1ri,c7vincia, Christ the Servant is still carrying on, L btr , Area. . level L, th _ C , . C _ albeit without Fr. Ed. t ' I A? OPPQNUFHY for.y1tmbers of the time staff. itéggrgljliplliigftglisae‘ESlTlléllpglllll This year, as another Jj,,ae?y,r l _ public toioin Will be available at the public preservation activmés 011’". 11')r,iciiit'/1w1ii); approaches, Fr. Cachia is bringing fitness . meeting PFlor to an election for a charter basis and provides cr /'ei'yiffl'i,"a" cment to the soul" ofthe patrons of Ste Anne's Spa board of directors Memberships may also support to its membgfbranches {given as in Grafton, after leaving the Church of t be purchased 1n advance by telephoning circulatine a re7,ular lllblicqtionand Christ the Servant last fall to seekla ' , 3,. Dali/18 Cgtlflr at (613) iii-511?, offers prelifninar; profelssion-il advice at Eticonciliation with the Roman Catholic Ti:" _ . ' r. u er, one o e cey Organizers of modest co _ . a . F C C . . . ' urch, C *1 the new group, notes that the ACO now has governmeflist2:51{£312S;~(ï¬f;iï¬gi$gipdl "This is where my journey, so far, has a! 19 branches across Ontario. Brighton will The Brighton i,11ffitir"iih' essentially taken me," says the man now known as df become its twentieth branch, 0 er ' ' . C - Reverend Ed. . Father Ed Cachia _ Cr The ACO both provin0ially and locally pp ate independently, focusing on local "Ste Anne's is a very special place , v; _ , . " , Issues ' c ' A . . c . _... . . ' , . V , Teq . as founded on the belief architectural tours Inf Jcl'l'/syl1is,s.uc/1 avsjlslpfglliegili wherever healing takes place IS holy f11ei1a1htsr.at'1ons they receive at Ste Anne 3,): conservation and Jlestrv.at1on make memberships and donations from the ground," 183- s. ' iritualjourne has followed'a , sound finanCial sense and yield tangible public for support Many of the clientele, he says, are "at a His fly..?], SP the k t . l', d [t b It and intangible benefits to all of us," Mr, "This is good news for Brighton's crossroads in life, in need ofa listening ear rocky 103d I', f as gear“ e a ml s, 1.1 , {Butler commented: historic bu iidin s " commented Nanci and a listening heart," Says he holds ast to ls.falth’ and to In? , / "He added: "Brighton citizens have Anderson a long-time campaigner on . Some are grieving, others face health belief that mark)? women yt.ready now to N q 'always spoken out when a building is behalf of architectural )reservation and a Issues and it was the clients themselves be ordained as Oman cathOIJC MESS, and I V threatened, but the ACO Branch will = = l' l 1 ,." C C . who expressed a nee . i . 1 he continues to disagree with Rome's stand . . be a member ot the tot met Bi ighton Township . . d for the Sp†tu i . . . . . permanent force acting proactively to heritage advisory committee _ dimension to be added to the other on female ordination. EILEEN A T ce i t RGYRIS