(fi-ir),, .\‘-// V . ' . Q 0 . . . . APRIL it, 2007 7A7 _ -___ ____j, THE INDEPENDENT ----F--- -_____,,_J_'A_rir,i_1.7, -eF ARTS 8: CULTURE G E t 1 . LAUGHS AT THE BARN . ary oo cs so are '_--'-"-", "v"'M8* ,'tFm . . . . . - t k'rur JI-w‘.’ sd - Students rely on library for polishing their research skills __' _, f _ t)' J' :\‘ ' ' . " . 71 rcq a , T at i by Bay Yurkowski year grant from the On- Tondeur, of the OTF grant ry group. " .. " ' _ - I I THEINDEPENDENl tario Trillium Foundation review team. "ft helps "They were Just won- .. 'w, y] _ iiw RESOURCES for Al- (OTF), new books and their research skills but it derfiil," she said. "They tEey, t ft I†- N “‘1, ' 1/ N,t'v'i7is"/ili2lei't,'d'/d' li- computer software were also helps to make a more got involved and they Bil _ / b a braries to help support purchased with advice healthy and vibrant com- want to keep going." " 'r' ) g . ii '; educational and vocation- from a teen advisory munity." Is the Trillium grant ’ ,4; ‘ , ' mi T , al needs of students and group made up of seven "Before we put in the enough? k", I s. v-- iii young adults took the students from alt branch- grant application, one of "It's never enough," bl . I, I F rr Cl spotlight at the Bette es of the library system. the concerns we had was Ms. Dempsey said. "1t's a 1"“ , ‘ F . , ‘ ' LeBarr branch in Grafton "We think supporting all of our young people, good start. (The students) , ' /) on Saturday. students is a really strate- once they reached high will tell us more needs to . - ' t _ i_ 3,“.- Thanks to a $14,800 one- gic investment," said Jon school age, are bused out be done and we'll have to ", v ' , cf, r , ONTARIO , LA FonDA F" . . "m, IN5 “41 of A1?wicly,H.aldirn.and to listen to our teen group" I ll ti , . ‘ 1 V , Ai Ttetuurorn LL TR'LL'UrARro fil; l - il-th a regional high school," Tasha Chamberlain, a f . b' E - . J ANDATION a DE LvON . Ir; , ll . ' - said Carol Dempsey, chief Grade 12 student and l l tl I "", rg , - (ly/il?, . 'ii! ‘eaxecutive ffet)crt, the l member at; thedagvisogy _ l ' / " , _ . . ion.0 rary sys em. e rea - group, ex aine ow s e ' \,_ I t 1" v lliumfoundatl F a , d ' 2llhll ized we are the ones tried to find information " j.. y . Fe t h? ' IF, Ontario “a; r ‘ F responsible for supporting to complete a project on E, -' ti ' â€m 4,», til u, ~ l F r y y , I V; f, _ t "2 them when they came different artists while in - © 'e,,- l, , (: at be, 'm a' . L. " I l , Fa = w. u H I, _ > back into (the township) Grade 11. L F " if}? I Lt - _ , t, -. I ' . “I? it ' to do their research and "I couldn't find any , l Fl Ilt , ‘ , y" F - ,. L". 1 IIB Y, " "t"i homework. (The students) books anywhere," she ' i i . - IlMB' Fe ‘ We were relying on the li- said. "One of the things] 'il , a? brary and the staff was asked for was books on F, . ‘ "in , saying we don't really art, Now we have them s, " ' i, 1 $8 Bi have enough (resources) and in years to come peo- 2 ! c'ahrda 'l M" ' P, to be effective for them. pie are going to able to E ‘ f ' Fi'taE i " I Agg;y E . "And they a“?! yucoyr find artists that I could- Lento right: Beth Vreugdenhil, Shasta Morey and Ann : I "ilt ', - . = M _ ' rr g mg to some statistics, the nt" . . Eouldlng perform In the Brighton Bam Theatre produc- MtEMi f iill m. é real supporters Of the.†' The Trillium Founda- hon, The Famdale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s m, I! " rl ' Ri, . g brary because they realize tion, an agency of the Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery. The hilarious it lil ‘. - . E that some of the online re- Ministry of Culture, is cel- comedy by David Mcuillivray and Waiter Zerlln Jr., Is a . _ sources we can give them, ebrating its Mth anniver- play within a play about a theatre company that puts on Alnwickltlaldimand public libraries showcased new resources they won't have access to sary this year, a very bad production at a murder mystery, Everything designed to support the needs at students at the Bette LeBan' at home. And if they are Traditionally, the founder that can go wrong does from forgotten Mes and mug branch in Grafton on Saturday. L-r, Grade 12 student Tasha based to their school, they tion has a budget of $100 props to incorrect sound effects and more. Evonlnu W... Chamberlain, Grade T student Maryanne Anthony. don't have enough time to million for grants to com- formal-mes at 3 FM. are on April 20, 21, 27, 28, May 3, 4 %trtttumttertatttt MPP Lou ninaldl, Ontario Trl|liuln Foundation use the school resources." munity groups but, this and s. Sunday matinee; at 2 pm. are on April " and M. T representative Jon Tondeur and Grade tt student Alexander Ms. Dempsey has high year, an additional $20 niil- call 513.575.2144 for tickets. DiRago. praise for the teen adviso- lion has been added, . ---------_---