i omnnnt > : 1 (Reeerreerreee e emmmemememmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmesms...__._____________________.._..._._._._...«.«mmmmmmmntemmme n _ { o e : e & e 1 S Critics call for options for spreading sludge | eolpoame _ exromicree pec. /05 4 ~S& / | ‘Continued from page 1 Organic farmer Bob Garthson pointed of Ontario. Several of the: seminar to studies showing absorption of more speakers will be from the Ministry of & Trent Hills resident Wendy Deavitt . than 20 chemicals by earthworms. Environment. $ $ ; U outlined the medical and financial costs Prince Edward County does not Cramahe Councilior Ed Van Egmond A she said her family has incurred since â€"spread its sludge. The county is s_tor;ng was somewhat more reticent z_ibput the sludge was spread near her home in . the de-wateret_l material and searching. impact of tpe meeting. He believed the Trent Hills in 2006. $ for aIternatm_'e disposal methods, experts ‘didn‘t have answers. His , She intends to seek legal action includingfueld;gestgrs. f upderstandugg of the sources of the against. those involved in the Durham Region is now operating a hlghgr cadmium levels_ in_t]ns area spreading of sludge near her home in digester which serves York as well, conflict with the generalizations made 2006. She said the health of her family â€" producing heat energy. Va.]leyï¬eld,_ Q}le., by presenters. and pets has been impinged. _ o is experimenting. with a $6â€"million _ Mr, Van ï¬ï¬%ï¬-â€d also wonders about _ 2s Ms. Deavitt requested ameeting with, plasmaarcprocess: | _ _ |________| _ _ _ Wcontentions mad otensfhente . CL Q]ifggjg_égg;cyltfllre Food air,xd Ruial 2 It ;vya?: the oi?lgms,% Prince E;idwt%rgmur Tnor'rig.ss: Ig it 1'§t; }gcongli ent tï¬n Affairs Minister Leona Dombrowsky, â€" Cor 7 Councillor S xw i d th mposition when it is spread on the ,, was refused,. and a letter was sent Nov. go.\%}ymfleï¬t' ‘can no longer end it_s *â€fï¬elds, how is it suddenly consistent h+ 27 which stated, "The government is â€" arguments with the statement, "There is â€" when it is used for biomass fuel? Et confident that using biosolids in .nothing e,ls_e we can do." t aasst Ct_m'ently. some farmem use biosolids: * ‘ agriculture, if current regulations are Following the meeting, Cramahe on fields where grain is grown. The | . : 1 followed, do not endanger public health â€" Township Councillor Pat Westrope said, sludge-fertfljzgd grain is not separated ) _ and safety." "It has opened up my eyes to the fn_)m other grain when it is taken :_co‘y_'hche 4 | Mike Clark, president of the Lone . negative aspects of sludge spre_admg.â€_ mill and used for flour for bread t ) Pine Marsh Sanctuary created by Muriel Ms. Westrope added she is looking. products. 1+." Pooke i Brahamâ€"Wells, spoke of his concern for forward to taking this new information "I will go to the Barrie meeting with ! health effects on animals in the marsh . to a seminar in Barrie Dec. 10 sponsored . my eyes wide open and my mind not after the surrounding farmland was _ by the Biosolids Utilization Committee â€" made up," Mr. Van Egmond said. | _ coated with sludge. ‘ and the Water Environment Association 10 â€" + t | e ; j , 0e \_Public teachers conract impasse . ‘ [ ue { ‘ Continued from page 1 Mr. Johnson said some of the: week), and $53â€"million to hire items the ETFO would agree to â€"more teachers for Grades 4 to 8. | Calls by this newspaper to were mandatory staff meetings, CAll the extras have _heen | ETFO president David Clegg and "on occasion, at prep time to taken off the table, which is too aume | |_ were not returned by deadline. meet with parents." bad, because there are of a lot of 4 es e | _ However, in an address made The offer that was rejected was _ good things that could have been sA | $ s i' on ETFO‘s website, Mr. Clegg a 3% annual raise, funding to done," Mr. Johnson said. _ C I Â¥ | ) _ stated information getting out on improve benefits and working Although he said the OPSBA is > :# Ԥ E the talks is incorrect. conditions, funding to enhance . always willing to continue talks, _ ‘ % $* i $ "You should know that OPSBA â€" professional development for . "the minister was pretty clear on s | | is a voluntary association of teachers, money to reduce the deadline" and the time for M | . school boards without any legal instruction workloads by 40 getting board grants is coming up _| yo uorjiod ;uounea.) a9jemojsem _ _ i responsibilities for collective minutes (to about 21 hours per soon. / 968‘09$ au}; sem swormptnoren W bargaining," Mr. Clegg stated in p w e cce stg JO itnsod ou1 ‘Apoeded | || the video. e ejtu asn o3 paroodxo syrun glg _ E‘ "Our original _intent had been a ay} Suoue np‘[g’ï¬gdxa lnflm m d ;;- to completely eliminate the gap â€" agemoas yo dtystmo} 3 F’Ws@? | ) in teacher working conditions. uor[fitâ€"9$ pajyoa[foad ayy pareys % Given the current economic . xpouun,, ‘Ipt ‘s1e04 )t 45e2d ou} t & climate, we modified both our Butpting owoy oxeure1; to paseq [ goal and our timeline. The offer ‘ _ | apetu suonpsaford Sutsq ‘uorsuedso | iï¬' we presented to the boards met: : Topemaisem â€" oy} . 3O 3»3::13 s 4 r the approvgl of the government Pa;sa_!o.ld at} s13800 }sas ',qmï¬ï¬ | and provided a nqmber of § : R ‘sat.pms Iej1deo pus uï¬mamg_; | b i substantial benefits for prmmlemmmmecmemmmenmmmmmmmmmnnmmmmmmmmmemummnmmmmiiiininnbnpommnnnmennnsntintn ‘3132313;;;?;;:})11 _1;;;;:::5:4& I ‘ g:trzlllrï¬;g,t’?ll;g statgg.u oo ‘gt aag o segxeyo autptmg mau _jnd pynom 096$ olpt ‘Ajunoo pupm 0y â€" pasa â€"a Jé “wmg Mr. Clegg stated the EFTO has| _ TigA08 0; mep{q pasodord t 32 0of ay} Ut JSBMOIII algasgm?; NILLOL, ut Sogteup juowdorme@ | ; asked for a 4% yearly pay raise, 01 payaodxo st pounoa ayriueq _ soayy ‘uosrredur02 9y} ;[:: uc O cBerte sroprng remapue »but asked for none in the fourth { i _ ‘Area0oaar4s00 Moteq jas . qaapatenbs oof‘I JO Sqtioy, 6sfalm 059 8¢ Aed pmom sxoptmqamoy ""year of the agreement so 1,500 aq teo Xaty 10 saystm Ajrfedtotunut refauics" g&fi[‘, hoy geqm R !{aflgmgm uuot9 ; [~new teachers could be hired in 4j Jt ut poseyd q u@'ï¬a-‘:‘&]‘am gg;m :ié Nee fog O uit a00 . 0 lsncs ?zu opun _ 1 Ontario. f § AERtenses , s ttedion fï¬ . s uo ;1Jo.1d e ayeurjou Aeurjt ing. oxenbs 005 T ueYJ.s5of 3utp[tng «13u;0 Aue jo jteq weyq ssar ; agli%?rigntfl::hilckï¬fe x;(i)ggiche maé uaAg. }{‘;[ajq e re soog o jos â€" Aue Toj yunted Surp[ING e 10J 099$. s; Seouspisar jeana aof aueuredo Up | 31, 2008, the starting salary of an 0 Atredrorunut otp 107 Adojeptrenr . Aed Aptatmo sdepitng agewexq) __. agreyo juauidotoAop 000 Té oUd. P ‘ y j0u st ) ‘saotados oy; aptaoud o _ . dn‘sptunred surpring. > ‘8h8‘B§ te agetirea 01 38asopp arp st eclementary teacher within the | dtysttmo} atp 013500 pojeumsa ayy _ ‘CLGP$ Apua.umo st S,00103HE . dargsumo,p uojfttues, ‘08L$ 18 J9M0L Kawartha Pine Ridge District Jo9tfex sesva.rout posodord atyp â€"â€" ‘Ajunoo â€" DUSMeqHINIGAION _ TT | st smy juont Alao 008‘G§ StSomiog. | School Board with baseline ‘oxIy aofeur e aas oste ppmom.. A)tfedtotunut feitn.ut Aue jo se8reqo weqin dof aStego mam‘m{gï¬? J qualifications was $38,096 and â€"|sTOTtod treid a41s pue soouerzeA â€" juawidofonap iseliattf ou} eyerreds uoilimno s.oustredy â€" ‘Aqunod . | the maximum was $84,095. | Toutrmgo s1509 ‘ohe:OT€ 01 000°@§ 9818 BINOM 029‘ § Borse331!S 94L | ouy uy seoy iSomoj ou jo owros Red Mrx. Clege stated the assertion. | twodf joxpoxAys pmom totstatpgns _ 4 [ 3 u t p i 0 a 9 a ‘sopitnd ateures ‘Apusung _ that the ETFO‘s plan would 10f uotjeoridde us jo jso9 doip p[nom aS4eYo jtUawidofoaap i % &N&Q | create a $260â€"million shortfall is atj ng Are, A soSueyo sa; Jo10 ay; j0° uondod. Iepemoajsem ege gt AoN: -smm{sué(j.aglj‘f "simply not true." 4 |___ _ i0og‘ts â€" atp spueurmreAo$ eAor caddn o. kq opeu sho;j‘ei)fl; t English public elementary ‘01.00F‘T¢ troxp ArretnSteut Atuo jnq Sutpuny %07 uej edotr§;98 pue op, _ sdope qroundo â€" ; teachers wremain the only {pardope atom 1z0dat yoounn, ayy . q99(ord jrieunea.y dojemojsem o) | dqrysumo,p ouetaedo Jt 2091 ousny unionized employees in Ontario 3t ostt oste pmoA saay Suruuerg . UyIm peae §008 dtysttmoj owy Jt _ a_oe;,ï¬e_xfi siopttng agemed) â€" schools n covered by a ‘008‘T$ Jo as; jua.unp e set YorLm 00 | [ toBrego > wooyewmoidx@ emoj . framework agreement. The sim0g69 07 £juo puodas aeurerg â€" juatudoreAsp Ieguap;sax‘ozg‘% ay 2. .. _ Namq sog 1g pul&l%c‘:'high school andtCatl;xolic 4 * s * .fa lg( JR . gTaN) mp9j0) 0 um J and Frenchâ€"language teachers : is _ c cexn‘ IrELC n Pm‘ o s T4 % es ploag 3 have all agreed to the same fourâ€" &60 Z UI SSI.I A‘B [II â€" Sg 9} 1u9 [H C Glgâ€"w j year agreement, & y aial &4 1e ‘ J ‘ L oi Rebs 6\‘ s * | mmmmsmmemmenemmmmmsemmmnmmmmemmmeaermmmemmeeeemmmenst omm onl oi