Air Force at the Start of Second World War. but]i;tis faél%i Gounty Road 2 when Mrs. property on Cranberry Lake, likely figure in many of the was not well. He would die of a 4 ghnston got into the field where they indulge their love of conversations at the June . heart attack in 1943, and his son theouE" her father, Floyd gardening and bird watching, 14 celebration at St. * 4 would take over the farm, When Harnden (known as F.$. because â€" they have kept busy with the local Andrew‘s _ United + |_ he was called to duty and ths there were two Floyd Harndens in horticultural club, bowling, Church â€" where it i situation was made known, the Grafton). He had been a Co: church activities and . all began. _ Air Force decided he would s’erve pperators agent for 20 years and shuffleboard. They helped put â€" <w_ _ ; ohis country better by stayin wanted to retire, together When The Lakes Roared, i the farm, ying on â€"â€"" one was one of very few women â€" the 1997 history of Haldimand / ; He always suspected his 12 the insurance business at the Township. Y g : _ mother had something to do with time. They were also key players in Y + i _ that, but he has no regrets, It left "I alway‘s remember the chap securing a Horizons grant to [ |~him in the enviable position of WP° said, ‘I am very surprised build the shuffleboard court in | i â€" being one of very few eligible CY hired you when you were â€" Grafton and a Trillium grant to | j { _ bachelors around, but he y gtill of childâ€"bearing age,‘" she â€" renovate it. y $ | i _ no hurry to get mé\rxgiecli]%was Y said. «We pretty well work _ 4 f’ _ he didn‘t have enough mong"ause» Her children, in fact, were 11, tggether, " Mr. Johnston salid: [ { He still didn‘t have a bf};;he 14 and 17 when she began, butshe "We‘ve always done things ! _ he married Shirley Harnden Juna 10423 L helpful to be working at together, and we‘ve always had | 1 12, 1948, in St. Andrew‘s United 9 I did a lot of my work at â€" an interest in them, We even have J whla. iâ€" Church, where they are still siight eite® thel:bls bad gone to. the same politics, so we never ake | _i members. T'heir‘r‘echtil:m ivlf:ls ‘ped," sbs said. "It was nice and â€" argue about that." , \~ _ i_ held at Mrs. Johnston‘s family 4U%C _ | ~ Mrs. Johnston said common Y | â€" home on nearby Charlotte Stre et'y _0 ‘The agenicy opoâ€"et=: until1982, interests is the secret of their i The Johnstons began t'h'e'i'if when'Mys.-Johnston went to work success, and keeping active is | i~ married life as dairy farmers o â€" at Hamilton Township Mutual â€" what has kept them relatively i\ apolscres miyhnal isessentiéï¬n Insurance Company for three â€" healthy. | i downtown Grafton now Graftég â€" years before she retired. Being a It was at a granddaughter‘s ; j i Public School, which ihei board metber (and eventual . request a few years ago that they f â€" dlmsentatement peveoorlpniel papenermmn Un |epsssoespstorspictositiisteife p| ind .?Iaglvvï¬a;suttlg&hï¬ffgfg?ge' in the insurance business, as an The 28 pages of § ag § jeg 2#3 2 5 m 6g 3 % ;% 3 3 28 § E 350 3 5 eagedin t_‘ $ agoodlifeforthegkids » llr:ng:lg underwriter. _ _| memories and s1X g2 28 ‘#’r"â€""*'o a 3 :5 2498 CE.G 5'9_€gԤr2 28555 =m :3‘9% C 1 o sensdomietaldemes ana Zï¬lei;hgflilldtren ?]11 Seiiitled pages of photos 52322 8 ~pg8 . E;’E’: §2gg 698 § 28 2 :gé.ag & :8‘ 8 f <â€" daughter Jean. locally. d hi afesgn James lived â€" that will Zgg’g i?;?ï¬.%g%g%gwï¬";’g“ï¬-%%‘-f‘;‘log"'ï¬s fga . i _ "Half the Kids in the village andrAifod s family in Grafton, | us Cigf§fSfi6estoangelebgecsr$ssctss¢anCc _ came to our place," her husbar%d as dlqéoanï¬gga:hle%flle area for D. $ 4g80 8S8§Hfg 98BB & §5 2 84 En 328 3 8 ‘E a 88. ¢. 3 M 2 . gddeda“t}?lVe gave the kids work to ?niv;’llilslter T adeer. Phils z* | §88¢ :,g 58 $¢ s gg_%ag’% F4 S ; §25e ;5’: VEE 59 _ do, and their parents loved it." bri gd4.0 B ~ $ us B ° B 4o Bnoe 3 2L8m~s8 238 o p Oe Uf _ f That’sex;ctlyhow.lohnand near]t)yPrmce Edwardr) j §§E§%§s§=é§a:§gg E-QgE‘. ï¬g:i?“rg*s?ggï¬iï¬ _ Jean worked their way througn _ CY ty v } ;~;->gm-â€â€™a=,§-3§§g§ gï¬gam<§m°§- E.KB‘Z%QQ 5 8 o CD _ university, Mrs. Johnston said. The‘lir hildr Z . wggagu‘mg’%Mgg- gi5b¢igâ€" $JohBs $3 EH.L-""'H â€" _ They hired them to work on the gran,tcscattereednr 282 0 28g0 S 5'@53 sa E-ga%ai’pa:\q‘ 5 g%‘“; Tig @3 ?3-3‘.’!â€"5 : farm instead of hiring someone PAY£". $PIEFFqSEETCZ raaRddgse < 08 5pge s1°¢2a aA : else. too far, except for / s"’-_gmg;;,:ï¬-cï¬ a8fg B2$8pie §8°5,99 ï¬g?g’t\’b i __ Mothers usually didn‘t work in one in Australia 198a6gg°a"s8t §$5p B8 499 %35 $s 3585 8 ! _ those days, b 1g8 a94. 9298 fofifgssegg@$8 pyer‘gesel $"acgkrsge $g° Ga. ? ys, but Mrs. Johnston did bama. They 4 LE ppaqnten4s sfeacoaro #erzrear o2 \> _ | . for a while at Canadian Canners Af:o;avé‘one gPif0ebdaroan: h4 ond4 ce (<locecc â€" ols Cffr : in Cobourg. There were canneries 4 y ¢ o c3 Eoâ€" $ieie e i almost everywhere in those days, 2 rdehidt Â¥ gegn‘?ï¬-%;?;gï¬gé §§§HESEEE§’H§3@§E :E h i and she transferred to their gran_Cnc-ev “:-Eia*:$82$g5'5-§§g%wggw 35:»::,%5%21;“5'@0 ; _ Grafton plant on Canning Factory S 1 ent/ g’%g&gog:‘?‘gag<‘°E"m5"°,g“‘n;>'§&§“"§e<?9_255¢-"1 i _ Road. It closed in the early t9sos, Tet"°"" f E528B §§-â€"v§."“°5§5%§wz“ ol=f@g 5g8 2425 0 i and Mr. Johnston still recalls (° ; ; a/ &agrgww§=830m‘@gggg%$g oR gaef 2060 3 / lobbying the Minister of 10¢°"%/ fofpssarstffsorriEfifantiyicebascenr;y3 |_ Agriculture not to sell it to an §E E‘mEEE"%' $E.2" E4 on gwggg,flEgEEgQfl. i _ American company. But it was ( ied 35;5;3?3%’36 agaggflg °Fn*g§"‘-6"' gm cCO i _sold, and has sat empty ever s écsn W2°;$8®54§='3 â€Emgglgg<§ï¬g’g“%§§a '{’b sns * 58 EPojgbirryas" gpi8 CrB2389873ERAâ€" x Ed TheJohnstoninsurang/ 1f buafgyesd 92 5 °.0 coRgs »as £pnS0 s ~* agency was set up in ___ 854 §§8 8358088 8. 9 299 888 8 2" $y B83 58q 6 i= their home ____â€"_ _ 5g sgassssfdged $ ;g;&f;ggg%%%’ï¬'(’%g 5 %3 | # atagans" â€" Le PR4GfEoRRtRCP 589 , 23438A 29e . i 13 : #8 88@E flmro‘fav?s ofloébooz & ""13“% | 8g s$eâ€"Eol889.4, pea‘ bBais wesra D ie tal c +.} S > 5 20 o en c ne ® of tg. t p > i f â€" 1 & LfsfsBbsafh: 1fg arssfe soszge f & f (