Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2008, Volume 6, p. 10

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V , , . 1 wr ', . . ‘ e 1 q " ' - 1.11.1112“ Mlt& - 1 “r. QT. 'aWtgr" "m - -. . .111 . . __ IIE 1 Itil we ,1“: “we. " "illM. ' .' 'E ii, it, ' - i" Laws-1:1.- ' ttmill IMI "tMill, IllllllllllligllFi1it-' V . " u, I - ,3“ “I .A‘ '.' - _ 1' I .1: a“ " _ tFr" - A» "il '3‘le Eil, e - - e _ iiisa Li'tift,t1, «A b - a“. NY. . at?” __ . w im2 .1 _ alttlir7 1 ' A; P. IRMB, my, - Nlil . , h l t A 'trd' Ir - ttc3ii.iitt'i'titrii,i: s: - . ' an ‘ " cm: 'ittiliNi , Ilatig EN ia. ~21 tsly/fc?, 'd .. 'NW, MNIEM, . . In , ME 1M1 _ . CV BEt - iltEeg we 1 5,35%? 1 , E? , EEE ro- urn-.1,- mu: , j irt1Flii'jit'ji,/iiri:' sc.,],, '. I C L I' l" ' lice , ' . > - " .' :3,“ " " Mug-1A,, SMI) r' or, 'iiiki'iityf,' line 1 1 t'igjl, " i ! lil t " as. T 1 1 LU ' ‘ LT‘W'“ M“ lhiriEiir,1 "',"v'r.yi"?'?1r; r,v,',r" r,s'_ We. - fit '. MMI 3‘» l r V V 7' ' 'M meme-4e IM, 11yii',tQ,i,'ri/:.i,atj.,iv,iciiiv, ', -",r-s, 1~ a iliillRE"all. ' lil I l ' , g F? n. a A» w. 7 I ‘ ‘ w“m~' Mi%i , . I' NIX; tlf ')t;v,eli'fc, tve, J ':ti, q BA' = M - 'BNF' q _ l (l " A: T/ t E a} a; a O l, , " I: ' - » u _ ‘ *ti'ii'+ iCr'prrcriir'r/ss'r'/) ’1 MW' -. - a?" " ' T - , _ "’ V , F,! VST,'. ‘ "a' 'ttill, , ('llllallzl TeV "'""r"r" l Lt - Gl Mii8EtilW. _ l E a n5 a P, P2 0712 tt m "o ', ‘ - " - = 1 .I,. - /tN C;'rCrr:F?, ErM-AEJ“; " _ , P _ - t l lett58RMT""N"" sun ,1 Lm' - a ' "e Wr'Tt _ _ Q P, o 8% ','jrisisit'i? T , ‘ N ; , T l 'f't a orv/,'r:" T l , .; f '. _ m a . /r m" MT tttttMile, r; we» 1 ‘7 ' i5: ' _ . C). l a.» 'tlv'.'?.;',?, A}? F, 8 E 'is tn tr ’ J l ’1 ,czoljalgg, 1' . i,' 1 "C, _ l 'ii'rsiij. '8' EL" gg 5% it, wt Ill . m , , ,'~ ".l'iBtlt re a _-.rv'c T .1 'vti' 'ad m o “at m - r ' 1 V l _ T a iltitilikis 0.: 1 _is-fac"/, . r)',-'.:',;, . “A ,1. [iyjriviii'iili': Q 95:9: g 'll81Rt" Et ,. g I I 1 Itiri 15w {313:1 _ 1 i"l,'e,Uki)fy $131; -rr, _ T . , a E m m I?" p. at: a CO a et': _ . - , "d US a “gel, sr", ..; _t,?RIt, ' IltEiti.iiir1ttjitiic'i'iii', au, (,r,ir,iy,, ".s,c,.' ,1 .'li' " tiitigi'ti)r1 l, a a 'ijiij:i,r :2 ea 5.: -." , ' trt w ”my, iiit we», ,1 N M, - 451,121: iw; 3.1. ,’ 't.l. A», 'sc. Y, 1 '. .. " IilNk' " C I m as? Q o R l “ . - , , " . = " Muh - .4111"; " WLV, _ . A 39.91.. 1 , 55 _ , t , l r' BN 'iNI 1 v . Ttt h' El $3231KM§M (““1295 "riii:fiiiiv, V C 11 _.. 1 __ si)', , .9713: , 8 E W t H m , M 1 ' , =ittR% " , " " - - " 'c.-', a '11.}? x! r)', .13., -if;:I.jA“':. V 'A 1m " - (a a. A... ‘ . . 1 - Mt©ie rr e - ' F 4';- - : (iiii C h' vi Nirti," fp'j‘s'i<;‘,1,'..12:.- _ 1, ,‘ o a ,_..,_.1 m n 1 4s 2 s)iiit'i)Trs"riti'? 3,1 - - Eiilait' 'jEifi'i't'r -. " es Mtrgs'rs'uyi 'rd , 1FKtt' 3% I 'r . S tir'iii/,,i'iiri,"i"siitiiij,iii' t l E.) = [tAl!.! " o {512? f «in r'cy_' C'rt tet 7?JrkrAThTrgr,2 " - ' " - I Fcs%'f2, ' bt, "w. q "' 26% 13;,- _ 1 c . n 0 ca . 'il/rr, -T . T 1 C s-,"' .' C (cr,.,-,: , _ 'auytFtMtis91y "33m ot, A, A,“ " “53%;, a ii,'s, 29538 E Egg 3 a; a PP-", a Card n to ' $5575.: ';I "' ', l _ _, 1-:",l)' 'i/i, _" I, V - C" . ,:"Tr 'l " '1 1-1» 4933' "Y.t _ , .V‘V‘, :a s-e / 'T. :1 "a: k5, tD a n a, a., O 'fir/tir/si-s",-- /' w.,-:-:', ,, -,r/lii"'v"ir' t""' c, . F 73“? lint-tamer,» , a (it5ii"'f;iiji':js'ii'r" H 2% 3 fi CD 1\ §A11',‘511$-.=1W I' T cl. '/, _ A l __ A ss,,xr'rv'r' . C C N n: © a. , I 'iiiiiidrrdr,,; T-eeerer 1_.' _ ccrrccLrc' I 1 Ci 'r,5,'iii 'a,',.',')',.';';-?);, O 3.” z M; " " " ‘l ar orthlnslit . ".-." ' m 9:300 "dC's" Nb, super jail in Ki tttion was Included In a consultant! _ _ 'g' 5 F, l 3 5 8 5 a GE m T _ ngslon.Alaskf sreportthatst t . . < a n r» , area has been set up to defend keeping lard s_ome Mis should be closed and amal am t 'a" g g E; 8 F,', g g co a m E ' I . . (D t-F prison m east Norlhumherland, g a ed into a ' a m a a m g if CD w “I yG"TGii . ia, (a. E? E 2. IN 0 a, =- e e . rii,)?t,'v,"iyrj::'i'iier(i?,i3? 0°. ' _ cr U" Ut EB" ID 'tjs'd:o'sj,i,hriis,'i.f:'r?t'teil: tie m [,rtt"ree1'Ci,'/',acled h e pl 18011 a 'i'; 'ir'; H: E E55 _ 'i," g . O tet O ' e110,. ",ir.T,,' a N _t'.'r3'.r.' . Victhe Correctlonal Ser, 16 page“: which ls almost is stiffer re l: . an E g 2. Z R a Ear-g t tt FE 73 A: es report's conclusion? - cent of the munici- a 1 . gu attot1s for comm, . B. E a o = Cg N H: " Fl < . close local facilities ans 1312:111ty’s budget. The jail :3?“ng parole, according Couneibl b91065; County a a 'J', H” Fi l E" a '5iT 26 " g - k . 1. . build a so gives Northumbe lr, le P. S on ednesday . .-A g 52m and E" a. Fl Z I ‘ . lk one Can ' J. and "There': A . ept.3. , ' © m o 'k' m N = a? q [t l 'd . r consolidate $113032; of $l§8,500. sion onthzgtgnt “19(1963- Public events will be 233 8 'r,'-,lii:pb' 8 W a , - ip. a a 1 ‘ I m t ed Kegmml Warkwoni, fCIQSmS of net," said Mr J', cabi- held over the next fe m m 5'", " mg a? t," l g a: l lit :d, g: 136111;”), in would also put gggtltution "There is no fulldinéréfile' months to make sure 109:; ad a g a E. i a E Fi/ii H W . l , r1 'a 1 aven, peop e- new A _ . . tra citizens arel I I a: m M 'n i : _ V y E) " pr " many of wh . _ regiunaljail b septuptudate ' n "i l 1 x _ E ‘ ASA J,) $319,135? 2,arnnuher.faon"t1, I: 1;; :19 last budget $9521: t:vthtcaeeic/i'c,vg,1gf, tro,::, i? ' , a: A A © rt "t bs" lid) a o I N . l a Work, Thel 09. So for th _ '! a c ance to offer th . R w :1 a. O F” b"' 1 _ M wt , \\§ S 1.3“} £153}: _for ing, Jobs 2,sus/fl1ejltre,- years, it's not evgnnaeéigntsxivdo (es, on the future of a): (“g sil'ii, E 'i';. 't, 7 (s,,'?', E y, , 'tl ' Bt 2 i ' “’Aé1:\\3:> C ' Cr 1 tl g coun . e eration." - ar worth Instituti = a. v»: n: l: p. W "" ' _ E . tp; A A $19 Warlo feeeth1:lliecll 111:5 :lready The MP has ahead a "I'll do every/thug}: can ET 2 'i'iii, 2, I: (330%. g. E; l ' Th' u I 2 O F E Ruck Norlock F:::?o?10;l plant closings and 11131105121 gem“ betbre Brightonyanpcl £23213? on behalf of my :11: g a g S 2E a 's': a in ')Q ce I ‘ (n 2 F . . al job loss - rent Hills con . 1 uents to make W n,< 2 H '< P N o I . E piillllilrtli iolen and even ex- hlhu's,s'iset,)e,1hh"ie about the "t/i,yantctil tax/:1: ),'r, keep hold of Whig: El 8 g 11%;; 2, a 'ij) E o '5 == T-E, n _ i “Frgm ‘m I hurt if laid-off re .50 e worth prison. He Will b ave and build on it," said a E 2 g b o g g 3 27; 'Ut E,] (D FE 1: Y 2 R. W Id b yIperspecnve, aren'tspendi Wants _11, i111111 e Mr. Norluck, “ o t; F a 'if "K E. a s. H a: m = 0 U , the e working to ensure Wark mg. . l -____ ___ 11111111111171, 1 1 ___ if g 9, 51 a r: m a a 9 LEE __ _ I. T t e Jong-term viability of puts , . . --ie- '7 a "’ _ 'M = " (D t', h"5 TEn 3 trl ' Warkw th . over $32 mill . l o a: m _ 9.1,: a I or Institute," said N Ion into the S l ' m ”at! A: _ > , Mr. Norlock. orthUmberland Beonom l ces ti s t) ca" t a, a A The Wark . through wages a d y l l $2,9, ”‘ tD 7 m N Ci?, e, m ' . worth pr1s0n, ' n goods . '-l H' Ct w tr Q - o l-l t Opened m 1967, lies just in- and serv1ces, T1 l g 5 8 R, g g. g [i. O " E , side the Brighton bord yy1 Norlock has bee _ ar (111 F, 3 E CI 'pp "' m cu' ' and is . _ er quick tostressth n . - (O ‘< m 8 m D S 2, A i tt A .- a mailer financial cl eproposed _ E EEK o 5 H39. cn a " H c-e Ei? m o T crT.tribetor to the munici- t o_sure'of Warkworth lnsti- by Paul Dalb t g E a. D _ a if, a g H FE i' gallty. The federal prison r2213: IS only 1conseltant _ THEINDEPENDEMY Sept.2. ill a m S a"? g E ir rs. m . 'li-Cd I i 2gseg',tt2cd,1iuctalld pay were milédtihfég There K) GOING TO COST you more _ The hospital defends the itr a l ll 'f) g g 'dt 'g: g (I! I T y axes, utt _ 1 _ A room _ rici . _. 1 " Increa . . . lil, P, a __ yrnment gives that £5038; mendations from the pang] magi: K??? iend or' rel. 2003 'iss"iietch:,Ji/'itt,s,ii,1it if 'g l 'g ts, 'f-k, E‘é 5?. l E O cl inagranttothe mu - _ report released i .» . r umberland anc l y o " m 5'l 5-33 g 0 2 CL “a 3 - nlclpal- 11 April HlllsH . alts books. (TY W m ' r» w 3 a It: 200 , 1 ospital, 1 - H s _ tr. T fig Th? Warlfworth Institu. r 7. So far, the only mam. The $4 flat S30bourg.' The county's other l 111'112 f." a Fi' Ft a. A' Fs ..eE T, u: l nglves Brighton $602 000 [6iCti111ji,n/lii','/i/g, imple. fee at the lee, parking pital in Campbellford 1mg- 7 m 'iE5, a, 'L-d I” H m ' , 1 T s . ' c I e by the government hiked to we mprl‘lliiggllvas not charge fol. parking oes a: _ av. . _---------------- =cx::z==ccaczc==iiaaaaaii-

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