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Rlialil,w":"rd as a: 323 geï¬gggsgzseaï¬cgagg ':i"litf.lii'raiijr;e,e ",,,'ri5iiee.sri:t-i. p.z's-rg (A CD a 3r M,:l,tit? EEliit'iiiTvltii' in FV .tn'. o 51r,.-T:stp_r-rFiestg "2'-, ml m a: o on "ie' -.. o R __-__ l 'tf' “to t, "EmlF/r)i'irrs?, LO " in - :TiiiXrc.'t'tiiriir: =pyr,e," to: Hermann: on t)cj.jii'Q'fsi'rf-)'il,e,:2i5't:, {3:0 " .. H I.“ [R, ,i, F.- 1, '5 s..< D ,_,....="m m'.,-.. "50.5" Liit5Fip."tr'".ep. H mm .35 T..... a t"iS Jags [r Me 'uu‘. = (Em-I E mumH=~ Woowm to perdrbiFl'r5tn"a'E" gm“, m:,,__mcn ~.m co (D kart, 9i, by y _..N cu * tvASi are: â€gr!†06":53E0E79'E â€â€11: '% it rrd?la?i.'ii'rc'r mm ‘0 82 ‘J WiVTni’. :34“: ' ',lSE! ' :5; g age :3 'iii,"?,,;,-?,),),')'"-,:',::'?',.';..?:'.,':-):,?, egg ,'i'r'i-',rj'itr,5,,1i,e),ii1a:r,'r!'e, 'r,,i,:r,ii1iiii'.,'j,iisyei,', t'r.i,'s 3 = m . m lri JEi))iiiiigariii%alllli'tlili, n: n .-.' _mo = w- â€a. H or: ="" ....m CuN'rs'r,," on 2 - -ee M ""‘“‘"‘ a: = 3.3;; :9, On a â€gamma. ' m -' WE o _ 0‘50 ..._,o: m 0 - H an» Bi? â€*5: Inezâ€: a at, {no F,'e5'tilrT © .19; m CD ‘43 -" I can a gs... gs eagaï¬ï¬iiï¬ï¬s'gwy ii','i'i;'/iiijii,r:ic'r,i, jri(irrr1ii;,5ijr:i:i:ji-) 9 CD H. 35 his to on : 'tLu-tcl. TI '11 -. mr at. n: a H ee ._. " .-v- (I! 535-5 o O air-t H0 app...†on 50133. _ to Hm â€I ,ri',E.1. er 4" E. N i"ti',f ea sasssESraaasaa; nr'az8383 assassins a hf . ,-e . . l Tugsday. February 17, 2009 INoithurnherlandTodaycom . 7 i m----------------------'--.--" I WATER: New toilets offered by Lakefront Utilities could cut consumption by 44% . . . " . I . " . l . - , * s' , , - ' a , . ' . . _ - BY BOB OWEN A study done in a Mississayga apartment sweating. Th.et.bases are slighter larger than I P . _ I ' 1 t m showed that water consumption dropped by conventional toilets and the bolt holes match , OWN) “F (1tmy co . 44% when residents converted to six-litre toi- so transition is seamless. The two models that _ . Residents of Cramahe Township could get lets from Irlitre toilets. come with seats have slow close seats which - , ‘ inexpensive low-flush toilets if the townshlp Other data from across Ontario shows a don't bang when dropped. The tanks on the ’ . t takes up an offer made by Lakefront Utilities 42.6% water saving. two-piece models can be adjusted to cover the; " Corporation Inc. (LUCI). _ In Tampa Bay, 70% of the reduction was space where the previous tank stood. ' ( :3 g : . Low-flush toilets are practical and could attributed to stopping leaks, the other 30% to Built in Frankford, Ont., the toilets won a- - increase the township's strained sewage trees the decreased flush volume. United Nations conservation award in 2003. r .2; Input capacity, Bruce Craig of LUCI reported to Toilets installed before 1992 have tanks By buying toilets in hulk, LUCI can offer " MW, t 1e ‘l Waite council Feb. 3. He said that installa- which contain close to 20 litres. Current models them to Northumberland municipalities for tron of the toilets might allow the township. to hold between 13 and 20 litres. The three low- _ $149 to $279, depending on the model. Craig ' " j dlter a proposed sewage treatment expansion tlush models Craig has available from Niagara suggested municipalities wishing to encourage ', - , saich Cramahe has been anticipating. Flapperless Inc. hold 4,8 litres. . water conservation might subsidize the units a FFR/rr'""""""" 'Ame toilet with asmall, inaudible flapper leak Craig believes the new toilets have many further $50. L . ' . cguldsend 100,000, litres of water into the attributes. Aside from their reduced water con- The toilets normally list for $249 to $379. . BOB OWEN Sun Media Nts.te, treatment each year, he said.Alargerleak sumption, they do not have rubber flappers Cramahe Mayor Marc Coombs said the next Craniahe Township Mayor Mam Coombs cpuld use 200,000 to 400,000 litres of water. which often allow small amounts of water to step for the township is to receive a staff report and Councillor Fat Westrope look at the “Urination resented b Crai su ested toi- leak into the toilet. The hold the water in a and consider the toilets as art of a townshi new low- riced,low-flush toilet which ma p V. . g gg _ _ y . . . . . p p _ p y a) use about 40% of residential water. trough inside the tank so there is no summer green initiative announced last fall. be available soon. a ' , .. Trn std,. E? 3' a lr, (g ( F E - I a: BI _ No' ‘> 5 NON 1'g'sti??EEidrfiir f1,'arei5i?rerTT.Lri'si2aLDL'.aRu9,cgcrrT CL:15=n_-‘= . ,,/ig'.,aiiii"iiola,'..i1it.-f a.eV,rc'"% ' _r'_issi'c,"',,ti.ir Eases:ia>ra=2§§€â€Â§Â§sï¬ge%ssssagï¬ngmhringo‘ i'.ii,"F,.'itir'e"iT,s'd'fa' we we seas §>“g§§3$3=§32‘%g%§2Ԥ gtirit.ti-'viii (s,sr.uyf,r'i=",tct",'rt,' PaiTaro"2PxzciSu-e H "tFry? - a),," . *‘M'OQ-P33' = “82.1:0 - â€Emma! 'e'g?t:t'e"sr.rtR8lrt 5' = k =33:an =r Mii, ___ "ir,:" ACE P. 3-3 no p.LEitR ' 'as azure-m W-, 0;; h 9.3-! .ia1.iic.iiCi's'.,ii'iirt, gig F’s: -- (,L52 sue-5- :3£23332?“a-tim:~?ms§s‘%§‘“§‘ it '-is't"siii,f?i?ti seugnege‘m "I ,.. r as 'tci'ii'ir cease â€thew;- sassamga i.i.i"t'rh2p,ry'xiri:yzt'Hririir', at man: Aitirzrt at% "T >. i Trta" :1: view 0 - ml? EFee cr2> =WD.D_ um " _ 60139.." an. .1 “we." . a (“:5 'ee, â€:53 Tones: =“tnD- 'RifrcL ma .ir.i-i.iiri'ii'i't'rkf',iicJf. "Kauai" »E’ ‘ iii-3'23sneaks“???Hesiisgggsï¬ssisa-Essssï¬ 'i'r,sTr'r5tr"iilrr,ctri'C,x.'i's5'i " - 't, 'v _ Cg Egr‘aaisgxwas‘gqmflisMi†seen“ ' we E3325 _leT',-),'.r2fa's's's'.p'a.i' a I fk "s,.',),',??-,',-.';.,'.?',;.;,',?,"," assassinate:Eï¬mzaaaBXr§§~Esaea sli,iS'iifaEss'i'irtlr5,'s,)'v, . is: ~‘\ = 'i'ii'iri,i,i)'j,t5.)irlg'.s'aui 'riyirtir),irii'i,'i, i)rii'rsV5,r'.idg 'LrjrL,'szl'rrrar"srki"ir'i', "r52i'ae'Gir,'B_'iifg' , "u'- ', " a Elm-nan“ Tr 7a',5-V, sacâ€"ggۤ=$EL-w§z‘sgn=§m RAD 'i5.rprtaL9.Eitric tt Y"-", it yrp, 'F.tti'rir3raz"i-""t"xrzTiriiti'gr-'ir, B g m Eoti a; u,gg a .ri'r3'ds'h'iPii_s"iig. at _a«t§ . $9 '31; Trare" n. "sit',"""':-":',.:,-'.).-'.?-) m S'2CE2? "3"â€qu =r-,IT, ""raT?ipsi'it:lfi,iic,i,7i'r: Mit rir,,Cfsl ' r-t. 23525 332 33%Eaï¬ï¬‚tégï¬â€˜Ã©gï¬g'g%§'§gigf'"§g5§§’at " "u, gr' assess: MI - , 2?h Lose}?£51msimrasaï¬arswï¬ï¬‚sszï¬ï¬i mas-25?.- lip\ :33: Ca " tte ci",':,!",?)"-)!.-,!-.;-'?,' 5:29- sE-E‘?‘< 'zetTa,rxfjr?i.'zv's, L- 2is,ssi,t:u, . (a T. A -, "1 - - ._e _ - k] }JOA'T f, 6-9675 _ .. ~99 g gaggsgï¬'§=§°1§§a§$%gg§hg§35ggaS§-%g“=§8§rsa\l â€do I†cg .. ..m='_.. ..4>.m._~?.=â€"io_ui...â€"..â€".o_Bâ€".n.ci..qflzgx-quutnqm. - _ tlNt Ir.-- '"m=rrhL-r'irNYm-r----'" D t-aaie, [gr/ci9 - _c"cier=i"ie:efit:]