A " , C) I l I .' _ I POLICE: Value ofmaniuana plants estimated at $150,000 N " N; a me “a Mud ’79 'uess ., I CRAMAHE: 2.5% lower G - . I PAte.c-yus ki Draft .. it BY PETE FISHER " - at“ , I _ I bu d get 'rfisherensrthumtmrkindtodayavn , ' I l l I I . i if I , . Northumberland OPP in .. [ . 2 , . f Lil" i2; _ g . believe a homeowner making _ 'lllll L , m It q B, l 'la, L I . . illegal drugs was responsible , ‘ {or Il' l ' , & Kii , . for heavy fire damage to a it " I i " I T ' Cramahe Township home I I Tuesday. It's a classic example of the . t . dangers of illegal drugs, police C --, ltiilt l I so . " "V t A Gr, Detective Constable gig? lilllllli;ii7::, BY BOB OWEN Neil Browne of the Central I EB N , " " ' lowen@xplornet.corn East Drug Unit said the f1re is _ â€: k q Iiia ‘ , a, ' if only it were this easy all believed to have started in the l t T l Ft t,El , is . _ the time. garage ofthe bungalow at 3339 , Ts , e II, ., thl , 1 Br, An accounting oversight County Rd, 25 east of Castle- v iiiitNlill t 1liilMBllil a; I. - , r r " which has been corrected hat . ton around 4 pm. when the M 'ltiSM)l a - r i5mii8it = 7 " . reduced the potential 2009 tax homeowner was making weed . , y IErh" I I p. .1 K ,m M2 l , " in! l it increase in Cramahe TOWn- oil, ' " 'ra ar tt - ‘ Fd Pl Itlt l ship by2.5%. "In some instances during " . , ' - " f l » ' . I l When heads of depart- the process of making weed _ liiN Fit',)), I, tti?, , Ti 'li t H , merits handed in their pro- oil, vapours from some of the l I, .iri'ti!rg9 , ' g ' posals earlier this year, the chemicals used are extremely ' r (I 'l ' “l Il ' l possible increase was about flammable," he said. & , p t ll 12%, After some discussion Part of the process deals i . Tr l i the heads reduced the I with using a burner of some c, increaseto about 7% N _ type, and this may have led to. " . c N " 'C% - On Monday. at the first the blaze, $N ‘ _ ' If? I 3'. - budget meeting of Cramahe The homeowner suffered ..- " r ' ‘ N Why- " I " Council, township treasurer burns to his legs in the tire and ti \I _ . r TL' . Mlll _.:e - , Mora Chatterson checked was taken by ambulance to ‘ r _ X " M I _ I I -‘ Ta' into some administration Campbellford hospital. "r Mt Div Q. It , / " Maude-'1 salary numbers which _ Before being treated fur R. j l I " u © " ' ', . ' ._ =s - 1ppyiretih1explicabiy high. i y,or1-1ire-ttreatrrning injuries, cu'". Fe \LLNI ", Eli ' ", ._, By Tuesday, she had the the man left the hospital, but ' IllillEi' r ' g ’ iN MII I ' ' ' ' ' MEM, ; answer: $109,938 had been was arrested a short time later. = Miii4 “I . . - 'iM, ' W, Mii LS, entered twice. The correction He was held fora bail hearing tN $3. q r g mr. I .: i _ . _ F of the accounting error yesterdayin Cobourg. ' IB _ MM liltiglt, - "" c t is; . f it? ' brought the possible tax t The first firefighters on -- T. $.34 "lg-L . _ - ' _ r . iINg" it! ‘ I I I increase down to about 4.5%. scene radioed the garage was a ,4"; r f . I . 'E , . i. ' Further discussion on Tues- in flames and the fire was r, " . . "ii 'l T e " I » M) ' C, .-~" w.--. day has resulted in cuts to (spreading to the attached K', . iril __ MRT r li' e - ~ "r . r advertising, custodial services :l1arne. _ Itil 'Es' l r - _ Th l th " w - ‘l at the Castleton Town Hall '. , Additional he departments c, M ' ll‘ - ‘ ENL% “" NN ' r » we - _ “a _ . _ 15 and to proposed health and were requested from Trent , " Mi t g _ ' _ T ." " r' , y '", life insurance for elected Hills {Warkworthl' and (I "te.. __,v, 'li' . x-re-a-ai-i- "..-e'" U f members. . Brighton to help shuttle water "--"- re" I.1m.v-.' ' WI, ==GTT _ _ A, v "i. ' Council also agreed, at Ito the scene. _ -'. F . " - “r" , - ' ' _ i ' .1 - Mayor Marc Coombs' sugges- The blazespread through . _ _ _ tion, not to use estimates for _ 1 the upper area of the home, . . - ' PETE FISHER Sun Media gas, fuel and hydro for this. _ . consuming half of the roof . . _ .. , _ year. The township will use before thefighters managed to With the burned outgarage behind him, 1ortrum.t.tr.l.aryi DEF Constable Ian Brown removes a number of mariiuana pl.ant.s from thome on the actual costs from 2008 quell the flames. County Road 25 in Cramahe Township yesterday, While battling a blaze on Tuesday around 4 p.m.. Cramahe Township firefighters discovered which are lower. The treasurer ' what appeared to be an indoor marijuana grow operation in the basement, Police say the fire may have been started when the suspect was see FIRE I Page 2 cooking weed oil. The house sustained majordamage. see CRAMAHE l Page 2