i f , OCTOBER 2008 - NOBTHUMBERLAND BUSINESSMEN - T SteveBowskill iyof wth d rvi l . I tee O S :asto orgro t an se 1ce I Steve Buwskil1- a story of growth _ ’ ' ' a ll at; - 1lt E withâ€: w In the blackout of Aug. 14, 2003, he and his staff t . . ‘ , ( l "W551 - i. w it â€I, filled prescriptions at the pharmacy until 4 a.m. early 30 years ago, when Steve Bowskill , l i. " r FB, ' T ilitWMgii- il ' " " ' " They were the sole pharmacy to remain open from i purchased Downey Pharmacy on King St. 3 , r, , if . titl IEltiiig =3": , _ " _ Oshawa to Kingston. Northumberland Hills Hospi- _ m Colborne, it was a tiny 600-square-toot . " I " mag-:5, ' F5512? rr" tal emergency patients came through the night and I independent store with limited stock and about 600 I _ . -' - ' I liFi, . T waited as the staff filled prescriptions by candle- prescription customers “4:: - - r it“ " light ' After five expansions, it has grown to 6,000 ‘ :1“. " q "Er __' _ ' His faith in people was confirmed that August. i square feet and boasts a wide product range. About a (l I . "7 . Bl " ' A Many of the 37 patients who had prescriptions filled 3,500 customers keep their prescriptions on file. It ll ' ' - , r It; were from out of town. Most were on drug plans .Sonie ofthem are patients ofDr. Iris Noland whose g" ‘ - - I r ‘ Rt M†» which could not be processed without power. clinic can be entered through the store. 3i , ; .. -' t l Thirty-six of them returned to ensure he had been i The addition of the medical clinic in 2002 is one 'Ill l - . 'L, paid for the drugs they had received. I g: the many steps Steve has taken to accommodate Ft ' r _ I ' . - , Steve wears two hats. The professional one takes is customers and improve service. ' w " ' . ' if, T" , precedence and is on when people come in for pre- Shopping can be limited in a small community, was? ' llMill , r _ . .43â€: ll ' s, scriptions or ask for advice. He has an important ' Downey Pharmacy fills part of the void with its = tt " e t , Illgilit . Tf ~giiillc ., front-line role in a medical system where one in b extensive gift shop, card selection and flower shop ME 'iIllt W,') :, g _ “ ' I I a _ three people does not have a family doctor. If he which is steps from the store's personal health and if Milll tl ?lir(fs'((s1'l(i', 'l) :,Pr,, £1" Kli'2 =, . sees a pressing need for medical care, he can call l beauty department. . 1 'iM , ' . erg“. ("/1tui,i/,' & itt'i'iita i!" == either of the village s two doctors. . , I Expansion began m 1983-4 when the restaurant "g; - 'k'i'iie'i,ii,l"/itRir gigs: ', I.†i" When he s not wearing his pharmacist hat, he s a next door closed. In 1994, he acquired the building, " " K' ,1 'i,'iti] 'l)!. M? if!“ MI retailer improving sales. g including tive apartments. _ " . tii)'ih'iii,l,iiiiii'iiii'iiiq . Looking ahead in a tough economy, Steve adjusts He became the landlord for four businesses " ' - . we». v his stock to meet the needs of young families and t above and beside his store in 2001, - - ' seniors who predominate the village. In 2006, he knocked out the east wall, and added . " He knows the pharmacy is a cornerstone of the i. the flower shop. . - -. community. If he has to cut corners, the last place In 1979, he had a staff of four. Of the nine current ' . he will look is at his staff or own working hours. l employees, eight are fulltime. In 1979, he was closed I . a“? "Mlttltti - rr - . ' Sundays and at noon Wednesdays. He's now open ' g _ . 1.2 trlEmEMil " . c ‘ _ ti119pan.rwe daysaweek atuiunti18pat1.ot1Satur- I "" - w. " -, â€3,19%“:- _ , , days. His Sunday hours are shorter but Steve says _ . _ v . - â€7 Fishnet . a) . ' % bd . ' _ there are few independents who offer as many ‘ ' m " Fl . iN! 'G bs - l l "git 1 h art fhis ti tr . Boa OWEN/SUN Mama ' , . . . ti, f, ' i g , e orig ours arep 0 opera 11191133“ a: Steve Bowskill, pharmacist and owner of Downey . . a It . , he s hare to meet the needs of the community. By Guardian Pharmacy in Colbome __" ' _ , j ex an in to meet communi needs, his business b ' ' - ' a, r, . r ' I hag “mid and thrived for 3%? years. hunt in the Victoria Square park in Colborne. He 'ii cy. iii g a 7. - " E _ Over the years, Steve’s status has strengthened and a team of volunteers arrive before dawn Easter' \/ ri' , . Bl I Ei Ei'di'i5 I throu h his communit involvement. _ Sunday to line the park with helium-filled, colour- ' , P. , 's"dl,fdlli' sports teaisiris and charitable organiza- till balloons and tie Off two egg hunt areas for tiny Fey lo, 2005: Developer Steve BoWskill wields the ti b fit f hi l H . f t tots and young children, Steve feeds the volunteers soissors to out the ribbon on the Colborne Creek 1-0115 one 1 mm " argesse. e P.a requen , b akf t th {31113311 d tt th d residential model homes in Colborne From left silent source of support, solace and advice for many tre as as ey 00115 an Bea er ousan S . . , m the commutity. ofchgcolates through the park for a Scrmble_ thencNortysmtotsrlar1d- Quinte West MP Paul Mack- Every year, Steve hosts a chudrenis Easter egg Five years ago, Steve saw the need for residential lin, then-Cramahe Mayor Lee Dekeyser, builder Bill growth and spearheaded, with dentist Dr. Tovi Rutherford. bulldtr John Kerna#anJ?ty.our1rley I 'i l i . q . " Wii' ' Luong, the move to create Colborne Creek subdivi. representing builder Roger Cheer, builder Mike . , I U . , , Fr, . . ‘ i sion. . Voskarnp. and event emcee Clare Musselman. - lg. Iilllltl "tt ' , ' . i I i i . i a,riia' N th m '-* ' i =, , caa or U er an v ‘ T . - . i. i Ig ' - _ - 1 ' T... , ' ‘- --, . . _ . - __ Fdl _)" . , ii Ii " t" 1" ’n Community Futures Development Corporation o-ig 9% 2 ' _ , , , t l I Société d'aide au développement des Collectivités e 5355-" c, 'g' - " I . ' EEL') l ' , Bii E " ' t fi' Women in Business Week - October . â€" 25 - , i ' 1 ' " ' IB I s A .. ' I -_ t , ‘ m I r i ' ' it i' iu We salute the efforts of small business owners m F -11, - g " . ( across Northumberland County . r ,arrs- " -. Elllllltllii V, " LN, . . _ MBE " . I . i ==' i I 'a a I - j, tt V eoeef1litanf LM' . l ' ' t l as Q i to all of our clients on their business success , I , , -- " p . . . . . Mrtet"es.u..NMam g 5, and dedication to entrepreneurship March 2008: Steve Bowskill, left,Iand Levi Evans L t. www.northcfdc.ca gather htslNm-tllled balloons toibeitled throughout . .. ' downtown Columns 'eai'lyon' aqiaturt1armorpinii. f . ' ba_nai.rkgfk=ti_""'T_l T A J i / C) w/