a' . i I L) I g . t ' Michael Todd "d l , E Ith . mttrtd@iMyniyws.ca "g ' . a lndynews.Ca E . e" tgttcsereits Karlie/0610060 c, d cu '-’ " __ ' C h t d t h d t V th L islature; rama e S u en ea S O B eg pu" l BrittanyHesmeraccepted izsgiEtaENliglll-llll8ll1 , I _ . la iv . ' . . . . T1"; , as,a tegis ti e Page To be a Legislatlvef'age r , - " _ . . T i. I 'Y The Legislative Page program is open to high V : _ . f ' _ '. i ', BY KNDREA FERGUSON achieving Grade 7 and 8 students, whose current . llq 'ttiii-lim . . MPs aewFormrimtroews.ca level of academic standing is aLeval 4 (80 per cent , _ " . ll l , . “1:; " l, . , . _ J . i . < or higher). Applicants must be actively involved i tl . MBlli, - Eq _ ’ - M _ , , I COLBORNE -- Claiborne resident Brittany in extracurricular activities, both in and outside at l ' ’ " "iiilr it if" " . . .“ _ Hesmer hat been recognized for her out- school, Show an interest in current alfairs and get - B 'RNlt3I " a ' _ ' " _ j standingacademic achievements. along well with both their peers and adults. They I . " a 1%?! ' > , . ' V ' . ta [ The 14-year-old Grade 8 student at South must also no residents of Ontario. Students who ll a 'EN' Miii ' c. '.' _ '; i. .'. "l s, . . _ . Meth' by " * F & . a . ' i, ., iii. _ Cramahe Public School has a passron for meet the above requirements must request and I - Eiil'js'ail ". - TT T _ tb,,,,,' "3.3; [ ' . ' school and that helped her to stand out complete an application package. All applications Illilrm' .55.: Ml8 " a , - . "W: _"".,'. .- r'-, among the hundreds of applicants for the are evaluated twice yearly. once in January fertile . Blre Tu 555%?5; - : ' RBaBP,, IF ' [ if]; . ' Legislative Assembly of Ontario Page Pro; spring session oi Parliament, and again in July tor lliiil?iiiiiit'i.'igl.t)] e ’ u“: y 'll'" _ “la: I _ f _ gram. She is the school's second student to the tall. A package and further intermation can be M ' "'-_"-v3’§f§§i Fi: bit I . T I . (al , earn a legislative page spot in the past two obtained by phone: 416-325-7457, by mail: Rm 191, P, "r (.iiir,,yi,dii-lrgit, 192% ll' . -' ( ,.,. f La t ' > (l '; years. Shewillserve at Queens Park, May 22 Legislative Building, Queens Park, Toronto, WA fi) P, rf,,iijiffs5tiij) ' a j "' surie,c:,at I p, t , to June 5, during which she will take aleave 1A2, by e-mail: page -prtrgrammmtla.on.urg, and vgiir,t.tfj.?iitti?,(fctsi'i ' ' e d q - " . " _ ', of absence from school. _ Wil $'rlii'i'iiiit'Wai . It 7 , , , _ V ( "1 filled out the application and I had to ' 'l?,1t27a2)r,-'s',. rv'.',:?.?,','---'))'.,','),?),?,'.?,' ", I , ‘ write an essay on why I believe I would make then I'll come back here and just teach here." 51:1";H'N‘. 1?t1'r,'itrciiir _ A " Ill " ‘ a grsod page," Brittany said. "The essay prob- Those aren't Brittany's only goals, however. tilk-gli 'ali?a'S'; _ I ' . III . . _ ably toukme.the entire summer." "I'm going to go to ENSS," Brittany said. "I 1llllliiaii " . ’ ‘ The good news arrived on Feb. 13. want to try and get into South Cramahe to 'IBM' trm - . BI "They gave me pamphlets of all the mem- do co-op there with one of the Kindergarten ma m' - A . berir- there's 120," she said, "I have to memo- classes. _ t BILL TitEhhibLAT I THE INDEPENDENT' riztNall those byfirst, last, the partythey're in "Then I want to apply for an exchange," COLBORNE __- Brittany Hesmer, M, will head to Queen's Park in late spring to intern _ muggy their face." she added. "After hn done with that, lwant as at Legislative Page under Northumberlond-Quinte West MPP Lou Rinaldi. . E e B until the May l orientation, she isn't to apply to Queens University and get my . _ _ sure what her upcoming role will entail. teaching certificate there." _ "They'll be telling us what she'll be Ming School has always been a fun experience "It's just been one of her goals to achieve to "Reading makes you smarter - I believe it" and what her responsibilities are," said for Brittany, her Mom said. the best she can be." - and I never used m believe it," Ms Hesmer, _ Joanne Hesmer, Brittany's mother. "Brittany's always been great at school. The Legislative Page program is a non-resi- said. "Burl do now, because that's what I did; While at the legislature, Brittany will learn When she was little, I would constantly read dential program. It is the student's resporssi- with Brittany, I read m herf . about processes, social studies, the arts and to her." Ms. Hesmer said. "There were nights bility to secure accommodation while there. About 400 students apply each year; and: l _ 'shewilibetutoredinmath. whenlwould read hersix orseven books just "I'm getting the arrangements done ofhow about 10 per cent of the applicants are , "I thinkshe's going to learn a lot abbut Pali- to put her to sleep." I'm going to get there, where I'm going to accepted and then divided between the two dosingeneral andwhether or not she decides She recalled the day her daughter's Kinder- stay, and how I’ll get there every muming." terms. _ she wants that to be a part of her future," Ms. garten teacher told her Brittany is the type of Brittany said. "To be chosen out of 400 kids that could _ Hesrner said. kid who will always love school and that it One of Brittany’s favorite things to do is have possibly applied, that's a pretty big feat' Brittanywants to become ateacher. will always be one other priorities. read. Ms Hesmer encourages any parent initseti," Ms. Hesmer said. "I want to go to Africa and teach in the "And you know what, I've never had to whowants their child to succeedto getthem "So yeah, I'm proud of her, and her dad's undeveloped countries," Brittany Said. "And push her.to do anything," Ms Hesmer said. reading. proud too." I _ ------------------" _-------" __ __ - 7,. as} _ l 7 _ ' _..,--.-..-.-.---,-,------,,