_ MI tN , , 'siri;fiaii& {I . _ 2- . 'te Th _ " " 3,2. I, A. it E l ' _ VI w""'; e C . T . 'iii),, igl " PF-r .15, a . . I -. _ _ ' . ‘ tporation of the 'osynship of C h _ ‘ t I. . ' .. MI " FN - " I fl a K, d' , _ I ,in - . _ " _. . ' - ttLe ' _ . .3: 'iid J, . 5% ba',i'i'l'_i1iC"a_".Ca1a'l",l. (tg _ . _ p. , 'tll M Iii) 'lllly 'tif we I _ E kr' J', ' a "ttret) _ . 'lgrt11", OF CRAMAHE - i'iiisiiirss'-s5"Jsl.,r,j,'i,ii " -. 2Ciii5 ir- (ir4 I 1 5-1} i CRAM IHE ig i2lNlilMlliE, Mtt "iii ICE OF _ MaiRiglaiMm VV Jr'h"aMlrE I - w, . Id - - r' _ _ I ' - t'8a, " 'i,). 'i ROAD PROPOSED', illigtliNlNllillMligltllliM - its!†Ouerwc " - y if; I Tir" V TAKE MmCEthatthec f,lifielilRl, IlliilllilililllllliliiiliNllill ' 'tlglflR,' or CRAMAHE . _ _ ... - . . ' Eiah'"j:", , :33; th _ (Juno 0 the a, or . 'llmMlll IiitiltlmlllNlll OT A I K' . _ . 12,,Tttlteditia,te will hold a 'till) ation of aiii'lillilll 'lllliiiM8ltlltlI ROAD I'fS'tl'ltg/'g'g;', I II "d N: 01:23 EROAF APPLICATION r15l eraPru osel d _ - . . ' ' J - 5 _ q e IllrttNt'tia M' TA LOSU CONS closure The pro p L93 ilEiWEInce - " " . . , . , MiMNittk', KE "(Hiawatha , RE ENT . . posed stop in . . , " " - i ’ Btt8 , = I MiilttE theT . ouncilofthe Ctr ma. I Portion of a municipal real; 'gfg,'gd tee of a l I ' - it 'lilialllll l , l Malawi-limp of_Cramaiie will hold a Whig: tlon Of TAKE NOTICE ma the and mm C I an unopened m d " now" as . " 'tsth-Ei-aim . . I . " g oconsideraproposedraad ll AdlustmentMtrec ' amminFeICummineeoi a allowanceb tw ' . Fm. . r TU u."T“‘r. . 4w closure Th a owance F I orptrrationofttreTmmsh . and ",Conctsssitm 10i e gen Lots16 , t "EIR El , = 'fiat" E . . epmposedstopping up and ti . 1ctt,e,a,r,y,e,it,e,?,iy,,,ctr,,i1,,? d ' “trimming ' Cramalie. In theTowhship of tE Illlltmllrl " I’â€ri portion ofa municipal mad allowance Romy ofa â€aTameka“mammxmgmmplmg . ' , Illlm " ' . . " - il 'tl, ii,urrg,e red alloimrice between [23:23: 'Cthtri1l'fif/ riesubmission oi an earlier C)e2tlhl'te" _ AND FURTHER NOTICE. ' I , Bit' it illBltfllil #41:}, C .Concession in in the Township of 1AMU r " Secii‘on 34(1 i"ii'iir, I? hereby given pursuant to ' " . fl." - " " ltlMliliElit ramahe. . 25 thatthe Council chills??? , 2001,Chajter m © . x. MB, ll 'Milt AND FURTHER nord I I Thismatteri Eh I " m0 cramah “ , - " "h a , . IilElllll g . ' is hereh F _ ISS Edulediobe ' m _ pe - mar-u " w. " WMeN' q I th H ' _ 50:33:92; 'll/lg, 'dip, to stop up, close and sell a I " © 'lllMI Bllt BlMe r M4 l , it??? as“) “the Municipal 2tql"i'lllrl'gltte, Slmdszgcmmme '2lCt2'le2dlt/,ht'iliaf, BMW" . pane mad allow a . . . 'lgiMItilil - RiN " r fri e oum:iloftheTo . , ap er 5 urte?00g,atmeTawn5hi ". PIN-Onwa- 16and 17, Cuncession lo, in,the magic; £932.32 dl', f a: rv " - t Eâ€: s illll " I , pass a by4aw to stop 'Cej'l,tlfdri'gt; Prqposgs tToronto Street, Coltrame T oMramahe Comm Chamber; e. titll, - i, " ' B.. hi " Eat'.: thettrtopettedroadall aportionaf - DATE AND TIM . . _ . I.BliiiF, , 2- ere. "tt “ Mo F . ovanrebetwetm mm ti Jhelandswirxttnth PLACE: P. l',',,',),)),",',','; 6:45 pm. ' " a?†* g , mm, a: nresskm10,in theTownship MCramahe. and? â€132' Loti5, along 'l1,'/',r,fs't0ssf/rCst, are mad in (“my as ipn Cramah J. 'l . 'h __ . 1E " H" - as Mam†_ irssetume,comm " . . Chambers 1Toruntogcnunnl t _ P; sw , . illMiiiliilt DATE AND TIME: ‘14 July 2009 5.45 Cjifxi2't71rue,le'setttt'rgiet5:t'g'saetd pr‘ztigm Th I (album treet H nib; _ _ , _;‘ Ih'ga lg PLACE: Township 'lh"/'llatt1, I' ï¬ï¬edl'Tbï¬awrmimamly2%;::lavi:?(?eï¬uerefl Parcel e I = . E . . '4ilitii'il 731"“: I un A a i. we" 125 gigs??? lg this application is appmximately llt ' Within ttt . I8ttKt . - greg,' 1 Toronto Street cl I†ms the genelalmmn ofthe manage attached , ea in length with . _ . q ' IM . C4 . Mir. " BAK, Drrte I l T meters (29 feet).A ma of IaWIdth ofB - . tit . . ‘ . _ - 11-5.? ' Bill; 1iiiiiiiiiiiatiiiilo11s . . application has been Lair/Egg: {Show bElow.An I " l . ililiil, .39 Se g l70nc "l Th t r if ararming operation 'ath'2'lif/aag17oag,sltg', 1hatissuristo ownersto arch _ Jacer1tpmperty , I " _ . _ . . . . , " " . , eparcE a ededb thisa - '. I F l a p asetheaffectedlands. ' . . . l I RlBm1tglgr . _ I 80 meier5(264feei)Â¥n|e t'tttt: , approximately Writtertsubmissionsr grtii w . Anypersonm , I , - . _ . - ' . . he}. .- _ . _ '.. , ii 8ieei).A map ofthe aim ytthaititlth afiimeters “Michigan “singly; tr_oposti1certseritvvasererseiiw make written z: 'veie/t, public meeting andlor I . , 'lllMligllllllllllglllMl g " 's, application has been "r:i2':isest')fltt,1t An 3:311:32†rtotErl Mating of t'l1,'fattn7l1ftT,:",,t "pm meme '. trpresisntatkmi 'tBMlWM k ' ' _ 1liiNliN " I; awnersio tf h ctmtproperty em. 'xmnit1ee/corm'tree caunsel.soliutoraia nPerson,nr I . - - er -gNisrg " ' IN' p r: asethe affected la d 'iiiais','ii?i??siiitl,?t . gent whociai . . .. "V Kick u ' "l858grgMmMMERr MR n s. ___ tu Kmmmm AF _ affecitheirla d ms,tvillpreiudiriafl onur heels at . . 0'Ms')anCammittmgC N Hepmaldadmm m . n by the proposed by-law. y (30ng? Video 1t1t2i'tyi,vtgiyt1, 3353â€? may attend the public meetinig andior SEW" omgwdgmummibgland . _ _ e ea r n enorverbl _ ' _ m'asigtqtntheland "F. / Ixsnotmak v _ _ 22:3?“ INFORMATION relating to the pm as d show is 'f,t,feg2; d100rs open at tu ounsel, solicitor or agar: ':slr):iltton'1, m P6503]. or meimipoiCiarsahzlgznmcimlnwcammlnflHijï¬ï¬gmï¬ _ '. 'flie,is1Cil1c/jatisd"'Mis, available ibr inspection?†in Colborne [','l1m'i'lll" 'iis1/'r'h2i'le by the affect their land by the proposed by.I:'.,:,NI|l prejudiciaily amsettihethttario Munirjpal W t1,',sgl's"riiss'ssml'/air,eT"ma' _ / a e unici aloif' . a mg club P pea _ f- 'e Stree c _ p ice,atlToront Tickets . . [ , t Olbnme during regular hours, (1 $10 each. QZELTIPNAL'"FORMAT'ONralatingtathepra d [Emma'rmqfï¬almdecmmmnmI ' PWaI'ICE closure is avail . . rinse ' I e†Adjustment aith T A Gi0tt C, Irma! AT THE TOWNSHIP or CRAMAHE THIS THE CORPORATION OF TH Tawnship of Cramahe 'iv(i'di'ciit,tiiC,tt7it),n, m the 'ls,rl,ts,tt"ggsigirgs,':tg: tds',':,",')?:,,',::,',",', ii" . fi'.. DFAPRIL. 2009 30TH TOWNSHIP‘OF CRAMA E Street; Comma during regular hours la Home 'ill';:,',',')),",',',"?,,',',:,',',)'"""""""" N my , /" . . . new 357 [album 0 ' _ v,' ChristieAIexander CM HE DATED AT THE TOWN _ mmmmm r I L= I . SHI . .-:-: 90mm sitii5tihl' ' Lakefront Eadie]? ir'/,e.slty DAY 0FAPRlL,2009. ‘PDFCRAMAHETHISBDTH AdditionaiiMcrrnatkmrekogt th l I J ownShiP chra a hr ' ces nc. will be 5 hiptxtitmb Mee ' o eproposed amumti . yd' [ EQBOX 357 mahe il.tr,i)/tiiel,e] 'tyiffst/httt in the 'lil?gigitgj.ng Christie Alexa" _ makipilBl:fldm;f%mg§ggï¬ï¬ognMundamlrsï¬zyzziim . F" Colborne, ON K in!“ IMJ. ' c This testin g 0 May 22, 2009 . CADIC'erk my: w r .0 mm _,.rs:ir::_, , _ 905.355. 0K150 'ht'ilhrt'r Ynum gcoyld ciy.sel.owvviiter re Townshi' oiC him; " fl DATEDATWETOWNSHIPD I 2821 Ext.224 Q‘ l o all experience discoloured wage :s’ure and P0 BOXES? mmahe gig B ‘ FcRAMAltEms4ToAtoFMArning , . -l . . L " "" , t . 2,:kiik)rfsi'f'i, Y W cold water teps l1 ntil the 22irl1ltifirs" ' Colbome ON KOK 1 so riitirtijtjtTi2sC J h titay _ w â€.3 " tear, J JC.. I_,,__n.. -. ' . . J C"" p.. -'. _ . - i'C,lilCliie I It, suggest that you rEfrain from d ' 905-355-2821 Exam ,5ri, gift" I I l ttt Alexander, CM '; f .' Ji' I, _ * Subiect Property l $5.1 E M . etween 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 o/ni) laundry 1ll.iiiiCi, n) i /Clerk ce-s" (. Siam} Cv, Cii) _ , “7' iii“ 'hz: Th flushing 'll/j/ttill;'.' during this ' iiEWeC-e,,r weâ€: ofCramahe "Y" Ct' l t l . . . ank You for on _ . . we , , i . '50): 357 Aus, yirvi"; y [to operation * Mien Property 'rags, , it. u! 5,'t,' i Coibome. 0N KOKISO _ A-fir-r 'lr',)'?, _i?iii,r5i-2; r 'i5-gyuitts 905-355-2821Ekt224 __ " 'C" l l W _____ ... _ _ N -' . _ EEerirltTr--uHz;