NORTHUMBERLAND TODAY.COM / THURSDAY, DECEMBER" 2010 i IAWARDS ' ' _ _ Winning parad t t . h FROM PAGES ' Optimist club and volunteers were Hakim Cement Inc., Dvem & Lehr borne, Northumberland Ttansitlhi- . Judges this year were Carol Tracey Loveless, Nancy Heighten, Insurance and Financial Services, native, HD Utility Supplies, Ladies MacDonald, Linda Pettibone Bah Rusk Dale Rutherford, lackie Colborne Home Hardware, Hosel- Auxiliary Br. 187, Cord and Carol and Tim Post. The parade com- Buttle, Tom Nelson, Ira wile. Mile ton Sculptures, Township of MacDonald , ctolborne/Castleton _ mittee members of Colborne Germaine and Mike Evans. Cramahe, Cramahe Firefighters Optimists, Kathy and Mike. Legion, Castleton/‘Colbome The paiade.spunsors were Association, Rotary Club qu01- voskampar1dLegitmer, 187, _ i " Ml at: ra g , 'WrWGR', Iitlq - . ' ' - M IQ _'ilfs'il "til. " , c?s%'r we *4 ti tir 'dl . a ' 2 . " "elf. . ' 7.“, , Es " " M? ' "1: Mtit lil, ' , r', _ I' . Kr2r6.iqiiEi.hlM my 'ta'" R, 'tdy,' Cuv".rvrirf, 5 Pe. fee-1“ 'd - 'ttl?;')"'):?,:'?':'"?"" W til. ' ', "r'drtiiiifjia M129“ Mi6jiiiiiy.. ' R ',Firtri,rfr; _s5iit?'alrt)ii%E we“? ..:- - ASriilREaetSiiiiBi - ' â€23- F, “3;: 1:55.“, a. I . - . 2. _ "G7lr='="A"a'ikaiee ' ' El. â€4:51;: L.4‘&,;;* I VF . tdEEi?iiEiEi?iBtt"g ' t â€or 2 gâ€... ' yaii'e an - 'rrC,'r'iN _rri,,'"ki, M' - 18h" , .- wax-.3147. i/ tttRB- _ , " '%'Ke"s .15 . R-,!,'!,,,,:,,;-.""::),':',";:"' i“: P,, w " iN . 1, a Mr , H . MANDYMARTIN photo MANDYMARTIN photo The Castieton/Colhorne Brownies. Guides and Pathrmders The single walkers winning entry in the annual Santa Claus Parade was won by a won the best youth groups entr. The award was presented by group led by Anne-Marie Awender. Parade memberTracey Loveless, left, of the Col. parade committee member Bob Rush of the Colborne ' borne Legion, presents the award to (from left) Johanna‘Euttle. Anne Marie Awen- Cramahe Optimist club to Kristin Dingrnart-Prise, der and Jocelyn Buttre- _;c.--"'r',MIe---- _. a . ray tg grre-env-t - _ " 33 “'H" 1": a“... - e ' -) e. arilllliilll to. ' . - _.o T 3, E“? 'Mitt - r . *‘e~ At " - lt 5N wo 'rf,,i I &% M% a El Blilllim)l,,, e - is I1llMlll1ililiil "Ei':':,'; vl,1lricil,s,ri1 1F " ' tiN , ill r . srmh, _ " $E'i2vfaic"_ Il-lt' _ " I . " ' . " "333?? pr 22 " _ _ - ' .,.-, _ , "'1 - e.“ 2 stNiilNlllBi1!lilllll ' 'iiegigiSNI - E:'r?lt,SMill1MN . " ' TI 913i???“ ' C t tii'i:,si?,slsil -, " , El - MANDY MARTIN photo MANDY MARTIN photd . Colborne Legion Br. 187mm the bestser- Brighton Speedway won the best -i _ vice club entry in the parade. (From left) commercial Colborne Santa ir,'t? . l Parade committee members Bob Rusk of parade entry. Parade committe Fs S theColborne Cramahe Optimist club and member Bob Rusk, left, of the the, i' Nancy Heighton of the Colborne Legion _ borne Cramahe Optimist club makes 5 present volunteer AlyssaButtle with the the presentation to Ken Awendem l award. 1