I HERITAGE: Events planned at Grafton mansion I - _ _ -. -'---r_-..---------_, [ _ [ I f, , _- / g) _ ' L", i t, y, I - it i] l a ELECTION 2010: Deputy mayor eyes '1';Cl"""1 L. MD m My F V If ' _ , . l _ , ll ' I'/ll: Er, Ci 'e 33 f WWII/lo It _ rt .t i J _ 'Gam " a . I I .- ft, a ir, s..- CG .1?" 1'i% Er, - (or . 'ill , T V _uis' / a ' . " Et iilhfiiaEiiS& .. l , . fi. ' d, - - Pia _ .5 M I fit" VP '5“ _ '.,iif,dira,'i. 3 3 cum M' t ' EEM i . I . if. . . a " - . _ "a?" ., ', . -.. I . Td'=T.ii i II}. . " , . G . at 'kr'(iii" “A“ , ' Kill) â€ti I , "7 ' " , MIR _ I pr at» v. art- . = ,. , " V . _ TC - , , VALERIE MACDON I "or" c"" _ , ' , - v.7»i w-h hiSr6ap ' .. 4 - ALO - . Wet, h IR; h . a " , “an“ .. r I v: C ey') . . 9NN) RN', " ‘ v', A a " N . ' C." ,yMt' " w ut McDonald, who IS located l " a . " , {twitt‘tï¬hm -"),ii,i'g9 rrrthurnberlandTaiiay BM , t1iioii; a» St, li ‘ tee a potential site, says he Tqlg, 'MEt at“ it 'w'.' 'y,Tiiij,"wt) .;.-; Eihl [fflf " that "9" i, mAcLNwrcK./HAu?IMAND- . sei,',- a .%y -‘. personally doesn't have . “a i. Ct' g, _ w, a. H.- M] V. t tt\. Mt . " . a l I " . 51¢! BI ' of" ,: "£1-35. Ys,ti' _ l if,,, Mtli. Ha dimand Township for 19 "M, l ', A . As aforrner member on the l , , , _ . I, 'dl LiiM I, as» .cW' c. fl - ' . years as a councillor/Ind . 't'A'i [ , doctor recruitmerltcommittee l . g - IBEE - r': Mitj. of " 'i " " 'atrg/gghrieteg,h,t,tts,t. a i, 'l ' =1"! forthisarea,McDumgtiwants his! iBttilF%1 , Voted _ rti'iitiii'//i ' " dhas.file.d papers to mfar . 591-, J' ' to ensure the cammittee's I ._r" l, :52»:th Lbs-"-"-"'---";" ci)i.l.fali.! l. _ _ mayor T the Oct. 25 munici- rv V _ -- ._ _ work continues because of _ Iirlitll - r ' LM [s?,, $3.125â€: palelection. _ ' . writ m _ _ doctor retirements in the - " rM© . . a. ,. \m in: iilifia' MCDonald says he hadn't. , , . " u" emng, He also supports ' . aiE6elt, - ' " mr, .‘o 1 . _": a. . 'v' ' Bt ' _ , . e.xpecttd, to do so until ion - '. R _ . _ financially both hos ttals " . . . it.':'a f " . t. . _ . . ' g , I p in It . - " , . BI " It Q . i z : ai' t ' . . . . time Mayor Bill Finley ".-' I La " . "w the county, because health . " I " '" _ Bri-ll, ' r e c', , . I " L, r' r (' _ . . " ' announced he was leaving " 'n = Bd . l f as, careisvital. . I rr “I: - , . C . a . - I B, . " 'l' . r mgmmpal politics. ;, i" F ‘ , * 'G a "I'll give it my bestshot," he -, Y), in: , â€a. " our. ' qrtBRI l Mi BE _ MiItlq . ‘ t _ Jrleverhad any aspirations at _ a l - says. . v.4 Iigi-l1Illl.imii_dlllReiaMl-lBeelllPrPPl' " - ‘ a?“ 11,1yerr.ri.' he says. "I i V or , III " M, Among the projects of CECILIANASMITH NorthumherlandToday ' 1111,',' I'd be Elma up before ' phi; IX, . ' I ' pd $161111 hibelieves the town- Fromleft,Barnum House Museum summerstamars Reid McDonald, Katie Litt and Phillip Holland are who it . . ' I“ " l fl. , - l! . p as Tttitttd during the I _ . . . . I . i e e and Finley didn't VAL past term is the Shelter Valle ready for tours and a varied program of special activities this summer- including the Sunday-afternoon agree on everything a com- ERIE MACDONALD Mad upgrade co m . y teas whentheywill put the familiar teapot sign attire Grafton museum's roadside. ' promise could ifi'vi b . NorthumberlaniiToday the Cent ' us Ction of I I -rer 0 4- h ys , Dalton McDonald . retun Library and [U tswtttfUHtr aqupr' J y reac ed around the ctyuncil u t wants to move “manners new firehall location . . I . table. McDonald says, Hp]; mayor of Alnwickl within Roseneath. The latter arnUI I I ouse IS a n ac In ll I K) l Like Finley, McDonald ca In_1and after19 years on two are part of the ctommit- A j agrees that there is too much ourtcil. ment to help township villages _ . Q11" 'f ll// _ government. imposed on consideration McD ald - and towns survive, McDonald CECILIA NASMITH w a reference to Barnum's Aug. 7 from 1 to 4 pm. has Tuni,cpalities from upper referencing the 'l/fd says says. . Northumberland Today American antecedents _- that skilled craftsman Murray Lin- l t!errPlaces to Grow legisla- rules for the o'llitl1/ih'21d',,t/, Married to Heather for 39 . _ _ . run from 1 to 4 p.111. Tea will be coin demonstrating old-fash- i tion on top nf the Dak_Rldges Forest that make it l?, er and years, MCPOIIaId has four GRAFTON - A trip back in served in the garden, weather ioned bobbin lace making and _ Moraine Act has limited his townshi " .5 arder for grown children. He and time to see how well-rope permitting, and Holland wood-working lathes. He will i BFDWIhpp almost 60% of the the resourcepth 'tl', ents to use Heather have farmed and cur- early 19th-centuryentrepreneur promises such goodies as also give a brief lecture about l townships land area. to all in the asat M been free ready operate Dalton McDon- lived is yours this summer at scones and cucumber sand, the significance of these crafts , l Without an increasing in T ized usersp . Now, motor- ald Motors next door tro.the Barnum Hut1se Museum, wlches made fresh. The $5 per in the 19th century. Registration _ taxation due to growth. "Who member of Le,,",,',',' " be the farm, and have Ame so smce Summer staffers Katie Lin. persuuio:ludtsayustumtour- is $7 Immerse" is gaing to help us with our use the m 1l'irel'h1,'fli,"r1, to 1988. In addition to. the Phillip Holland t and Reid Lin provided a list Dimmer While the iii, are offered financial responsibilities?" trails We imited forest McDonalds, the business McDonald stand ready to guide events for all ages. ' . Il MCDonald asks, rfiti _ employs two other people. _ I t a drop-in basis, McDonald said, "G . IS 15 where the two gov- Art lenin a and Rosemari you through the Grafton man . Kids Days, July24and Aug. . . rowth is how you sup. em _ g . 19 start, from the downstairs music 14 from 1 to 4 pm. offer a slate 'iT/heels',))',',',')',', are reyles.t.iy vive." 'i'llyihts, are not meshing, for Robl.r1s Iave also filed their room to the upstairs ballroom, of heritage fun-in-the-sum or e other programming. bike The township's natural fea- M. D e says. . nomlnvation papers for the . . . . the teas, however. admission ture . C (maid vows, if elected, mayors position . with all the wonder of the activmes, such as an archaeo, . _ s include water (Water to continue to f ht f . . m house's furnishings t0 intrigue logical game, artifact identifiar includes a museum tour fin the Source Protection Act) and shi re id t ' 'lgh or towu- yntvifk/Htyi.nyuui.. Watch and delight and the story of tinn, potato-sack racing, butter case uf the ballroom-dancing land bases that the provincial (gme?b:n fine It: P for their profile meme“ and builder Eliakim Barnum pro- making, quill writing, ginger- ttht,",'.!, guests are asked to se/d,),'),'.',",,', is protecting for platform $155: wail??? ttttfgt'e,'ig1nug1fts1 can- vidIeltli during this frigate a t l brew; discorating 33d (gist-lash- 1tSri',2,t minutes early Mr oi'dfr?i1)if,itrt'i5,1t/i"kit, hlfilpht‘g keop‘taxigs Itiestgloniible 3er 1'rllU,'lelf11u" Issues Of a mi se is 1 a e. tone ress-up an p o ogra- . I II " ti" 0 pam am g ac responsihi - Read ab . The proceeds from his success phy. Registration is $7 per child, wJe,s'g1r1:et1e',1ulsde,"c,'r//, , 5120?]!ng tgifvoslts QflmeIet- ity;.ivork.,ingP sustain tourism dates 111nS/r'efdt'g,'g?g"/r, 11vuls,tJl'irh' Editidnlllillgntg ".elt/g"flttsicey instructs a am tn 4 gm “was?†Isn‘t“ requirements. egls ative 1t,1',,.T,ij'r5fr?iti' 111125.122:ch on the blue subject bar at r , . C ' . . . . . . a f ' . " WWW.nort build the grand home that is lesson in ballroom dancing My visits and tours. Admission is 5.3 Lgtazsttgndow; what they occupations and businesses; in. umberlandtotiay.a, 1t',rc.r,n/if,iatt2'rTsityi21; iec1t1ivggetf'4n,t,,1,5eat1'y' t,rtt'ltg'tth'r2,0/frr2it'c'l,1, at. tl, McDonald g11,t2igre,ert,g,'iT,giiedst,Irt,s, vmaamnaldonorthurnter _ _ . . all I . . ac _ - . Ontario’s finest examples of Evil] focus on the waltz, which under the age nf'four). He also “tea that while the needed to make financial ends laruitoddy.com "tctstt,iifetii, tecture. originated in Barnum's time, To register for any .. ty, by re,1/k1,tl/'fll'll',' ln_Nurthum- meet m the township. C-Ir----------- Litt, o R, and McDonald and beverages will be pruvUer1, fur further informa t _ * nail berlan 153mm onsible for the We med both m order to 5 TTr-n also are iobkitig forward to the Space is limited, and registra- 905349-2656, . g; V I -' better???“ Pf all member WWW?! 'McDonald says. i Liii SEND US i summer programming, such as don is $10 per couple. 'iriiiriiGb'north'urG4tuts s%nicipall.ti,es, P the rurol- syye businesses, like wind i a min STOP l the Sunday Loyalist Tea Parties . Lathes and Old Lace on loday.cam based 1i,u,hC1r/tili/istit,r,e not} turbine farms, have their L,,,Lam 'tW - “I T T Y i getting proper at when an opponents in the township, wifiGGiiiii"aTiriitiair;it'c"