Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2010, Volume 3, p. 4

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x, _--- n .i - - ---- fl I . I t ' -- 4' f . E IN CONCERT: Pedormance Will support Trinity United Church on, HEM sci/R 8.6714 M my ' ' _ I I (1611qu .r !'.C'l:c."-c:, i F I . _ I 1 _ CECILIA NASMITH ship area, Harcort had a voice Her program will again fea- said, 'As far as I know. My Northumberland Today that took her along for the ride tore music in different Dates brother Buy would tell me loud ' 2 on a wonderful and multi- gories (such as show tunes and ' and clearifldidn't.” COBOURG --e The well- faceted career in the US that concert pieces), with plenty of At the time she was inter- _ trained, long-polished and included a tour with Carousel light-hearted fare like the sing- viewed last year, Harcort vowed . internationally known voice of (starring iohn Rain) and being along hit George Washington she would not sing two well- Baltimore's own Ruth Harcort founder and artistic director of Bridge that got the whole room loved but way.overexposed , will be heard again Sept. 19 in a the West Side Theatre for Chil- moving last year. For this year, it song5= Climb Ev'ry Mountain special kind ofbirthday celebra- drenin NewYurk City. has been revised to honour a and You'llNeverWalk Alone. : iion. She returned to Canada in special Cobourg landmark: Vic, Will she cave and perform Harcort celebrated her 60th 1970, and to Baltimore in 1980 toria Hall. . 2 f I ourself _ . . _ . them this year'. See " y .. birthday last year by doing to care for her aging father, but Brad Halls is back to do the Sept 19 at 3 pm. at Trinity something she enjoys: a benefit the local theatre scene claimed honours on piano, and the Trin- Unite d Church (15 Chapel St. , Concert. her and kept her singing. ‘ ity Men's Chorus returns to pro- C bout ) , She'll celebrate her Bistbinh- Like last year's concert, this vide back-up. 0T k g 'are $11s either at the . day the same way on Sept, 19,as year's show will feature refresh, Harcort said last year that, rc e l d ' . is'iront the . she sings some of her favourite merits afterwards and a display along with the door “A? a van: W. Songs from a long, illustrious of photos from her many roles, church's renovation proiect. her charchor. ce. h b I nd- WHALEY, Martin Edward _ Peaceiully at career in support of the venue costumed as everyone from concert was a celebration ofthe cnasmith (Mort um " a Scarborough General Hospital m Toronto on T - Trinity United Church. Sophie Tucker to the malevolent fact that she still has her vorce. Iodaytom . . Monday August ahh, 2010 in his 56th y sag _ u - Raised in the Hamilton Town- sultan who bedeviled Aladdin. Asked if that's still the case, she tatimcorn/NTwutsmitit Youngest so” of the late Earl and Evalyri‘r 733 . Whaley, Dear brother of Richard JI',)',';',) Al . Carolyn Atkins (Bob deceased), Dianne J ts Knight (Ron) and Linda Whaley (Brian), . Fiedeceased by his brolhera Peter and , k David. Dear nephew of Aunt Mary and 'ist) Uncle Bill. Loved clearly by several nieces. tt i; A graveside service will be held at Salem 3 Cemetery on Friday September min at 1 pm. “Death leaves a heartache no one ts, can heal. Love Mares a memory no one can e a; steal. Fl Condolences received at 5Q _ Cl mm. F-. COURT 'vt-tsci""" ydéw Ge?T. 77/5 F Boy, 1 7, a 'serious convicted last December of the first- and monitored when his term of incarr noski was murdered in May of 2008. i 2 1 degree murder of his mother, Michelle aeration has been served. At trial he denied being the killer but _ threat I court told at Barnoski. The extra measure is needed to control admitted he was coerced into taking part se nte ncin g head ng "There is no doubt in my mind that (the a young manwho participated in a brutal in the covenup that followed the shoot- , teen) is a troubled young man, the judge murder, prosecutor Nancy Rae said. ing. JEFF MITCHELL mused as lawyers for the Crown and Ms.Barnoskiwasshoteighttimes,blud- Defence lawyer Howard Goldkind said isscrtchoodurhamreg"m=om defence completed arguments last Fri- geoned and buried in the yard behind the youth will benefit most from the , day in Oshawa. her Warkworth home, she reminded Ius- treatment programs offered him in a "What is there in the adult tice Sosna. youth facility. oSHAWA -_- Ajudge is to rule this month system to treat (him)?" "This was a planned and deliberate "We're dealing with a-young man'who ' on whether a teenaged killer will be sen, The Crown is calling for an adult sen- killing," Ms. Rae said. "It is the Crown's was 14 at the time the situation arose," tensed as an adult for the murder of his tence for the youth, whose identity is position that (the youth) himself was the Mr. Goldkind said. 1 mother two years ago in Warkwonh. protected under the Youth Criminal Jus- shooter. "There's no evidence he's a risk to any- Superior Court Justice Alexander Sosna tice Act. "He remains a serious threat to soci- one," t said he'll consider what's the best way An adult sentence would allow for the ety," the prosecutor said, Justice Sosna will deliver his ruling to deliver treatment to the boy, who was young man to be held in custody longer The boy, now 17, was 14 when Ms, Bar- Sept. 30 in Cobourg. _ - l ----r----"' ii,il?l: FOOTE NOTES h-rar'fts'ttiols r11op'y serotwq _ Grafton Legion has plenty of act' iti . I d GRAFTON __ The Grafton Dur 200 Club ti ket _ p i Legion is keeping busy with nowat the bar, Engage? sale 2:35:12?“ f1arvesttea Sept. 25, Nov. B. Call 905-349-2l48 or 905. Fri'day-night meals, which cost $6 Legion Week starts Se t 18 i) . ' pm. 349-3252 to buokatable (tlo), per person. Come out and enjoy the hopspital: weh1,'atd'ptit, tto put on. 22 on ~len MacDonald s' We are hosting the annual Merle ity of the branch. Public are very Scott 2'll's111r, Sor [Oktoblerfesn in... ___ .. _ _ --- 7 7 Crowe Horseshoe Tournament on welurme, tain tan ey wil enter- My ' Sept. ll, Register at 9 a.m, play at We will be having a “mick The Neil Di T [b .3 10 a.m.. $10 per Flew?"- Sept. 26 at 5 p.111. Everyone is planned ESTES? 23 233511? l GOT AN m" A l; Darts start Sept, r at 7:30 pm. Iswelmme. Tickets are $20 each.» In ' i “EA? 7 I everyone welcome Thelad'rey auxiliary are having a Our annual Christmas bazaar is lensiismmeimtm. not; f ------" -------

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