l a Q -rWS ',' § - ". iiiillliiikriiaattitit "Ed _ The Corporation of the Townshlp of Cramahe _ p. " " 3-... " . we.“ 41‘}. 7 p . iitr: Mg 1'a †is, . r new; ». _ _rrr 'esp, - p , . a; C Wi'-, w:r,r,'v. ‘1: 'm '-'r not? , I ' _ w . . .»-- qi r " - z F _ .. ~-. .1 . t _ KrcG' 6q_4', News.» _ - Gr 'ie 'v,"t a» - ,., " 3. . 1.: " ' " _ tfi) , y x W. - 1.. S.) :=':i‘?i-€"""’.‘s...-5 » is Mt G “has Fic'si as riiEir-rrli,i'F"' E "ptr, _ p: ' . yr, eggs} CRAMAHE . t. a at C' . . Ps . mead e Eww- V - ‘e-Ymraj';. a " R.T"u ‘ " View ‘ " tr It's In Our Nature vr m- 7;; = ' "r ,ar1jiljs',l/ W%' I . Offer to Lease Tillable Land . _ u, . a e _ . . suae,asra.7Ws'7raP., . I Tgwrtlshiéi t Cradmaheh Offer to Lease Tillable Land Approximately 15 acres of till- CWT†Tax Hemmer NOIICE a e an ocate in t e Township of Cramahe described as concession three (3) - r"""""." . . This is a reminder to all property owners in Cramahe Township that the first . . part lot 18, east of the sand dome forming the north west comer lot of Little Lake installment oiyour2011 Tax Bill is due on February 25th andthe second is due April 27, 2011. gofggdngnLake Road. Save and except for the property the house and garage are F m ' I h . _ mm a convenience a your ome: rig) rieimtstett-Avcy TN fy _ . // Internet & telephone banking payments are accepted at most financial institutions. I Contact the undersigned for terms and conditions and bid form By Mail: _ _ Natalie M0mr00mell _ Please send your cheque (Post-dated ARE accepted) to the Township oi Cramahe, 1 Toronto Street, M. Box Townshi of Crama 357, Colborne, Ontario, KOK too p e 1 Toronto Street . P.0 B 357 In Person: ." . . ox ' . You may pay your taxes at the Township Administrative (thine at the above address. We do accept interact COLBORN E, Ontario KOK ISO debit payments. 905 3 5-2 1 ' _ . 5 82 Ext 226 Failure to receive aTax Notice does NOT eliminate the responsibility for the payment or taxes and penalty. Closing D3182 Tuesday March 1, 2.11 Please pay on or-bei‘ore the due date to avoid penalties being added. The bills were mailed in Time: Mlll p mt. February 4th 2011, it you have not received your bill phase contactthe ottice at (905) 355-2321. HIGHEST OR ANY BIO NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND NOTICE OF COMPLETE _ APPLICATION CONCERNING A ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT . who . " ' . _ _ , _ _ -Gre-saraiitt . " TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Cramahe Witt hold a public meeting on 012W]; Township 0f cramahe Gree tt Comm ittee Tuesday, March 22, 2011, at 6:45 pm. at the Township Office (Council Chambers).1 Toronto Street in Coihorne. in. on ' . . . . _ to considers proposed Zoning tip-law Amendment under Section M of the Planning Act, 8.5.0. 1990, th P.13, as In order 1gighlsil the oblective of becoming a Green Communitythe Township of Cra- amended- 'ld 83 has I"??? l Green Committee . If P? are Interested to being a committee member AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council tfthe Corporation oi the Township of Cramahe tms.received a complete _ p a e con ac e ownship of Cramahe Administrative Office at 1 Toronto Street, Colborne application fora Zoning By-law Amendment and is notiryino the public in accordance with Section M or the 905-355-2821. Applications are available on our'website at www.visitcramahe,ca Planning Act, Location oi the Subject Lands , . . . TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE [,1'g,giit,i1iteplta)s' m3:â€If?ItIZ‘IIIZIIJIITIII:efa'rIfatrIg'aLnSIIfiï¬fgï¬iï¬ilgflï¬ï¬‚rmeuï¬fgENS NOTICE OF PROPOSED hectares (1,033 acres), with a heritage 0145.72 metres (150 leet). A Key Map is attached showing the location of C th ' ' ROAD ALLOWANCE CLOSURE e otjixt iilntis , Purpose and Etiect of the Zoning lip-law Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Cramahe will note a Public Meeting EEEEIWTgrODW is at??? 2,0119: 'hel1g,iegi,filif (RH-12) in Bil-law no. TIE-18 at the Township or to consider a proposed road allowance closure. The proposed stopping up and closing ot a portion at a . e. e DUTUSGQ e Wilt! if " men ment Ist" “Mattie DTOVISIDnS oi the FIR-12 Zone torthe municipal road allowance known as Part oI the unnamed street, Plan 57, Village oi Castletnn being Parts shirt William}? permit the intlowtiio- 3 and 4 on Plan 39H12293, Township oi Cramahe. (1)reth)o the mPpum “We"? depth "of" one "13",95‘0 ILO metres; (2)reduce the minimum interlorSide yard Width (north side only) from 6.0 metres to 4 57 metres aM AND FURTHER. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section M(1 l of the Municipal Mt so 2001, Chapter 25 (â€reduce the minimum Wine setbackfmm a watercourse on the subject lot trom any, "lamp, 15.0 mam that the Council of the Township of Cramahe proposes to pass a by-Iaw to stop lb. close and sell a portion mammal Applications oi a municipal mad allowance known as Part at the unnamed street, Plan 57, Village oi Castleton being information available to the Township indicates that IM oska property is not the subiect afar] appliiratlim under Parts 3 and 4 on Plan 39812293. Township of Cramahe. the Planning Acttora minorvariance or consent, for an amendment to an otficial plan are Ministers zonin order or ior approval of a plan oi subdlwswn. g ' DATE AND TIME: Tuesday a March 2011. 5:45 p.m. Representation PLACE: Township oi Cramaiie Council Chambers Any person may attend the public meeting and mate written androrverbal repriesentation either in Suppnn or or in L 1 Tordnlo 5mm, thaimm opposmon to the proposed Zoning By-Iaw Amendment. __-.--,--,---).":,.-:.---,,,.:---,,...,---..-.,.,,