Life around Castleton â€" an Elwood Jones sidebar Page 4 of 5 bakery and there was a horse shed. The bakery was run by Harry Pomeroy when Elwood was young, but Bern was running it when it went up in flames in the late 1940‘s. Elwood has vague recollections of a blacksmith‘s past the bake shop. Its foundation is now no longer visible. Elwood‘s grandfather Art‘s uncle was a blacksmith there before Elwood was born. It went down in flames, but not while it was operating as a blacksmith shop. Heading east along Spring Street on the north side were a pair of houses. The second one was the telephone office until Bell took over the system in 1962. The front room was the telephone exchange office, and the people lived behind. Elwood says John McKague and Bob Dawson installed the first phones in 1904. The forward thinkers ran the original lines from the mill on the Bird property to the McKague house and the McGregor house. The connecting wires ran along fence lines. The Mount Pleasant Telephone System was complete with pins and cords in the switchboard and up to 15 people able to listen in on the party lines. A switchboard operator took every call and when she ascertained the destination would connect the wire manually. They worked in shifts from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. After hours, if there was a call, the residents of the exchange office would go into the office and direct it. It was part of the social life listening into other people‘s calls. The party line was useful, however, when there was a fire and everyone had to be notified. i% : e ""WiiFurther east, just before the creek CSX ... i (stsbecee "WÂ¥iwhich runs under the street there ,;,?fx;{ Bactomin .. al@ere g smsru *S@iMWÂ¥lwas a blacksmith shop until the l 3. F â€"_â€"__â€"â€"â€"..‘._, 4 R P L .“"_; ." ,f;__u_% T'Ti,é“_-_ l we.arly sixties N + "Across on the south side of Spring â€"*’T‘“F;ï¬f?iffliï¬% jup StiRiStreet a cheese factory sat right SS aLL . | S saiiRiover the creek. The waste water ) s 5> L\ s e rrand excess whey was dumped 3 wl‘ " K sidirectly into the stream. The L“-ir-f‘!', '-';"_a râ€"‘ [E ,ï¬ wes oi factory burned down in 1939. in ;| 2. 9 UROL| _ ,ztdy (.c R ' ‘ | Bd * crther up the street east of where C the cenotaph is now, the Spencers sold gas and operated a garage. \ ; i http://www.cramaheâ€"â€"article&catid=1 :latestâ€"news&id=1 1 87:lifeâ€"... 2/18/2011