Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2012, Volume 8, p. 8

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TUESDAY OCTOBE _ , , R 30, 2012 / NORTHUMBERLAN D TODAYC _ . OM _ l __â€"_________â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"._â€" ocalo 1/7 ' PAGE 3 CEClLlA NA w _ ' . NDI‘lhumb SMITH f l r Erland Tod ty educati . ay . ' ional or . . includin gamzanOns _ PE . gschtrolb Catho- . A ' sd,irl,'le,",Qlf""m - The _ 1'itl,'sirliao2 and ttal',;, {gather was t,e,'1,sei& School Board _ ' . Ions. E 55051. . _ en ed our: . ‘ North Vlcton . ,ach year, t . . Director' for . ' Caches, m . . Cami-:15); fland and Claringm: 23113“th for {ganglia ["lrr'12',rs'sH2',,ne1,1,al hymns Erratum, 511511015? aslféllfdmm- ages ongoin F . istrict s h " with ' . s Ppen . _ uste " and ' g and fu 7 _ has just b C oul Board _ ' entries ud chools 1n Cathol' es, board - I1Venes . ture eff een res ' independe JI ged by an . LC Berni . than Dav . s 1n djucatirmi ec- a trib Canadian p Wed with a ... mpanelm . ' The re ' er said. e nicamm u . al 50mm utetothem . V Assn P . and birut ' SIN Enghsh port IS avail "on b s; director of and d any individ CDmmunj Clans“ of _ gual judges t Board's _ able on th Bhalf of th Greg Re educate ePartments uals Gators - .' Hemmee . 0 select a WI n web . e than _ e board " . evesadded. n serve who we SEW Award forlgxi‘lilggigqn 'tsrl',',:?,;"'?,,":,',?,',,',?;', action-L 'itv,?irietiiii,'c)1tti,e, at of 1/f,c,,te,if,g1,ktei/s11, 1,eg:U, Wild“; a real honour for i',':",',',',,",,:',:',.',',',','";':.)," mam; to? _ thunications 1n municati cation com . an onourt . fo ‘ca Drsin Educ . r to have b DtV stated n ancy Sh _ The associati , - re Dns and excell '." mandh or theBuardt r recngnizin th atiDrl this awa d . een bestowed . arpe on Is a n . search pla - Wee m 1 “wowed . D meets th . g at Our work r .lt IS goodt Reeves ctrmmut1ication ational and ev , ' nmng ex ' y fol' thi national e high efforts I . 0 see our and Sh [ . . ' aluati , ecutmn b Is BRAV _ have standards th , ecugaized W . accom _ arpe w with member . urgamzanon un. ' ecause 0 Aw setfor th ". ey “Hue . e will C Pinned b ere . ship from a - The Pet , I ourmarketin ard, Prof " e COnunmuc . . to emphasi tbr1- gm hi _ y secret variety North erburuugh Vi . municatiu C gand com ession." auom tmn with . 1ze Communic P I designer A1 d ary' Umherland 10mm lu' ns efforts fl - "B . 1 our intern a- and bu d _ 1 ma Bram tWE and Cl . gh-quali re ear th Y fecegm . d . nal bli w al and ext - ar euhnini " ey _ LITE ammo" ti ty of Cathnl e demo I 2mg Wolects th Pu has, er tam Strait“; , ‘ I . . ll a n . Jenn e MSI . “ARV EVENT_ Meet Elleen A . . on provided tGuur 1tt,',t,1,t, 'r1l'd,'gl'ira,t,'i Excellence irl ti As communicators in award at {I‘Leahy lo accept It, rgyrls ems by and , planning exec . on. our main fo F educo cunf f recent assoc . . mtahmtion, CKC’E e',',",':',',',',?, duce work LhatSI-lpcus 18 to pm- Hence 1n Niagara mum"n our ports r: _ . . . I . ' _ , of student success Thi ourgoal ecilia.rrasmitMysurt . . IS award is (wit mediaxa MI old s ter.corrr/NCcnasmitlr _ or s Afterno §g§3§$Egogsm4m ' F . "ta' zg=cn=zg=§2mu Bl COLBORNE ll ‘ g _'a2-'ii,i,.'ts.,i,is,vbffars't?; 'dris'riirs"x?', itih'ir."E8yi'-,it, who Thet Colborne L TAHDtherinLh 'if',g2i"-,"is'Lsi, tr?,iirigr'iz", 'l/ft-iii))'?:)',)',):-",))"')",", 'fv'1?lsilt,'sssp5"-fi4,%z'i"lrsit'iias, ndeiumdeaoNavember1 2 ' eglun B e ed Colb o 30:3g’v" 3%” 'isrti-"stiiifrr',e'.', a§“$Eâ€"*g=aaS§E-G-IO Mull“ Authors Aftermyo ranch 137A t1,fd12,gr/cramahe as h i a Eogg’ Jl-hi'g'ezi,s'_-5' utvsc-,'p'2saz-a'rei,ria,rrs' %m%$'Ӥr%§§:§§§mgfi§§535§immag eventswillb n series of own" er pttopl a; 'tii/z,'], 'ig- aggi’EmggEgm" . ii'z'f:e',s'i5g-/e"C, 23gF§§§§ggng§Qfiwm2 le 'ivlr1'l',Ti/lt;tfd Sunday,Nov baieégyr” I'l'gi,iLe/ri, working for th _ ég‘éggggggfiaggag 'fi)',::)'::'.':-:',:':)),),,'.:,',,). §§§D3§3§§§a§ mgggégggraii§§ Fe" . . ' - e e " m to == ‘0 - a - _ _ -, u 'rErsrtA Cie) Prnt meet and h research her ~ Agiclllturermd Federation of iggggngggflgm3§§§i%g: 333.52g %§:§§:§.§:3:¢E§azgpgzâ€"5§EE‘ o Eileen Argyris earauthur H ' for a.» C . . 8- "V 'iic.'l-rEe,Cc-',',rsiihar,.' Lcrt'4',tsiiit)ci,; " 3g“%29538?23<â€"‘33~P3§§“ tz/ii-rv/r, 2 1tirAiggltatt1,", Mole How FgwdFHm a N ' I e r s,ei'peislloi,tl"'ifariyg,ateti §E§9€>gga£3gmg%§§g§8§ §E§§3§§"z¢§§3:§; Efiggg‘g'fi’mag‘ 3 info ' . On an un ation ., = ' will b . sto _ . grirsi-i,."i' r'."':-'?,-'),:-':?.,"?',',"'-;"-.'-"-'?-'.", a: _ Em ETD-~2- - isifrl'rrs'iti--irl'i'u'),'lii'ii, 9’” 035* a qua-m!" M “hrwémd work for 5;: Ir) g. chase Cll,l'tuv1f,ltt m p“? Eigsfii «m°"§° . .... - . in. 1" - --,_ - yr. - - 1'5ztt?sCs-1r,aiitr,?, CRsret:,,R. B a _ other bguksleAhlls also wring: 2:15 historical Fd RB* no entry fee for?” There is [s/ii-),': 'z',',-),,.?,-::'),', [,'r/ii'i'--ijii'; 'iii'iif,i,ii?-y.,-i:,jsa---iii' g E 's/iii', gggéaflflgggmgg ri-i/ii,?';')';":',;,,,',-)?,',,--,),,:'-") 'ay'si',-5 mi formerC ' journalist thi 1 tmsttfth ' 5B% event, Inst . s aitem [ ig.rsa' 'rius'ii,rcWali' 9 a_d=5 "i b5siiri.i..x?,i' 3mm '33 =En§° “3‘33' ‘3 "l a _ _ .n e = ead can - - - an: m E g 5- mm trt -r '1 0 i353“ 'A'- RO tic' delight (iiiri,tefiii'iofes:'ii',i' newspaper, " 'ti','Ctis1i1eei,vule,tgi,r,r: asked l fiagg§§g§g§%o§§g§§ggz§g §§§E)§§g§§§§§xfigaggggggjggag laughter her stories and EBlEbranng ‘ ttssupportth unetarydanation l -- "zs,"r),'iirs'?MigTif i"a"pe ':C',',"c'i'l,iyl-i"l'?,isyi, sc':c--tsli'yriiiii'y,ar2i' Ci9'i'ijs"x"ticr , _ Ulboy l _ ' co ' eCrglbryrrte . u _ >9: - fiumg2°‘°%qim%' gr/ii'asrr-iya,ai,'zi'iiir.c,.i'z'js' E n m L - E = m5 lgArgyushvedmCle 150th an _ s EMenArgyris su munity outreach mew“ atyrg.iersiz-,t"2"iif''=', “Mapégaaéfiaéaémzflfi' P. n .. ' -. -. .1 2- - 77 w = LV? -- ”1:562:99? and wasogslifmm sary, and Tfa, 11g's2t, of the food I? In ", iivi' 32% - 'i1)'d,r,iii. Fl) F, g ic' ff,' "s'. " U: " << 3 m P 3% trii'iiif,i, if 0 Drug Ch Oruf Sh e's200th as Ham ank "'5" "a"rLra-', $5 ft,i-"ciftry ll , g'r5'.'ii.Fp,) -, _ I ttrm' en . er ' 3...:rm-E Lu."- _gm w. trit2 a An . ' ee to 97.Hertwo 50:12:11; from where 5112:0131?“ in Port Hope "lg programs P S and many 83 , 32 C'," srr'tli'kl," am a ','arii' l G:" E ti, is,1a':i,ci,Ta.:', tr'r,i' 5 3; a y a to > r-il ereandslteh ewup la ' inuestob eColb . i(fii"rTe--t'i-i:iitya,'c) 3*"3‘3’ mm li'. ii 'r. ','/s'i',ri.i.';i'ryi'j,ii,ti'-y,c','eif, _ I ,-- "V asalwas mew/mar .. eahee. d umeLegi . -"‘ ErlratRFt4 R "rxh"fraFiLX A IT "T' 'iiij'it'i"ii'ir'jlli'.jCi5yl-: ':,r'v" a y regard- andf ' rwnnng e M92kin s Winslow. 'i-cis-hir"')',",-:?,', it/Q.. Ln, ‘Egi: 'iii,?')'; 'd,H "<“7‘ <83G°=nw I arm] hi . personal . g LEast.F ~<m"-: a-.‘<_< RE} 2" " 'iieE',iirttii.'siF,"." c'-riu'5i't,r;i'ie _ \, y lStones fo inharmali Hiurhuth “CL-"WT 3° :3 - MT "“ 6'.r:.P, "'0 {“10 T -- r _ Ion er -. _I: mam V was: Ch, aura H H local 5479, 'plume 905-35rr, gaggmgé‘sggagg-nggfi j" Ciroz",ii,l/i:'is:?,r,?, "iaiji;i.j,f1a')-.v,',,it 353* l m"§ - mp, a? W' " own T I: Eu; 'n v<__ In a 'iji,'-,'iii,j-isjiyascztlli,c: ir2'i-ti,iss,rt: " ol--': 'grrirelt'ii' C. '2rio"/i,i'iiriir,cgir,fj: ‘2 R a: an. i,":",-',):;,',,,")'-,-',?,-",',',",.)-,"-";)"," _ l g E. ran-‘5 2' "5./i,flif',sii,')2.,riii;i' ir; ' a, Emma: 5:31“: 0:12.” l r p 0‘.<a F m 're mam-um a cr oé 'iii-',',.",)',,,?.','-,',-!-',")',"?:-"' 'P, l " SE a. n m Ci'7xs'it15ih'ti'g i'iifg-)f,jt',i',". " m“ 350 il a; .3 a a ' F, ESEN7E '.'-ts,piiigfir-s'rli' 55 go: WE. El '"E _ _ o W" 'l/s'ti1iei, . 's-iii-ii-z";.'),'?.;,)'].?"),' '1'tc1,ce,cca,'4-k "45.? 'ttlg .-cr to 0 g 'r/r,', Wtf, '3iiirFa7S',it?-z'ii,i'r'ii'sxtt, 3”: ji,t'i'i. "l 22 E E g :40 51.2 '. rfr?x?i'agri.r:,rirt lat“ No a w. m 'k so a W l - It. E Q a: n r-tt (l, E 'cA m FT. a H I 5 2. m n g. E E i7' a a . -, ir/ 2

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