_ L..-.,.'-"---'-""-'--',-'--'----. _| I , . '_" '-- " . . 1 " " -. _-' "-"-: - y: I e ' ' _ r tie-tteat _ _ The Corporatioh of the TOWHShtB of cramahe .- "r "f - , I T - , I . ., Tw, ... _ Al _, i- “Mywmcuu â€can X g “a g, g l i I '3» . ." I Q . -" Ill I. V y 7 . ii'.s a AUrr aeC, 't" I ( l “writ?“ “g if. L""' ft, r, L-u' 2 , - ' E .. = " .- - - _ - . Lo , r Fl , . TN le, 'lt ilk) u g 'ikn, rid) Ililg a “a: iilllilrl i. . , 5 Ci ' ,, .. ah/ "iiLn, anti. Tir' iaR s 1illBl ohroFrsrsarezaaarA'lrm"at? _ 'l'iflr'dlaifr if:,) Flii. â€" in ,. o' q . " 5' = iii '" , ' y Fga . r ' 'a " ' l - . r, - Meri . v, it I - I it; a . s. C j ' . F pet I . J; ' t ' . q f 27 , .. q , ' m. ' ' E ' "'r, t I It's In Our Name y .. M'"-='FTai ' = l U" a" R t c; _ to Tt'xR/'i'lg,ie2',.cgtga, -iit TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE ' Cl b of 0'5“! 's5rli2s . 'aiGaia' NOMINATIONS 2014 MUNICIPAL ELECTION u Co lorne " Years of Fun & Fellowship THINKING OF RUNNING FOR A Dear Potential Contributor, The Ratify club or COEDDI'HB is pleased to announce ls MP AaigLdrtyggt.AgptitiLprortaeit.g- major fundraiser, ARE OPEN COUNCIL POSITION? §lzptember 20th, 2014. Our small club works hard every year to raise the funds used to assist those who are in need both locally and -"--'al----------------- it tf . , ' . . . . . 'd (11elgae, £5 eventls our clubs big est fundraiser of the year In the past, the money raised from thls event has been put to can di dates Information IS available on the TOWliShlp of cy?? W803i 3 Lv-im-tmutt-ttiris-vegas. “DAT†#5459:va Tansy www.cramahe.ca the Candidates Package is also available at the Municipal Office, . $50,0c0co . W . . . . 'st/df/dr/tyelled/eg',,"" ftmpttal ' u g, . orym located at 1 Toronto Street, Colborne. Nominations, on the prescribed form, maybe “to annual donation to the Christmas Hamper program organized try the Legion A, filed by contacting Deputy Clerk, Candice Doiron at 905-355-2821 ext. 222 during $10,000.00 donationtothc Suzanne Kamaghan Bridge I . :30 - 430 m) and on Nomination Day Some of the other worthwhile your" oncogene we have been Involved with Include: lysiness hours (Monday - Friday 8: am ' p . . Offi . :arlyltct Program at the Colborne newsman September 12, 2014, between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm at the Municipal TP. . Marys Interact Program at ENSS . Esterytfursary and ENSS French Award and EN8$AthliItiip;Awiitd t . van res In Technology . . harmonious... _ Music in the Square! One More! . Camp Enterprise..,, lustto name a law. 1'l'l',teg'Je Entity Club otDoloorno atso make dtmstitmstrythg Rotary International Foundation, wpparthg such Mommas†FINAL SH t,hl Waimunton people odcorparMtms,like Lland t lribut ,to ie a ta it vioratmtathiti;ausavEatrttdorutlon _ Will :6 alvlen credit both h the prograrll'l 9:: on 'lg,11lri1iir'd,'0lge by 'll1elg1lTla,T2l'il1, wlll make a tiltttrimgtt, Not only will SEPTE M BER 4 B c R you e E ping in the community, but you will also be helping internationally. . . . . brin S ' The event will be naticuiarly exciting this year. as we are going “Back to the 60's". l is atso the 65th Anniversary of Mtary in g A ant time performance In the Square! this group g _ Colbame,su we hope we can count on your supportto make'rtcne at our bestAtMitmgl I , , -'", .7 ", a new sound for your enjoyment! Thankllollfuryourconsideration. J:'.' N" , l _ " ', CK I Yours in Rotary, _ s" , Tr I _ _ 'v. COUNTRY RO (22t,tgg,0. ans-3555000 N ( . 3- C V 7 F 7 . L SPONSORS: - a rscn eaglua ". l:". i, r' --' ' l Per.l"%rerr'B-utr" m1rWarotary.tttubotttolrmrmr . _ _ T " _r-f' Clarke Concrete Enterprises . Golborne Foodland ...aswoll as anyCoIbomo Halarian. I vi',- 0N h b I d R f . ti I C t Electric _ -iommrohmttayevrvogsatsr3osw.tootrnreaearrrwreewamtm tgrttWttsrtkitiertifsltip- , ort Um er an e “gera lon en ury You are Invited taloln as! . _ ttp, _ uriiiriir"m T 's'jiiifi, 1,,t,19,:,t, VOTE? Rotary iiii'i:'I,"iyi; -utar%ur= F _ g, ‘22. c?, ‘5 CR A M A H E ".22; u%'iy2, “mam Club Of Colborne "W“ Jt'sfmlrNnt.u; WE HOPE YOUYAHE REA0YT00 Are you on the list of voters for the upcoming municipal and school Board elections? iris time tar t.hl,rt?/,1,t1lltple MrvestAtmtiar, Dinnerand Dance. Septemberzo, 2014. n. noel-y Club cholborne invites yours JOIN uses Township of Cramahe residents can now find out whether their information is ironrln.r1ed and updated for 'T' tMtlff rlmPa? S. _ - on g _ o r b t th a , a a a b mm h M “m the upcoming municipal and school board elections at 1toterl0okup.cy an online sconce used to lUld and . .- aselomusan see raewi mm a o i) title ll 0 main own a . . ' . . ' , . i . . . a. aâ€, _ . may ii. rrWteitimsyrorrtmtoixrttriNrtatothe 'sh1t'21,'f/fjr,2;tyit, aClvbitstrusyastours,the maintain information that will be used in the preparation of the final Voters Lists across Ontario ‘ . _ 'p .,g.~.i::» “' r. pressure toluggle tamlly, wont, play and vol nte . ntakeatoll and sometimes something _ . . 'O' "91}le .l3ggt.gr '. has to take a step back We truly miss mainline: $12,113}, have to tale this step back but we Accessing voterlookup.ca IS tr. 'i; , _ tv1'agttiity.i.i81iikr welcome them as "trends of Rotary. . Your name and date of birth aM, . 5°53 ' C I1hpei/tNthrg: Mt Nur ticket will" "S tor a divine dinner anh enlny Uanciosi to music willie 60's alt whiterou . Your township, property address or assessment roll number, included on your veil)'. mama; A, Cty-tt 'ypir bid on tabulous Auction items designed ta help you give generously to our community. l will be latest Property Assessment Notice. . hflwï¬mlmmï¬hflw i a groovy time so put on yuurthmMs and call 905-355-5890 for tickets, '. _ -- ,. ~ -"'N C." ""TFN '.""" Cr" 'CC" Meyoattheguctem. _ For more information, call 1-865-296-6722 or 905-355-2821 1 Toronto Street, PO Box 357, Colborne, ON (. 905.355.2821 | Fax 905.355.3430 _ ltlmttlmmrr.ltrM'lrNEl (li): - Em:‘::::’: TMLiIAj’TEITT“_;:ifl’;r{lTF-_Elï¬ï¬‚'mmjs;‘1“ #7:me .