Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2014, Volume 5, p. 15

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._ __. - _ _. . _ , - M” y. _ . T _ h fC h . i It " ; rill = " '; . _ The Corporation of the owns 1P o rama e . G - " C I: " . -- " I "ra, CD. " NE . .- _ 'sS'r , L, r bk, . * . M, . l 47*; r , w - . . T " i. i. ‘ m l r i I all iL) , " " “A “ To r z , . tar-T ' l, l' il i l a." ill 'rii,JLra],l3lt I s M" Mi Et . "apgeP..rae,iriitiWiFaW.'-e lil 15,! 1llMrl if l V- ' sh h' E . M woe Illlllllllllg 31".): l ' _ " y . ' " , " T i , l ' i V ‘ ... .. " Ili':?:--?!-':-',:,?.?,!,::;;?, , y , 31.53 CRAMAHE r I h lt . i, if _ l " ' _, -- MF A, . = “m E)' T , . - . IN . . ' it'sitt ChsrNsntrre ‘ .t -' MikrtFaii" ' " -w rt z! to l r- 4 a _ "r [i' "Vi i . r _ NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING l oia, a 30/19 EXTERNAL JOB POSTING BY-LAW BY THE TOWNSHIP OF GRAMAHE t'fi'ii'ii * “‘73 TEMPORARY SEASONAL PART-TIME OPERATOR ("saw EQUIPMENT) TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of IM Township oi Cramahe passed By-law No 2014-55 on the 21st day of mar.tgkp.%WT _ Wit i no tor Appkanrs mrrsttxrssastr ' . . Th T rc ii h Wt nirylnrrie Operations Dapannrenrlorun ex moments we _ October. 2014, pursuant to the Provrsrons of Section M of the Planning Act. 8.8.0. 1990. e P. IS, as amended. TatQ5l'tl"pu,iami'la, :fili'zaéiriarsrmr‘s‘lii'ilfiériwic'suualncatlonm‘ “I,” with? and gtgrgegtt,g1l,tgghtt1',i'f,'g 355535533 AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or public body may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the Ely-law by filing 'i'igJgi?dgg'gd, to 931??? any alter hourcallout t necessary To cola" a Mai in dump a ' Dumas ' with the Qlerk at the Corporation of the Township or Cramahe n91 gig; that] mommy lil 2014 a notice of appeal setting out 'lil',",',",',,]':"::,',',',,",,',,'):; arc" "gstmtrta 'msillan and.” coMimnsofernpkryrmrtri1min momma W'dtt maTuwnship's cotlectivn uproar-rum willtCiU RE. the objection to the By-Iaw end the masons for the appeal. The notice of appeal must be accompanied by the fee required by the ' 5070. Ontario Municipal Board ($125 payable by ferret cheque or money order to the Minister of Finance) and a completed Appellant Hourlymte:$18 54 422mm p.012 rate) Form (AI) available from the Ontarro Municipal Board website ( inimied applWaMs m mum in my...“ a mooring letter and resume, mentor: canfideMW, by not later than in: pm on 0mm 31. mm to: , Only individuals. Corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Munici V ' T nsh immune Po. Box aw, Corona. Onurloi KOKqsutxtax to905-35r3430 . pal Board. A notice of appeal may not all“ Aamlnigtrath OWE?!- aw llm i _ _ T be filed by an unincorporated association or mu . However, a not i I be il ‘ h n _ _ _ ' Personal information is collected Under Minimally attire Municipal Freedom mrnramiarrm andPrvlegtkpn memoir Act rar me purpose armhole selection. member ot the association or group on its t'2lf,'if' we 0 appeal may ti ed I" t e arrio of an Lndw'dual Who ' a We main 'rlltppllcants forttWrhlsrrrsh however: primrose selectedtolm Fttwvee wlluecarrianted No prrRHm tlr putrk body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless belore the by-Iaw was passed the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meetan or written submissions to the Council or, In the opinion at the Ontario _ THE TOWNSHIP OF CRAMAHE Municipal Board, there am reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL DEPARTMENT 1'cge'gtig), of tci', Purpose and effect of By-law No, 2014-55. including a description of the subiect lands and a key map, is REQUIRES . c 0 is no ice. . ' .., . . . . ' _ . _ FIT-TIME OPERATIONS ATTENDANT 2,tli,1',t)ier"gtt,?rgef,i'y to By-Iaw ND. 2014-55 '5 madam for inspection attha Township office,1 Toronto Street in Colbome, The o,,x,a,J,,'S!Jtyl!,1F,li,T,as!yoS',,,'n,1, fora Parrisnenl Pan-Time Operations Attendant in the Parks and Recreation Departan ' Reporting lo lite Manager at Parks and Recreation and the Facility Lead Hand this positron is responsible tor Facility Operations, maintenance, cleaning memo Dated at the Township at Cmmaho this 21st Day of October. 2014. pmgramslwums run ”scheduled: responsible ioririe security and salary attire laclriry and its patrons. Jennifer Sisson. Planning Coordinator * WW School diploma -Operatrz the ion resurfaced and other specialng equrpirrenr. including me Township of Cramalie _ _ _ I Experience uslng an in; resurtilcar. edger and various power/hand tools is rigor, power tools. going egulpme'r: 11,t2a,r,ig'essTG',', 'f/lf',,",,",";?;,,,,, ' ired . arm genera c ing an main naric , 1T2g'2?il?sh'lfhtpx "x6t7.fiea1'x'fge2, [$501 so . $2211“ ct's11'saligai2 Fast Aid germ training is required 2ii' an other municipal properties. Munrarn sports Feas, parks and other . _ . y ' ass it river: " munc pmpqrtws t lAhilltylo work independently maria memberoln learn . Be responsible tor securing buildingtsl and iollow the lock up procedures. u. pr est-on t l ' l lional amid ki lull and l ‘ _ EXPLANATORY NOTE BY LAW NO. 2°14 BS "1rlrrWg'/iJ'c"lrC'ii%r'gi2', oi this 'g';1slh'glrf'/,2rh', induding oTf1',tswit2el'fldsipmvisso2,,,asoaa, Matt, usargLrututiegUaLtdt 23W “We _ hilt It h line at “a ~Msislwriri al omerurmesasasslgned. . . Key Map I B In I/Pre weekends, rotating 5 l S. B ”ROOMS. tr ya on WSSl This Ztmlr1g Dir-law amendment applies to lands located in Part of Lot 30 "Concession -- ' - -r'7, - __ short-resets call-in sh8ts; _ _ 1 and the par oi Outboard. in the Township of Cramane, This zoning by-iaw _?itrc?i)i w'iiy), ‘r Ir) 1%‘l tE,ggi,ty2,1,gsTtm0 park tquipmtmt tgch as WMWM mm . amendment IS being Pmposed as the msult oi signifisant historical monitoring data and :1; , a?) if, C 7.?“ 'ill ‘_. l. L), ' 8atisfantt Oriental Ramirez Shackle mauled. in consultation with the 'fnistry.ot the Environment (MOE). Pieasetind a key map below "'rsQ ,1ng (ja;),, l': .3 "r,",: \tgi.‘ . 'i)?) Sal!!! Bauer sum -$l5.13]houl showing the location of the subject lands. _ yr k"g"E ”$.19. © rti,'.t-,"j, \\\i your primes in this rule ' dependent on your ability to work eiieniverlr under llrNted supervision and requires you to attacks Sound independent action and The purpose of the Zoning lay-low Amendment is to exempt lots which are serviced by Lift. Eff; ,. in. 453:1; 5:1 .- rudomenl I, user gmepsend the public, . . _ " municipal waIer and sewagswithin tilSVlllage aft2tlb0maimmthty setback requirements ' a 1.; IF 2.53} If. '". l “if”, C." Fget2ttri' summed to submit brownie bloody marked: Applloeirorr. Permanent Part-Tuna Operations Attendant no Iaiertnau 3:00 pm on Thursday. under section 4,33 of the Zoning By-law M-lil as they apply to the closed landN sits in V _ .. = 1,539. C, of; lotion ellhe Tammi? "Tarantella ' Part oi but lo, Concession I, Section 4.33 of the. Zoning By-law mquims the minimum ‘r t" J." '.. l _ LV-', i 1"htRod'l','l'll,h',l Parks and Recreation separation distance between a sonsrtrve land use and a Waste Disposal Industrial (MD) , - . _T_ L;- 1 Toronto St., RO, Box 357. Coibomo. ON KUK I50 Zone waste disposal area or sanitary landfill site to be 500 metres (1 ,640.41 feet), l is w)'.',".,-,:;', e Personal lrilorrnaiion is collected under ma authority or the Municipal Frantic-m of brfrmrsatkm and Pmtectim- of Privacy Act tar the WWW of ieb seleclim We ! l © IA l. . n k t9tV ' = thank all applicants tor their interest, however. only those under consideration Will be contacted. " . g None. . - J The Township of Cramahe 'ttses'., Requires a Receptionist/Cashier g t Carbon Monoxide alarms are now CWAllP. (Maternity Leave up to a Maximum of 1 Year) ”a” -=-_.' . " . Reporting urinary to the Treasurer, the Receptionist Cashier lea key part attire Finance Deparlrmnl. CRAMAHE mandatory m ail residential homes Duties and Kay BespxrnslNlitles; The preienec candidate should have: ir", I. Chpr MW, . ' Reception - respond to public inquiries bath in person and mine phone I Grace 12 education and seine postsecondary training in ofke or business . Accept municipal payments Ior New taxes, dog tags. etc. Mminlstrati:sn orAMCT designation would be an asset _, e _ . Assist in tha maintenance of departmental ries and records . Excellent umliatndrdwymten skillsaongfariiar altitude and rg,,T'itf//fgpa; " " Cl ., " l. .TyptrumBsprmdemiateimrts anomnhtters service sinus n a topmvi ' active communication wil t a chore ? , Beat the .ilfimtf] Klller . I Insist with general clerical duties including thstritputkm or mail. rging, public. vendmsand stall bossentlal. g . I sin safe from carbon monoxide " = tti0/i'lgy, mugging red 1lpghslhf, iltnowledgb in computer applications including Marceau ' d w', ' ' " . l or mice may ioqur an KC9 kPa' ’ _ Y ' Mn aNhy rework in an gpyittppeNvhth changing deadlines and priorities i Ensum ull lMlF2tleltW, appliances Install and regularly lost . Previous rnunk:iptg andterrnanm'alssxperienashamrmpxiratrWpositkm war in your ironic are inspected annually. carbon monoxide alarms. SaHrrSacie4oftheCol'iwNreerneni-y8S0ImrMur-W2di6psrhr1ur bewneidoredan asset: ccsmmy‘m 1.mrlBrrV.Nltm1tmrrl1 Interested gandidahsshgul4 submiiaresumo ntrlaterthan can onion FndayNovembertn. 21mm: ' (S'TSSAOnrorio a stRW1ltNiir.mirill 'ri1cgh2gg,s,,'2,r i3WllS ipu ram 2 . . . _ no. Box 357.1 rumnru sneer. Colmrne. Ontario Kok rso "Beat the Silent Killer": First-ever Carbon Monoxide Awareness Weak Personal inlormalion IS mllecled underline authority of the Municipal Freedom oriniorrriauon ano Froleciiori oi Piracy Act for the purpose prior: selection N b 1 7 We thank all applicants tor their interest. however. only those under consideration will be contacted, The Township oI Craniahe is committed to providing Dve m 9" - accommodauuiis rm persons with disabilitla. Please bet us know it you require accommodation. 7 1 Toronto Street, PO", Box 357 , Colborne, ON , 905.355.2821 | Fax 905.355.3430 's, _ ". 'l 7 , - _ _ _, _ 'Jh'th'tlNMMtMltMrlll vi) ' b” . -. 'KrCrCSL':Ci1ctI'raiEh'lrff.u5aT.rrr, _.__ TLTCCllL J.LL'LrltLLr1LC.'L_".'r". ' ""3. A - ' - AZ: 1,11. .. fill; ..,;;._'_';:u_3: SIS...“ 3:271" f it _rc, I] Arnimfl:j:mmzm

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