Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2014, Volume 5, p. 32

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Be""-" ( " (Crjl'l) _ J _ ICOLBDRNE LEGION LINES loot t4ttgptt, E4LMD 7594 V U00. 2y,k Soup's on! With the return of pudding, mashed potatoes, gravy, chairs Carol and Gord McDonald Parachute Battalion Cadet Corps mailed to: Tracey Loveless, Parade all are welcome! Ho, ho, ho! _ cooler weather, homemade soup’s two veggies, bread, tea, coffee and thanks all Legion members and who canvassed the second week- Chair, Royal Canadian Legion The auction overlaps with the included on the menu for our two homemade dessert. Just $12 per non-members who volunteered end. Branch 187, P.O. Box 458, Colborne, next moonshot euchre tournament monthly dinners. Friday, Dec. 5, person serving from 5 to tint) p.m.! and contributed so generously "The campaign was a tremen- Ontario, KoK ISO. For inrormati0n, Sunday, Dec, 7 at Colborne Legion. its Roast Beef Dinner, complete a o a to this year's fund, especially the dons success," the McDonalds call Tracey Loveless 905-355-3488 Register ($5 per player) bynoon for with fresh, homemade Yorkshire Colborne Puppy Campaign CO- young people Of the Ist Canadian report or e-mail: coloramsantaparade@ an afternoon of play, Great prizes . . . ., tobewon!Ahomemade, delicious C Our famous homemade Christ- . . . lunch is available for just $3. m . mas cakes (thanks, Brenda Graham The annual Colhorne Public . . . k FA ‘ and Marilyn Babcocki) are avail, School Festival of Trees has become What a great idea! During this a [q r , able for sale: Smallis so, largesls. a holiday tradition. The festival of festive season, it can be a chal- 55: , Drop byColbome Legion to snap decorated Christmas treesis hosted lenge to prepare a festive feast l _ y ‘ - ' T P E up Yolanda yummiesl by Colborne Legion 5 to 9 p.m. Nov, and get together at one location, : .-vai i , " N amr p, C t ' ... - 21 and 11 am. to 9 p.m. Nov. 22 Well, here's your solution! The ‘ iit, _ ' ii) C7 l, MMtli 1 ff', t/ ' ttot, Applications fill: Christmas (Santa Claus Parade Dayl). Admis- first annual Community Family a i Mil ’ LO . " if. . REALTY INC. (l) 31-3", . I i , L A . 2'eh Hampers are now being accepted sion is free! Come in and view the Friends Christmas Dinner hosted . PM 'iol, r _ ‘ ." 1 4 “â€" ‘ ' ' '. L l t _ Wednesdays andehursgayg. 2 to many trees decorated by commu- by Black Dress Catering by Donna T " r, _ . Eat 5 pan. in Novern er at o orne ni s onsors, includin families 'RusawDec. 13 atColbome Le ion. B, 905 Mt 1555 . 615-475 9800 ililiiili!liiWaililgll ca ' - Legion for postal codes KOK ISO miElYusg‘ies, businesses anEl iiiiiiiiiif1t' Treat your family and friendEtO a '% , , ' tMitt - I' and KOK IMO, . . nity groups. The trees are beautiful traditional turkey and ham dinner ht' a , _ . . p, B1lBlll.%mllliil My“ '1 wr tiiiiidfi!.'i1% - TEP. The_Colbome Legion program is - and you have the opportunity to of Christmas delectables, soft, sea- 'sri . I ' . ‘ W_# _ g _ . . y _ My.'. coordinated with The Giving Tree purchase tickets to win your favour- sanal music - plus Santa may drop | l I ‘ l " ' . of Northumberland County: each ite tree! Enjoya bowl ofsoup or chili by. This is by reservation only, with hi?, . ', I . " f It ‘ , , _ r sponsor is matched with an anon- both days for just " All proceeds seating between 5 and 7 p.m. Cost - , , . . ' ‘ _ yrnous child who tells Santa only go to support the Colbo(rrle Public is $20 per adult; kids under 10 $10, , 7.... _ , _ their age, gender and secret gift School Music Program the multi- kids unders free. Call 905-355-5479 IIILLTDP SETTING (t I'a',Eh'm'f,,', a'lear,e,lltleh, tr "uietell,"m'ds','lll', Emmy wish. award-winning kids thank you for to reserve! Si Jr,t,ae,' :3;ng 6:33;: {:53 my my???” 2ffifd,ifl' intimated “with garnet 53mg?“ Hill; a? it”??? wmolled iris, $10; t?lthtt te. be foamed your supporl-tg. Whil; the fgsftivag C lb ' . . . N panel & enemy am“ gas “mm mm kilghen ""erfg'/,i'riil"li'fr1fl.sa1? ' mg” 'dy/lf/flip; on?“ alga 'lrhrl'l'8J3. at e glon. 9 Wing tee pro- IS open, ee ee to [013.0 00 _ o orne will have a real ew with pmierr door Witt to deck. on town water. Call may w you, new “wing Detached any " gamgelyrkshap Mum gram coordinates the toy donor bank donations. For more informa- Year s Eve party and dance Dec. 31! Close to downtown shopping a amenities. 2514 SHEER VALLEY an int noun M. trons non, contact Chad Morford at 905- We're bringing back high-energy, 135 Kills " E. romantic murmur! out WWW” TWF. Applicants need to bring proof of V 355-2532 or e-maii claad-modoirio live country/ rock band Sawmill "$141952 5159'“ MIS' Ta2ti99 sm' 'P'-"ed . '669,Mit income and address when apply- Road! The New Year's Eve event . . F , q rq _ , , "' ' ‘ . titiil , ' ing, Those with children need to . .. includes a celebratory meal, spe- , r . , ’ - . I Rh" ' LN ;:'s, _ , . ' have an idea what their child likes The monthly Memorial Pool cial party favours and lots fish, Tick- . l) l . V . _ a or!" g il l rf-e', ' I ‘ » l I or wants. Support for the hamper Tournament continues the last ets are $75 per couple, $40 single, f .; Tlil . - _ l _ , l E i , program is best provided either Sunday ofeach month through to available at Colborne Legion.This 3"”; gym“. . ' ' - is," " ' ‘ . . Gi- ttttIN ' . through food donations near the May2015. This month it is on Nov is oneyou won‘twanttomissi 'llttisr-rCTsliM ' " ' -- ' , _ .t e 7 I - ' ' time ofthe box assembly - or cash 30.1t starts at 12 noon in the Club . . . f thi "V ' __ 7 y PEABEFUL 5mm: , donations anytime! Room. All layers sign in 11:30 a.m. Mark our calendars or is tare Lsealh1Nl'Mllllirsilll1, MI a,,d o'l'lel/'l',i'.ll'l'll1le. for “New ”my? gm" Mini“ Emmi MIN" I . I to noon will] teams drawn at ran- rific afteyrnoon of music! Sunday, 2'irgrl “95m” “3 ogiavely tgmtes. $315; ffrsttiilrgiit Jpt2eglltiil. All; /gfhsslth%0/ld E {13% ”Slade It's time to renew annual mem- dum. Cost is $7 per person plus $3 Jan. 11, enjoy Detour, traditional 'llil# 1fgle'lest2'lit1'l1 is?” Spacious ital-in kitchen ivibreaklasl nook. k1cle,', “Pam? [2rst1al1g'2tl22h1 It, bership dues! Pay your $50 by the if you wish a hearty meal. There are country and Texas Swing music _ lwwer level Fliwim 935 m EEK ' to: no. 1lpperlerel Otters an ip-lim suirav#separate Jsi%l'lt11f11hrjti?dlWil"lr%1'liir end of November and you're eli- cash prizes to be won! Play ends featuring Brian McNamara, Steve Waimmmm both my; entrance & deck, Large 2 my relate g whirls- an "mum M, . . ' . . 3 amok we, Bitten-m 13536 mum no g, GRlkMlulETWP. mmwimom gible for the Early Bird draw. You around 4.15pm. Pincco. Allen Fehrenbach, Monty MUrg 142047 5329,9110 Nil-SI 141337 $295,090 Misti 142032 5297,” could win free dues for the year! . . . Flindall and John Dustan! Admis- ' . " (tilii:,is'id iPM 31M " . T-v-""' . . . Our annual Silent Auction will sion is just Sto per permission. . r m, C, . e agall 'i'?! t . Christmas brings thoughts of be held Sunday, Dec, 7. There are Music begins 1 p.m. at the Col- I . p. a: . . y ' i , a "th" at." - ‘ a”. if , _ family and community traditions. tables of donated new or gently bomeugion. 76= t”*r-. vol"... B k -., “new , - MEM _ " = , k' ' 'rMll' w' _ , The Colborne/Cramahe Santa used itemsideal for gifts, stocking ... g? IE 134W 'INMm " ", ' _ - ' . . RrE M , tl' , I . r, Claus Parade Committeehas been suffers and/or favours. You never Upcoming events: Dec. 5, 'MIB irlhe _ " Iliiii1ika _ jiggle-2” " em I? P. " . " - , ' busy planning for the big event! know what treasure you’ll dis- monthly Roast Beef Dinner, 5 to . MErtt.B+ sw. " -4 WqNTatht ' ' == ' - 'Jfirat4.t.-Mel, w Thisyear,thetheme iSACanadian cover! Dec. 7 from 1 p.m. on, the 6:30pm; Jan, l, annualNewYear's 2 _ ”10'0".“ TO BUILD? QUICK 'lP.sirti1.l1PtuurLE _ . _ BETTER THAN NEW! _ Christmas for the 7 p.m. Saturday, last-minute bidding begins in ear- Day Levee, 1p.m. 1xiet2el1s2',tillstgjg1e1epl,ielt" 2"rmrrremted1r1.jtwaltyyi1rr.esetiir' “lii'll'siil‘éiiilliliclaiebiflio‘iili'li’ " Nominate. nestoverwineandcheese.Bids ... LOTS 1.05 was wgj'pg,'ge,tligti't1i2lr/lh,y. which 1e,e?.,?ir5y,e, Itriierieit, Donations to support the are closed from 4 p.m. on, item by Remember: You are only a M1S8 """l,, " O 64 ACRES 554.000 updated bathmm widaw tuly , separate my "dl"ji/g1t'iaieilik'h1gi,eh1 lint gawk ”mime parade costs involved are gratefully item. It's great fun! If you’d like to stranger once at Colborne Legion MtS# 130820 . 562.000 shower, Economical some testing. harms, Gas heat. Detached (New garage received. Cheques can be made out donate an item or items, do so any~ Branch 187, _ i g ' tampon team In turmeriniuun mesa propane: Milt WT" PM M. WSW“ TTO ou, ”NF RD. “mm m to Royal Canadian Legion Branch time after Nov. 22 at the Colbome Mandy Martin, Branch 187 public Plas others-lag int; mnenllytor sale IIT Ms area.. ms. 151359 SMS,0lN1 "m ""976 SMS, 187 and delivered to the Legion or Legion. There's no admission and relations ' $753.15: ' . T VAL-L31; sTLrC-'JE ILLTr2u=riWc'lr. "rt Jul; fin» n3;.;.":::-11A_ k; LT? 1er'Ti-C1'Tt7'rL.- 1:?-1:13.:I:InTIL'::m_-_T::HIT:TL__nm-yw}:::.:£flmi:nmh'_";mm

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