Castleton WI Scrapbook, 2014, Volume 5, p. 37

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”â€"q County hears update on Highway 401 I . i . with the addition of one new in maintenance that was tection system that we have and people just wangc y salt and sand loader. . going on at that boundary, on Highway 416. If it picks damn snow off the roads tt "The reinstatement of but now with that tow plow anything up it will alert tht he said, addingthatfor son-1e l the Port Hope patrol yard we're able to match the ac- drivers that they should be reason this hasn't happened ' . 'l . will play a strategic role tivities that are being carried expecting low visibility." duringthe last two years, , - in snow storm cleaning," out in Durham County," he The MTO installed a "I think what we want to > " he said, pointing out that it said. "You shouldn't be see- Large Animal Detection hear isthat it's going to hap- i I' . will serve one new complete ing any differences with the System targeting deer near pen because it used to trap. " _ _ . route, called the Mainline exception that; because they the Highway 416 and Leeds pen." 5 - is?” © . . ‘ 401 mute, which will see are two different operators, and Grenville Road 43 In- Macmillan said the pray. I - "EN Ir, li, ' " one extra combination unit the meeting of the two at that terchange in March 2012. ince needs to start recogniz- . ”,{1’352‘ F, 'AY, 1 ' and one tow plow in use to boundary won’t necessarily "We're also meeting with ing Northumberland County t , - iitg ir'utfa " improve service. happen atthe Sametime." other jurisdictions to see as unique owing to glacial . I , Krr:ii?s,Pfii- Instead of using two sep- The fiaal improvement what they are doing [and] activity in the area, and start i an A 941‘ I e ’ . arate pieces ofequipment_to in Northumberland County have a meeting set up with treating it accordingly. iii A r . 'Ta ' do the job, the combo unit are two new combo units the New Turk Department "My suggestion is they 3 WA.» Rra'ti" IB. _ _ drags behind it a tow plow dedicated specifically to on of Transportation," added needto be more proactive so . . 1 " " fr , M. by, which swings out to the side and off ramp snow and ice Albino. T that we can stop cremating i - _ ' . - "'1 _ .L'fif.EiS» to clearthe adjacent lane. removal-increasing the He said there was "notlr. truckersonlhc401,“hesaid, i . “The tank on top of it current ramp service by 50 log exceptional about last pointingtoarr'rend who wit- is just used as a balance to per cent, year" in terms of accidents nessed that kind ofaccidenl. . maintain the weight and According to Albino, the on Highway 40l--citing "lthasitgone away forhim control,”Albino said, MTO is also tendering a tri, an MTO review of multi- and in fact he'll never work . . . . . _ . An additional tow low al s stem for low visibility; vehicle collisions from 1991 again because Dfit," _ist.rtoet.atiyr"as.temyfm "eff'" "“39.“th Albino told county council will be in use west ofPCo- to dyes] with streamers that to 2010 along the corridor, in response, Albino said i imtmistsearethetterruadrsmditiousimmtrtearun thlsmhterbetairseofdtogesmadeln bourg for alternating inside come off the lake and pro- which he said have remained the chan es the h . - monnnommww . _ . g . y ave im and outsrde shoulder plow- duce lake effect snow. consistent-but Councrllor plemented this year were i 1ftllu,r!r"r.r1i)ls1eytst'!_, a“ W. provement in snow clearing efforts on ing,consistcntwiththe adja- "Certain other jurisdic- Hector Macmillan said he customized with Northum- B News - Northumberland County Highway 401 this Winter. cent six-lane section in Dur- tions have implemented was confused by the com- berland County in mind, Flanked by nearly a dozen represents" Since meeting with county officials ham County where drivers them for fog but we're going mam. The county has also asked 3 tives from the Ministry of Transports in March 2014, Albino said last week reported seeing an increased to use it for snow squalls," "The public's perception the MTO to provide it with tion,eastim) region operations manag- theminisrry(MTO)has opened the Port level of service. he told council November as well as mine is that we an annual update on winter . er Rafael Albino said Northumberland Hope patrol yard allowing for quicker. "ln the past folks had 19. "The way this works is have been plowing the roads maintenance services along . County motorists should see an im- response times to incoming storms, picked up on the difference similar to the wildlife de. since roads were invenled, Highway 40[. it h . I I I o . I a h I f d . . Crama e WI save muopey on po long, receive more m partners IP un mg “99/ a . a mhaktfe., "P, Wife-’gptcall? reactive in naturemually of municipal property tax ipalities of Ontario reported "lt's never gone upl don’t an and was "ctxratllent"news, News - Cram-he Township - The require a police officer's attendance," revenue Cramahe will earn the fund is being out by $35 thinkinanyofthetimes[Cra- he said. it news from the province is all good for treasurer Mora Chatterson said in are- in 2015. million to $515 million in mahe has received OMPF OMPF funding is used as Cramahe Township: the municipality panic council. The modest increase in 2015 after being reduced by fundingl," Coombs said. general revenue, "it's not re- . will pay $159,600 less for policing in The township stands to save addi- 0MPF funding came as a $25 million forthis year. "lt's always gone down," ally set aside for anything," 2015 and receive about $20,000 more tional monies in future as the cost per surprise to local officials. The association said 245 Having that trend come to Chatterson said. i from the Ontario Municipal Partner- property for policing is projected to The amount paid out annu- municipalities in Ontario a ship Fund. drop from $404this year to $329,ade- ally to Cramahe has been will receive smaller alloca- Underanew billing method'adopred crease of $75. However, the decrease is declining for years because lions as a result of the lat- 3 by the. OPP, the tmenship's police bill being phased in, as it is for municipali- "traditionally the overall cn- est reductions, Cramahe is will add up to about $l,068,000 next ties that will pay more for policing. In velope‘s been shrinking too one of 143 that will see its 3 year. Cramahe's case the cost per property in Ontario," Coombs said. funding remain stable or in- - The new formula takes into account will be lowered by $30 105374 in 2015, TheAssociation ol'Munic- creased in 2015. q the base service the provincial po- with more adjusting tn follow. ' _ lice force provides Cramahe (routine The savings will be placed in a re- Mt patrols, crime prevention, RiDE pro- serve. on the recommendation of staff, . _ . grams, training and administration), _ “jupt in casidwc grep/la sup-priselin a: _ pfu? . (no ies ma costs, a or arc com s sai _ _ " a '1ituhdt,'al1ituyiegdoiepgI'ifis, last week. y ', 'deu'de,te,t'f,estee Mews _ “as. =eatza.eeis., province-wide cost per property. . The township will receive $665,000 ' IUD!) 27/19 ‘4' F'ete:ty E There are 2,700 households and 151 from the Ontario Municipal' Partner- ', {353'}: C' 1 - , .. .. r ._, I . V . commercial and industrial propenics in ship Fund next year. That's an increase l - e, h "i)? .1: if“ G Ol n 'the municipality, according to the Mud of $21,700 when coupled with a pro- i Fc-i,'. "~ - _ _ _ _ , "trt,: g nicipal Property Assessment Corpora~ vincial upload in court security and ' :1... - - , _ 7 Irs' tion. prisoner transport costs of$2.500. an Q [ . . . by the Also factored in are calls for service The province said the combined j ' 'et M e. ' . ’5: "related to policing services that are btmeiit is the equivalent of14 per cent t ' I l " " J ‘ 6:533: book in - - 1.. 1 rrur l V -'r I - I J,'., f. q " l _ C b "lliiig .47"; , “11111 _ _.. _ 'fi.". o ourg . R I ll' ie' ')'j",itii2ai irc.", '. ."/Ps Ili i' ir,Cry /uei.r2 , cocoons s,', - ""‘" ©'iiu, ' JAC: 1: "'4 .'12n1ryy se.. .. tHt-t Ar-m _ rr J -.Lid. U ', " a "up i ' . ' F . " '.Twrt'f.i'%'i) ' 3%: . "e t" 'f 1ro/r.)?1r.10, her latest. i s' J. ( _ .: __ I, 'MII . . _ , book; 'L'dutdteetgtr tpt f, i; t EiMll , Heroine of the War a . .11 .~ . , .. . ". ( I " - of 1812', Peggy (aiiil q 11:1",215. f M $.57 . I Dymond Leovey a an IIN {j I it, WPY' " " tlr wore historic cos- " la, - C, . a. "igi-; ['L.l'iC.) “ a , t lume to the Word _ I Rrif, It, ' up w Northumtperlond 3 air; "1 ', - MItglE , 1 Itt% " EVEN atthe Cobourg ' :6" 1 l tlkall . 1 Public Library. a . . 'Wat-a - mv . at q Ci' Koren longwell / ' 1:"! rr ' 1 ' . - ea Northrmtberiand News I ----- ""cJ'ss, 30 1 " - i i

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