r _ _0 00000000 ____ °0000000000000 _2 Sanctuary trail Y t tended d , ramahe Township marsh .. ..,, ® Razgirtas) p Lpperenper3 S / iz 1 lswz * MM ByJohn Campbell _________ McRae. to be a member" of the organization >« Audkg.. ~Pag > s ~ _ ~~. "We‘re managing it actively for those that looks after it. hi P ~"6 e . ; § [ ging y o. s s 0 n l e s S _ _| Cramahe Township â€" The trail at the species," because if you left the field _ "We don‘t allow motorized vehicles o on d ks > A [',-'% WHRO E* ~O| Braham Tract of the Lone Pine Marsh untouched for a decade it would be or horses," or dogs, because of the _ ie 5 Ainc * . s ‘,;q Sanctuary has been extended, and the: "solid goldenrods" and the birds would stress they can cause wildlife. Hunting 3 _' h o mmine o C e s n B | board of directors that oversees its leave, he said. isn‘t allowed, cither. ies +~ S Te ty C :ï¬Ã©â€˜.’ 2 3> 1 _ ___| management invited the public to join_. Another loop winds its way through _ Hundreds of gees arrive at the marsh agr e Alche : 4 ~2::'.,1 O _ | them in an early summer walk June 11 a former cornfield that will be left to in the fall, and there are numerous *z ~A €& esA s 1;%,‘%. [ _ | to mark its opening. mature naturally, undergoing a series wood ducks and mallards that breed ta :; ~â€" RA CS O Oe O _ _| _ There are now three loops in the. of changes called succession. there. e e ++ e «,, e \'l{ . A}f£~~ W 56â€"hectare property off Maple Grove "We‘re going to let this field go and _ Anotherspecies that‘s threatened seen | bs> <*t â€"£74 vot SCn _"-_;-1-_;: aa P mAE i .l Road, totalling about 3.5 kilometres. just let it fill in," McRae said, noting at the provincially significant wetland <2. io+ â€" 2P ME C :{5 W O s O O eE O _| One passes through meadows where dogwood and willow have started to are barn swallows. e B O e esc 2| grassland birds such as meadowlarks appear. ‘They were abundant back in the 1950s O us 1 PX O SS | and bobolinks, both threatened species, â€" The acquisition of the cornfield by but "have disappeared from north of [‘ ces M y _ + ‘?'ï¬:‘ _ _ _ _| make their home. The nonâ€"profit orgaâ€" the late founder of the sanctuary, Muâ€" the Canadian Shield," McRae said. |â€" ')â€"‘-:5;“ : 1h: CY _ ( e ie on Pn saire. .. V ue _| nization mows the area once a year in rial Braham, "was brilliant because it "There are none nesting in Algonquin " Ts . â€" â€" Td : SE + n hm O _ _ s _| the fall, when the birds are done nesting. really did help buffer the marsh" from anymore. They‘re still fairly common t 5 e § : > c = *3 224. ’5 !: ""That helps keep it in grass and that‘s the chemical impacts of "agricultural in this habitat but this is the only place s & * 4 EyAE * * ;-;?,.i _ O _ | what the bobolinks and meadowlarks practices going around it." they are anymore. All the swallows, *~" < F4 " "--a fls Nt y . â€". _ _ _ __| like," said sanctuary board memâ€" The public is welcome to walk the even tree swallows, are less common. es "<â€" â€" M ?';‘*;a‘\. % §¢‘; Fu%e wÂ¥ & .f*l.-;i’. ____| ber, ecologist and ornithologist Doug. property, McRae said, "you don‘t have Purple martins are vanishing." \ Pm uo Li x 1 un A : F4 eA L en oc it _ o e 1 Bl C ' ‘T‘:“ 2 '.;.'r:-"L T -"éi;b'-bn':"‘! e % t m on y ooppoagprogomes oere en cr e r) ='?":‘a:‘%"'": K: ie‘ :‘ x; “‘?2 'g‘:;pï¬ s . gint . % 3 «t Â¥9l .ï¬ï¬?g;‘fv%-gi&}}y o rage wABok s oc U 1Cce is rrsalile" 2 ceb * en p t oi es c on oo et .o on £ E@%&%L'aâ€":‘ j,' "“r "‘F&‘ P ons “i,:“ ‘g" : Te ks mes 7“?{\":‘{._,‘ JnQ \;;fl\‘?ï¬g\‘:“{iï¬jx‘:‘;d y ~g‘§“' hss s ols Te ons c oude Reli‘r ie i1 O ie ce o k ie ols 291 P F : '-f," Tess M C 0 Ciesh * VaCea c ns Pz y C d srug soomme e o Wnn se 2 100. +0 6 Pnsd o u0 o ut 1(03 sls t o n 5 s " nines o ie 0. /. sn O c ABCRK mAPC f uks + > a . o Tess .. "ail li ic slee.] Meaat . . s c e ; l .. [3 CA ,,;ï¬\ s 4 ; ooo e snn c â€"ï¬;‘ *7-_'*56.}‘; 4 t s d \ # se ys>, / °* > "1:%5"~“_' 4. \“ y ‘nf,j‘_;:-.,’ § § _ > > *"-‘\“-'z’% : 15 _ uce & . es o | 99y f C nA *s1 4 4 I > *#P%"’ Vi':- ï¬!;:r‘-‘w,‘“’ PA ,"â€â€œf""..'. ‘_’ï¬h- L.";s~ A, ® [ss o se | ® i > uw â€"~=., en ) 9 "u [ e n se t on enc diatan 1 /2 alane o * YE Pep Hiotre BC é iup4g A ts w UX . >\ e s ie es s P e ie c oad 1 L PEme hSE Ba d . .t ciige de l _ oo . rese : A! Noetg HSP . . wies ’%"%ï¬;‘?fl-i- akil â€"==~ <ams Bd k in â€" Sal 4 o $ 4 s *‘ e ce . wiess : â€" 4 s l . § > YÂ¥ 4 fvi ie en ts .. i. _3 w inaint, .. c ; % k yex"l ¢ : R*V e‘ ETe * 2 8 es a .. > ues e ‘~"J8° & . ;’z 7 n oo '-"« . <â€"~ in fha wl ie o. > _ El fes. l P k s We . d f y K r y -'?!.ï¬f';c io in l w â€" ol |4 _ tmek o ; â€"~| ie A “\ k 4* i. ~ Bif ';:r esn ~ 3 hep f’ hn o in Per e( / â€"“;i t & . * i x $ f f P ¢ + & L id Heg ï¬ï¬a@;r t.'i}i,’i-‘--“"’" .;-\;?‘." S ol Ts ce dR \o .; § °© * o Y i ‘ ©%e ? ns . Nes In perves o rmaini ie 244 ol (ea do an 9y NB seuul‘it «. K T3 ;- Ey & .fé‘r\ga eoren css iua: U i./ /n ie ~ . «l C M â€" > TK x *, Pnaie o Piai s .o / Lenv ce eepeai en 1y ced yre: riaie i9 2e Piike, Jeg e t P Sz Ts k MR a es ue vrian.fEie>. s â€"o uiess a Eit uie / D .ns [ nr yrans Ampian h ren ces â€" oA eieeiiie (E 10. BpleiN tull o pnog n ol th O o t oi A ing turtle : inctuary w::i :: mm :m‘::mn:ze :;;?th:m lung :'; Mg?r::'ï¬:;e&:ir: Doug McRae led visitors to Lone Pine Marsh Sanctuary in Cramahe Township on an early summer walk through fields and meadows, describing a habitat member Doug McRae led visitors on an early summer walk. Photo by John Campbell that‘ quite diverse, supporting large populations of birds, mammals and insects. Photo by John Campbell C he 1 hp cil has knuckles f e R © rapped for inâ€"camera session _ pPALGEHIOU Fpurperem»vewrt use 16//£ 19 7 f ili 2 i i he f th nicipalâ€" certified and they are not responâ€" agreed to hire the utility for a 12â€" about going in camera when t bambimtel __________ ?ty"â€e es s 4 sible for assessiné infrastruv;tull'Je or week period to assess the plant‘s report was received as information ipâ€" i However she said in retrospect an resources, so hiring LUSI had no infrastructure and staffing. Jgne; t > + : gzgn;e&?::s;?s edcsgl;:;g'll ‘;?sst exemption under the Municipal Act implications for labour relations or ‘Bellch§mber in his recommendaâ€" _ "It‘s a serious matter, aml!( co‘flnml December to discuss a proposal having to do with labour relations negotiations, he said, and consulâ€" tions S:gld best practice i:or cogncnl members will have"to make "very from Lakefront Utility Services might have been "more appropriate tation with the union had already is "to discuss as much as it can in an clear to Bvelrybody j their_reasons Inc. (LUSI) about the operations and applicable given that the proâ€" taken place with the union prior to open meeting and [Eo] go inâ€"camera for not wanting to discuss an issue manager position at the Colborne posal could have been perceived by the closed meeting. pnly on those portions of the subâ€" u:‘pubhc, h.e said. wastewater treatment plant. the Township‘s unionized employâ€" . The only decision council made: at ject matter lh:.it gro’Perly meet the _ "It doesn‘t hurt to take a second Amberley Gavel Ltd. reached that ©°8 as a potential contracting out of the time was to direct staff to bring exemptions criteria. . look [and ask oyrselvcs]: Do we reâ€" conclusion after | investigating: a bareaining unit work." the matter forward to the Jan. 12, Mayor J\/[arc Coombs said counâ€" ally 1,1‘e::d to go in camera to discuss complaint from an unidentified inâ€" But, neither explanation holds up, 2016 meeting, when the township cil will Shave to be extra careful" this? dividual who argued the closed sesâ€" Amberley Gavel said in a report ___ sion Dec. 15 contravened the Muâ€" Prepared by Nigel Bellchamber, 3 nicipal Act. ¢ Council‘s discussion was whether The investigator agreed, saying O" not the township would contract Cramahe Township had "breached With LUSI to fill the role of overâ€" the open meetings requirement of all responsible operator (ORO) the Municipal Act." and provide management services. Cramahe Township has appointâ€" There was nothing in the discussion ed Local Authority Services as its directly related to loss or damage to closed meeting investigator, paying UNiCipal E“’P“fâ€y or the protecâ€" it a retainer for its services. LAS tion of public safety. * delegated its powers and duties to . AS for the argument the maiter Amberley Gavel to undertake the had "labour relations implications, investigation and report to council. Belichamber \“‘f}“d the union had Clerk Julie Oram told Amberley advised staff it would not have an Gavel council had discussed the 1S5SU€ W“hl'h"d party ORO services ’ i leving i d consulting services." proposal in camera, believing it was. 4" & xï¬ "a matter dealing with the *security â€" Current employees are not ORO hi. _ esnc .1 o7 7 P ic en ae â€"Eemiete . N00 C onl ied O C eei B s : e ie nel. O B1 ce dreek BC HOe o0 o mrier o0 o0 9e Sf n ne t tsen S Oc en ym