THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017 1 NORTHUMBERLAND TODAY.COM B9 { ;& 5 [ E | ’“ e o ie s o ts t oo o onrermermantipenine en ommaiomin upmimi pepomengenmein in on e ic im on inaih o etg n meay x z se d M eel Mes ced on Reeiie es ue n 1 emel e n ie c o io hi s ie B c mt o on n Bs ns ns c on w in We ues o e e Exhibit celebrates Colborne Art Gallery‘s 20 years 7 . * | B k. % e m .\ + C N 5 ae? ‘: [ dlers ";:‘"r oA \| pas # .];;- .‘,. 3 p g \ & :. § ,‘, -,,_ Â¥ ud.".t-';-‘;‘ï¬Ã©a.h.;b,",:{“:' > i > maasay _ \ Lk 4 " : e n aee (elecnoay [7; K. ; . m '4, tfl : mss +p A i en Aeae C ies ra mt mtc aart //; hy ue : R P * B Bs o es t 2. n e enz mmnl ) â€" Feas 3e i. ‘t se ; fet: po4 ova ie â€" : Eie e ns e mas s soanye }jg 5 . es _ b“; 3e r%; C c e fa . testiasinimtene. P el esd w uc Ae) << o e o ac 1. (essress ue ec‘e We i g 7 .. MesiseeD 5. iz= 2 2o e o al Chaloel Femppresecepn â€" [ SCs netres U m s t ~~ WMs 7 18) era c ascr 30. o0 se uoi) ‘Aes 1 o2 19 Ne ts‘ oï¬ n _‘ n fe] Ps s sspere h. *hR We > O rmnet e e n ie L* 7. en +4 C ts C w C N* ow e ds s a 2 °n °* iecfo meba feges isey feinim ies = â€"_ hy Ts o â€"Glee aa e wao l | P pmase cur4 i im arnl 28 ie : :'â€":‘ ; fad Soly ,{‘ PM % : ie . sontige d No mE it ir smm mtb gored alte | d rerdcs d S M ht hnl y*~. * x PME ":J"_?_;,t.â€" ‘;â€":_â€"II *# r[_r"‘j,‘. Jljf':‘ i e ‘ iesse etrtts C\ Mfll se m P "j MEA 1 Bs s 2 x s "‘{.v' ; ExnA iyâ€" wey 2. Hgeg g5 4t mige â€""lrw. Cyeulll||| =s _ ts d 3 1+ | Oe se +4 + rausosen . [Wce im ie tssE MI s i“s*‘;, S e Y d e ie : +117 "pâ€" it Es iT © f * Mcctas ie f â€"â€"<‘â€"â€" 4 o ies rii":'., i l 7 k I: t â€" lR ]m{ A | P mok 4 ï¬:\* a 4 mutea, [Suailin a/g. ! Edeemoss l i1 Es Iï¬lll is | e uon hxE \».s% gey s m saies /# _ Eied > “‘N 7 h 2 c"g auts kncvaeck.â€"ohuke; CERE o. Prowms 1 h m e . | } CubsAr en ‘cg can uy mt | +â€" EO T mar m 4 e 2 4 $ . ooo vees o mm h My c r :‘ v it < snn x uomm s . e as .. mar. a S F se P se . + | (ppomer ts( n ki >.â€"> â€"â€" . Mn .3 Pap it s CSARR & oo ns iess \ C WeR . iyet ( Ec earcrae o w4 s o B * x P "imh L:"h":""' -'i \ fls Imveay # amie i _ â€"â€" 7 f | Mess SnJ N eeoiek s meng 'v‘_‘ s t 5A ~® 6 ‘E_-â€" <_, _ i t M rnnmmemnit See 3 P _ 08 ReignC + e ns ; n d T V 1/A heabB EeEA r 4/ is 6 sUBMITTED PHoTO The Colborne Art Gallery will hold an opening reception this Saturday. / ya) io 6 6 & S * meo‘r HMayf 24 [, 72. Theworkof38artists whosepast _ [ 7 tive and enthusiasm of area artists . me to create a body of work for the _ and Port Perryandtwoareoriginal participation has builtthe onlyproâ€" [ _|J _ led by Wilhelmina Kennedy, and _ firsttime." members. fessional coâ€"operativegalleryinthe â€" [ | ) ' the still current rentâ€"free generâ€" Another artist recalls the benâ€" This November, the gallery willbe area will be on display from May [ _ | k $ osity of Cramahe Township were . efit of being part of a cooperative: _ transformedintoaChristmas marâ€" 27 to July 2, celebrating the 20th [, *h T‘wm weak ) > critical. "Working among them, visiting _ ket place offering jewellery, small anniversary of the Colborne Art ;'j"fl;; ;’ #Atee %j A Trillium grant, support from _ their home studios, and talking . paintings, pottery, photographs, Gallery. : ' ; i t *ï¬ t Colborne Rotary and several priâ€" _ about each others‘ work, helped to _ cards, bags and more, Come out to our opening recepâ€" ',’, 4 m @ enR vate donors plus thededicated work _ give me insights into my own evoâ€" tionthis Saturday, May 27 from 2 f‘a“‘ i *" . o ofartistmembers who formed work _ lution as anartist.".________â€" to 4 p.m. to meet the artists and \"4p is -;“ steh 1 «parti inting the walls, putting Past..guest. artists ‘include to support art in our community. o l oo o o2 . I up lights, serubbing and painting . Cobourg‘s Frances Gage, Morus , It is a special jewel of a gallery se Te t the floors, have provided an enviâ€" Hummel and Erie and Dorothy with 20 years of artistic history to % ronment for artists to show and . Winter, experience, m develop their work through six _ In this exhibition, the future is On the gallery roadside the fose e exhibitions a year ever since. also celebrated through the work brightyellowsculpture "Empathy" _ This piece is Water by Wilhelmina . As one past member says, "I _ of grade7 and 8 youth in one of the places art in the community and Kennedy. was able to advance my ideas and _ four rooms in the gallery. speaks of peace and harmony. The methods over time by showing a _ Membership is open to anyâ€" seeds of the gallery were sown 20 _ ing. The involvement of LACAC few pieces at each exhibit. By the _ one who loves art and wants to years ago when the Land Registry . (Local Architectural Conservation _ time I was ready for a solo show I _ develop their work. Current memâ€" Officemoved out ofthis 1859 buildâ€" _ Advisory Committee), the initiaâ€" hadestablished astyle thatallowed _ bers come from as faras Marmora w8 sls