; l:/wâ€" ‘ l c n;i,!ii,;; stoedl, * ge _Hea 4smWA THE MOTHER INSTITUOTE OO EL â€"a STONEY CREEK , 7 .\~; ONTARIO % “’ & f in‘ 2 1973â€"1974 > % 7Wb OFFICERS OF DISTRICT OF 4 Câ€"7/kEG oUTH WENTWwORTH q E1‘ @ C f D A President ........_._._... Mrs. Th MeCreadi fls t umlua coun 2nd Viceâ€"President .... Mrs. Douglas McKibbon 3rd Viceâ€"President ....... Mrs. Stanley Marshall Secretaryâ€"Treasurer .... Mrs. Edward Butikofer â€" Federation Representative ........ Mrs. Orval Bell AIECEIELC ......mmmmmencamece MFS LofAg Rogers i Public Relations .................. Mrs. George Furler MEETINGS Accomplishments Second Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. | United Church Fireside Room | 1 f â€" Women‘s Institute : | r * ; The Biggest â€" = T | e D I@S | "FOREWORD®® & | e Dei.’I am so glad to"hear that the Women‘s Institutes of & | fl,fl Ontario are going to compile village history books. Events | m@ M JR h move very fast nowadays; houses are pulled down, new i | e:roads are made, and the aspect of the countryside changes | < to completely sometimes in a short time. 3 MV@S ï¬ It is a most useful and satisfying task for Women‘s | n es VE Institute members to see that nothing valuable is lost or _ | _ he forgotten, and women should be on the alert always to | Y@u @ I‘â€l guard the traditions of their homes, and to see that water | fl. colour sketches and prints, poems and proseâ€" legends | should find their way into these books. The:â€"oldest people Federatï¬d | f in the village will tell us fascinating stories of what they 2 A Eo. M [ © remember, which the younger members can write down, women J ‘ <> s ue thus making a bridge between them and events which & | ‘_ ‘happened before they were born. After all, it is the lnstltutes | O history of humanity which is continually: interesting to B | to "> and your village histories will be the basis of Of Ontarlo | Would you consider accurate facts much valued by historians of the future. ‘ : . § de I _am proud_towthink »that ou» have called them investing in yourself? e l ic e m w â€". 3%4 Lady Tweedsmuir. _ C /Q(QD?-N% Would you enjoy a ti S e t _A (s".(,/ Y ] y me f Ni COU“‘“ designed just for you? 1g The Women‘s pe e uin s [ meeting the needs of Institute can Guarantee | today‘s women __Your Investment! i 7