uSt a feW hOur§ a Our voice is respected and listened ] mOnth can prOV1de to by Governments and other y ou Wlth hmitless prinuatipns who worlklfor ;hange. ;fl rie n a more personal level, our most Opportunltles. ~C j valued assetp has proven â€" to â€" be| â€"_____| fellowship. o Imagine . a Women‘s organI?aBOn) w won‘t ask yéu to change thej‘ whose concept and growth is based ON) worlq . of yourself. We‘d like you '?01‘ fulfilling its members‘ needs. _ __j:come and experience . the supportive| Education . is \a â€" part . of our family atmosphere' _shared by nine‘jl 'organ'iza bot, as well . as f@ly and| million women around the world. 1 community . concerns ‘and ‘issues: A . ; with ï¬an; mew ideas", we were borv The rest is up to you. f'rém E?gedy â€" the death of a child, du The Women‘s Institute is a unique to lack of knowledge about food safety. group, where you can have as much or In 1897 the first W. I. was formed, ang| 48 Sittle as you want of what we have to! \the ‘defermination of those â€" eary °& Our responsibility is to provideI â€"members . was rewarded â€" when i4 Y°U4 with the opportunity. W | pasteuriiaition of milk became a reality, | â€" | 20. ~~ Thus our reputation and reliabilit Come and visit us. ~_ began té»expand. As we spread acros We "Il show you how b1g Canada and around the world, th . : diversity of our membership assured u your return can ‘be â€" an unprejudiced view of society and it‘g _ when you invest in needes 0 . â€"_ yourself! _