.'i _"t Oversa so? V vv, M " 7 " l' . / g / '1?“ [55:447.] [5:1 raised fits V 773/ / p; / 7 :27. . Inteiivul tt 7;». 2/52.- _ House .1986 .The Ir Muskoka [ Women's Advisory Gram-say the results of ttiisattterval House- i? i: a 2ti1t'l,J/'s" "Very ,’ . P. 00 in ." faith .21; FO (541/ ‘21,,1) _ C I, "rt "yr"' ( g Céllections Kiwi]; . "", , ' ,, . three towns to _ "/,/" P i . 5/45 711‘ ‘n‘ear'l $3500tobeus- In†"js/ti,, 67-M- Iu L“! / ed it; the shelter for battered women. lit Huntsville, $1,400 V , was _ raised. F, Bracebridge‘ brought ae--s'ific---,v, f / _ / igglntg"'t,'rtdt " .: 's,f:..r, (b' )4 I ' gel-$250. _ - J')', a _:---' " -v /: 712:] Paw/[Pia “P \ 5 .e! g? .CC-re es', fir Jr â€TM Takings Miami _ , _ ' _ __ 4' 7 been inetrrporatr, a I s", 2" /r///. _ (rv-of:),,, L, 4 -2f PK, is-- "L,, l press time fromipala, X ' ' C/ o/ " " r: ' [J/L/tr’:L.» I ' Bent River,_ Milford L/N-st- (Md J'/ . _ /', / f , /" Bay, PgrtdCarhngboI; ' , P,, _-w-""., _. 'f -e - -- _ " ' Part ney,’ u "L-err/v-s'--'"--""- .4, / ,c ,7, L 1‘ 4., (/Q- LC 2 In»; L/ -' c, 5 (l/ [f (t' I f 2' C y' org , {S said they ‘ A “24/ .. 1/ ti-, ", A gm, he»? tnp the PM c-gf-., LA») 1,. {Z p-ee (,/ . _ G ‘L - “z A "pf F- r L c .4 c I T _ if "h"ig group "was“, r _ _ rtgus'ti8,int)ttrtr'i e vs')-, , . _ _ f ‘, / - Igt, ./ --e T--". 3%,;.,/ th tl bgtistttirtt /;/1L:/ L 411/11)? t: cc'()ava. “(.51. 21, a d C, (C x {L f ' 4 2f I gdf'erlgjmlént {mm s-ts, J' s/r',' /" (a W :4de ec-rr-c-are _ and ttiis,aie!y,ugEitt,t2,r A '";try/ t Y-met-rs.. 'friCac/.. X“? " t',r,lif,l's? atlll', tttttl /%I/tr Jd, (7% /L f f Sham gt/gill 2,'kr 7 _)'/" P tIllicit' “a: xvii-mm. stéifofier Cl, cr ' /" mammal nomen- irr, c 'L¢-/ LL A Cr ‘LC / _ irlg as Itil as l , , 2r /' _'iif"tit',"ig,'i.tsliif1tt,'s'il'J.1 " -._"- .4, / , oprRvtr, PN""'" sit, F" sees/aC/ Ar?., f,, (4/ P- h C " . BIG SISTERS OF MUSKOKA 114 " BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. 1305100 Date: KKK»: 3Uftff A * Name: W$LS ‘23 -rs, , -----nts-r----sst-uitciesc---------------------- 3.9:!!m «gag gums C) :53 1uui2 5 Reg # 0670190-09-13 This is an official receipt for income tax purposes