L dy Tweedsmuir I d C di hi t Around Muskoka Lakes one of his best movies, The Thirty- - - Nine Steps, upon a spy thriller novel By Jack Hutton written by Buchan in 1915. It is one of Hitchcock's best movies. 3 . Lady ar " . Mt, Lady Tweedsmuir, not as famous as Tweedsrnuir, the - " a e d Il her husband, was a prolific writer of wife of Canada's ' I h i I ll, children's stories and other novels 15th Governor- _ I . 3'; _ “h ' under the name of Susan Tweedsmuir. General was 55 "_'3y 'dt/al, Both continued to write and publish when she may _ _"), , ..sr ',', , " during their time in Ottawa. have posed for a' "ii,1frr . Quill." Literacy was a main priority for one of Canada's :l‘: i..'"] 21-15933, Tahiti: both, but especially Lady Twccdsn1uir, finest magazine I'; :iili '/s'2, 'iii? She collected books in eastern Canada illustrators. The â€W?"- 1"V, l 'F5r'v _ for the impoverished west, creating Canadian Home f libraries all across the prairies with rail, journal devoted the entire ront cover way carloads. ofits September, 1937, issue to that Both were much loved by the time elegant portrait over the name of Lady he died in February, 1940, months Tweedsmuir. before his term was to end. He had a The portrait is in direct contrast to a stroke while shaving and died from frumpishcphotdo of Lady TWeedSmth head Wain“: capseg by the flail. She on most ana Ian government we __ return: to n an ' yin t ere m sites, so take your pick. Personally, I 1977. g g vote for the magazine cover. Thanks to Lady Tweedsmuir, hisrori- Ifyou own a library card, you cal artifacts including clippings, letters already know who Lady Tweedsmuir and personal memories have been. :asaNot longéftetjhe ','r2i',r l'tilus< Eve: t, postgrnydby T, iroups in an came to aria am , s e us a a or eta cs, e ave an urged Wornen's Institutes (WI) across excellent one at the Bala Library. A the country co start documenting local similar Tweedsmuir History has been histories. maintained for many years by the Glen Starting in 1940, every W] group Orchard Women's institute, which will across Canada began compiling what go out ofexistence atlthe end of this became known as Tweedsrnuir Histo- month. Its Tweedsmuir History will to ties. Today, you will find one in every 0 the Port Carlin Library. Muskoka library, The Windermere S The last WI groEp in all Muskoka is Wurncn's institute has gone one step now the Windermere Womcris Insti- further with a web page that brings the mm, which meets the third Tuesday of history alive. every month at the historic Winder- Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir were two mere Community Centre. Founded in oFrhe most gifted people to occupy 1911, the Windermere group is very the governor general's official residence active with 40-plus members. Its in Ottawa. Twccdsmuir History project at present Before coming co Canada, is to collect, reserve and make avail- Twcedsmuir was a successful novelist able the 'LU; of not only Winder- under his real name, John Buchan. mere, but its surrounding area. The In 1935, the same year that archive is located in the bottom floor Tweedsmuir became Governor General of the community centre with a com- for Canada, Alfred Hitchcock based purer, scanner and its own files. -- The web site is . . _ ©3, T www.windermerearea.ca . Here you AT, ' i M rt will see an online library that was 1',fd tr Funded five years ago by a Trillium ra 2 _r a n gt grant. Pioneers from the 1880s smile SI 1: I - ' - , F, at you from the computer screen. Early a; " a, 1 I - . e l settlers tell you through their letters 3 . .t/ " . what it was like to brave 40-bclow " " . M, temperatures. m t g F, 3 Susan Goltz, a vice president of the " ' "Ea 'iii' WI group, says the Tweedsmuir \ Fl ' Ira" 2 archival group meets each Wednesday 'Ku" "trs,,., r E. between 10 am. and J pm. "cu,'ii, ' .4. . g "We will eventually be telling the T. _ , _ ~ . is story of all our surrounding communi- _ _ M . ' - .irla,: ties, including Raymond, Ullswarer, . _ _ [ z J? Bent River and Btackenrig," she says. LadyTweedsmuir persuaded wingizcipnds like a life sentence, but Women's institutes all across Somewhere, the Tweedsmuirs are Canada to compile local histories. both applauding.