'il o o y"Itlt, . * w, . This is an . OFFICIAL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE DOCUMENT Attention: ALL OFFICERS ( (their family members and/or their solicitors) l ofthe ttas d M05 (Branch, District or Area) On this isnail,s,qltis Yucca/l,,,,,, (Date) (officer's Name) l have taken the position oitfuaputneiclr, (Office Held) As you are aware, you will receive “menial books" (owned by the Women’s Institute) which will be necessary for your duties. These may include: Minute, Financial, and Tweedsmuir books (and other materials pertaining to the Womea's Institute) Unon comgletion of your term (or should you be unable to continue in your Office), all these books etc. must be released immediately"- so that they may be passed on to your successor. ' SPECIAL NOTE TO FAMILY MEMBERS gSOLlCITOR): THIS DOCUMENT & BOOKS, ETC. ARE TO BE PLACED IN FULL VIEW. UPON FINDING THEM, PLEASE CONTACT: _-----------.---,.-"--, NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER OR ---------------.-.T=,7." NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER ' u - 8 . . (it,?) o o liit"