A new well was drilled and washrooms and water system installed. Flags "'s, and flag polls have been erected along with new s1gns both at the Home Is, and directional road signs. The newest project is the renovation of the Drive Shed. New show cases and demonstration areas will be built. Displays including tools and iron artifacts will included. Visitors come from all provinces and from overseas to view the dining room table where the original Constitution was hand penned by Mrs Erland Lee. There is a photographed copy of this first Constitution on the table. There still is much to be done, for indeed this is an on-going project and probably there will still be improvements and changes in the years ahead. in . this our 80th anniversary year the members of the Women's Institutes of Ontario are attempting to preserve this Home in memory of all Women's Institutes and members who work for “Home and.Country". The aims and standards designed by Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless and Erland Lee are enshrined in the preservation of the Erland Lee Home. Margaret Zoeller Chairman Erland Lee Home. 8/77 .