i _ .... " '. . _ _ . . My“ 52:3, ' . _ . :3 ",iti. teg?gl'iiiii. BI ' . .= . " “a" am X‘s-rite; _ .h“".» - _ - . - _ It , ttl .._ ieaiks'il " t Mt " - . . is .. m, - ' 32-9 1.1.} is . l . - _ . ue%h Ed - ,shtl5.i,il,;'j1s's" . --.-l "rm, . â€If_. ' - EtMtE '8etllliiM. 'lim' 15tte, -. rv - ' ' IBie 7 . 'gr-lr, - t at? - . ., . . .. . " - " P,aa'.sNli-Ir@cr', . ' I w " lllgllit q 'ia- "MI Ea . "i is Illt5,t J, l. l ti - I llillllill ' Ill - , ' I . . ill J, I il Twig , l MRI l l .- I -glN1BlNE IIB- LL. I 'til.', ' - i Etl I ' I is". ' " . BllellMIiiim w - ,',X.-'ci2l:r.ari-tis,ci'iiCi--'i, ll ll 'iam . .. lt .,. . . _ .-- - " - 1w II8trtei ' de'i'..= ' . ‘ '3‘» "m - '.ma== "tttBiEiit M ' . 'r" Milf-l-it. IMI, , ' ' . . ' iit' - Bt" ' BI- ' tg " Igallllllllgiilill Iltlllm - 1l2iita'glllmlgllilllll, t5 Eta KP, " . - 'l " _Bl18ltiISiitittI y 'gtBMMg-h'rg ..-‘»-....,;- 'l'i.7c2'/'c?pC"sri',fr,'isC; “g _ Ws M.%'M8q __ .1. '" 27 . " 'M.lll 'reel- " 31"â€M" ' . ..fH.c _C‘._VT, .ktt'eai - " , y;,'V.8e5'T' eeet-e=iaaiiai , 5th"... 8â€â€œ ' 13".": M..:‘:"""" W’- " = -. .EtNms"'-c . "/,Ll,r,vi/c-'ir'..t, . L Agi =iI " . I Ml" " LNe ttg. " PORT CARLING STORE: When the above picture was taken in 1891 the building at the, right was the William Hanna' store at Port Carling, It was in 1881 . hat Mr. Hanna moved from Bracebpridge to Port Carling and began business in this building, which had been owned by Charles Vandeburg, and was located at the top of the hill west of the locks. The building was subsequently enlarged. In 1900 Mr. Hanna purchased the store building of F. D. Stubbs farther, down the street, and it was there that the Hanna business was considerably enlarged over the years. The store is now the I.G.A. Mr. Hanna was also postmaster from II? ' on and always had the post office in his store. He died in 1923. After Mr. Hanna moved his business the former store premises were remodelled as a tourist home ' , and became the Bay View House. The building at the left in the picture was _ Victoria Hall, which was owned by Mr. Hanna and used for community purposes. ' The Library was firgt located there for several years. n , . Lem) Hanan; Atuvrui. - . F If?" ."" - y, . 3"" . / J's ) 3." .0. â€an: 1.. " p, - "‘ m. MI - BBBr Mhrgt MMg " .. ii Ir% ' - aBEx, m. .. " it†. - ' h'a. c . J. Iris-gs?“ St "vWr 'it5,iiiityFjjs,',ii'it, Eiriii2ea 1NiiiMMRiltlil Ilh'ri'.i?MIM. ilEi5Glag A+ ih' 'F' veiaiaeEiEaEEiBJWap,'N, TM; Ti“; stM1iNEiMtliENar"iCirc,Mt"ttrt"tt I "il2Riti5, - jiE'api'ihd!lilgliMi iNM.m -e.F ' I It?' Eli' fl 1‘ mRtMllllBl "gt t liM r ttt iiaS2! 'cSiiN We)“ I ‘- . . . . T 5 " " l f’ 2tri MII' FPPr :':'l-)i,'/i'irii'i:i,tiitjiji , . ... - ii 'aBlEl8!@,i . ' 'iiattM' .... Iii" ' . eiiriaiiiair'iEicia. " P. " ' - " ' . I a ll' h' I Ili, tM& a " 'i"?f,a7. {We = EEiw - - - - e - w . . e ' ErMiit itee " ‘ ‘Mw , Awe-i Fqu' 'N21?3I'l'a'. 'talta tgiiaMIW, .5... , w Mlrtl!l! . Is-a ... 'iii';?'".!!, . IIE','. 'MSFT. _."“‘,.,v.t its? .. we?†_ iiigGGi' - MBI' LE2rrt - I ' io, BME MFT in: . 'PW". 'étihaieBeJ, _imf5'l"l, †"cr . 1r,,cvs)rcyr_ptt'd"iri 'r'rt"i,ic'au'i 'Kr ., 'ii'ii'iiiiitlt' Fi - " - " '"w. ST T. l _ i 'rl/ ,r, '-'/s-f:'c', '. WI . MI, . " _ "trc-C. Ir, "v""ss, 's-", c"scr,r;' ',j: "Irs-i". _ , '. :irc/ci/rcrtv_i,/,','tg" l _" q if: ..':....».. sv;:,.:,,,-??'"-';,":.'.'--, _ T name...» C _ ', ',, .. ~‘w‘ii’w 'r."; IC. -’-* _ """ Henry Fry Photo . . . ' The centre of Port Carling is a [amiliar sight tn visitors and Familiar Sight - Flanked on both sides by business establishments perched about the hillsides in a crazy quilHike fashion.