SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Now the holidays are over and the days are lenthening the housewife is thinking of the sewing to be done for and other things too numerous to mention. The W. I. are preparing for this by a number of papers to be given upon this subject at the next meeting. Mrs ‘clm. Darcy and Mrs Alex Vance have consented to give some notes from their experience . while after the general discussion Mrs. George Kilpatrick will delight us in her own inimitable manner with elocution and Miss Gertrude Castes with one of her interpretive readings. The members anticipate a very enjoyable and, profitable afternoon, so let everyone be sure and come to Mrs John Byers Jan.ll. 1911. SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Institute was held at Mrs John Byers and had a very profitable meeting. Indeed the time was so well filled that all entertainment provided was not given for want of time. Everyone and new members . added to the list. Mrs William Darcy gave a delightful paper on dress and its importance to the wearer. The other ladies who were to have given papers were not present on account of the weather. They will' have an appovtunity to express at a later date. Some of the ladies whose hens are filling their egg baskets were very desirous of forming an egg circle immediately, but on communicating with Mr. Hare it was found he thought the season too early but that he would be ready to do so at the proper time. The Flower and kithen garden is the subject of discussion at the next meeting when Mrs. J. H. Freeborn, Mrs G Robertson, Miss Mabel Spinks and hrs J. B. Graham will speck of its importance and easy ways of accomplishing the desired results. V The subject is a vital one and deserves much , consideration, so hope for a full attendance and a lively time at hrs Jno Lambe's Shirley Feb 8. 1919. " SHIRLEY WOMEN’S INSTITUTE V The meeting it Mrs John Lambe’s was a decided success with numbers and keen interest exhibited by all. '. The essay given displayed much literery ability as well as a thourough familiarity with subjects handled. f Housecleaning, poultry: raising. Mrs Moore yresscambe/clarii Mrs Wm Byers Mrs J Byers Mrs Leith Byers “:1 will write with the skill such subjects deserve. Do not do anything to hinder your being present to hear them discussed at Mrs James Strongs Purple Hill,Mar. 8 (i SHIRLEY WOVEN'S INSTITUTE 'sc- The meeting at Mrs Strong ws pronounced a success the day was fine and the ladies interested. 1 A lecturer from Guelph Agriculture college is to address our Institute in the near future. The TV particulars of which will appear later. A number of interesting and helpful papers were read. _ l - Bread , salads and cheese dishes will form the subjects of next meetings essays. Mrs Frank Franklin is w’: to handle the bread question, at the making of which she is adept. Miss Coates and Miss Toms will take up Salads and Cheese dishes. We look for a crowd at Mrs Alex 1lance's,shir1ey promply at 2 t, P. M. April 12. - l, SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE j The meeting held at Mrs Alex Vance was well attended . The annual meeting to be at Mrs A Gibson's Nay 10. cc- . SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Institute meeting at Mrs A Gibson's was full of vim and interest . F"Two young ladies Misses Toms ans Spirits gave a demonstration on cake making. These were tested by the members and each was declared perfect of its kind. Our next meeting will be especially interesting but you will have to be there to know about it. Everyone be on hand at Mrs G Kilpatrick June 11; at 2 PM. Women‘s Institute . Shirley ' . The meeting at Shine) was well attended. Miss Millar, the dolegélte‘ 'N, has a most pleasing personality, as \ well as u clear voice, and distinct, :\ enuneiation. Her subject too, "Youi ( and I as nation-builders," was interul 1 estmg and well presented. Dru - _ r's Mourcwas unable to be present) andan elegant Mahogany music l: owing to a eonsuMtion he was iolu Cablnct, by Mrs. Franklin, on be.. ' tedtoattend. We will have the halfoitheladies of the Institute. . pleusure of Maring him at some She conveyed the idea in her reply c, hum-e date. Mr. Purdy‘s auto" that 'althuugliit wasqnite “necess- ". came down with a party of young) 3313’: as u recompence fol' the work _ .. people, who grave us some delight- done, vet she fully appreeiated the ful music and Mrs (We. Kilpatrick kindness, and thoughtfulness of the. .’ Favored Us with one of' her human. ladies, and wished to thank sinecrus 3 ans reoitatious. Just before lunch I .ly Each and every one, who in :myl T l tile Seal-13am†Mrs. J, 13. Graham“ 'lily, had mug-muted Ti,1gd ml Eaten from the v-', ‘as on Lt forward, r N Trc, " were serve to an nbundant' A " V - with an atldrcsa bv s/el/list/ttr,,) lunch, _ I cet Perry Star July 12, 1911