"e'-"--', Mrs Kilpatrick, hiss Van Camp, Miss Worry, Miss Ridley, Miss Hall, hiss Irene Byers, and Mr Midgley with his gramophone, Mr Mann with his aeeordian and selections by members of the Bethel Choir and others. Everybody welcome. Addmission 25¢. The proceeds are devoted to Philanthropy. hrs G. Kilpatrick Pres. Mrs J. Graham Secretary, February 12 1913 _ The meeting at hrs Fred Gibson was not large in members but very interesting. hrs Rev. Woods†gave a very stirring address on Purity which was received with much applause. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs James Byers of Blackstock where a good time is anticipated. Every member should be there as there is much important business to transact. Nm. February 26 1913 l ‘5 The Parlour Social held by the Shirley rrJomen's Institute at Mr Thos Spencers spacious home __' proved very successful. In spite of the absence of sleighing and the presence of a cold west wind, the house was eonfortab1rfi11ed. A large part of the evening was spent in playing games, then followed a well rendered program. Several comic songs were given by Bethel Choir, also a couple of rounds. Messrs. Hamny and Midgley provided gramophone music and Mr Mann accordian music, all of which was thoroughly enjoyed. Recitations by Miss Ridley and hrs Kilpatrick were well received. All report a very pleasant time. May 1913. The meeting at Mrs M Spinks was very full both as in regards to numbers and in the interest shown and nearly everyone was on time. No very fine papers were given by Mrs Darcy and Mrs Moore. The next meeting is to be held at Mrs Newton Taylor‘s. The May meeting is full of annual business and precludes the usual essays. There is no need to remind anyone to J come this time, as everyone who possibly can will be sure to do so. i, June 1913. A Ihe meeting at hrs N. Taylor's was a record breaker in numbers having an attendance of 53. It was interesting as the election of Officers is sure to be. The following is the list l for 1913 - 1911:. (See green book). 3 The next meeting is to be at hrs H Hockents June ll, where Mrs James Strong and Mrs Hocken 6% will give papers. ci' July 9 1913 ‘9 The size of our meetings continues to increase. Each one this summer has steadily grown . (s and that at Mrs Hockens was no exception. After the usual interesting business Mrs James \é Strong had an exceptionally good. paper on Milk after which an informal discussion took place. The next meeting is to be at Mrs G K Robertson‘s, where something good is expected tron the 3 girls of the Institute. Candy and lemonade are on the bill, but the rest of the plans have At not been divulged. Let us be there to enjoy it. September 3 1913 Mesdames Albert Worry and James Byers made ideal hostesses at Blackstock Town Hall. The trouble was Nestleton Branch did not clme to be rceived nor give the program. However mistakes will sometimes occur and we hope for better luck next time. The next meeting is to be held at hrs Rupert Byers where everyone will he interested in Mrs Hoekenrs paper, The Waste of Injudicious Buying to be followed by a discussion. Make one of the crowd X) that tidy and you will be sure to receive some benefit. October 1 1913 The meeting at Mrs R Byers was as successful as good weather and a housefull of agreable ladies could make it. hrs Hockens in her subject, Waste in Injudicious buying, was in / , a most genial mood and directed the discussion into thoughtful channels. One point C) emphasized being the fact that if buying largely from distant mail order houses, we could ruin the business in our nearby village, and consequently detract from the value of property. The next meeting is of somewhat different character and which gentlemen as well as ladies are (hs invited. Mr Tipper Agriculture Representative of Whitby want to help this part of the country (h, in their poultry problem and will discuss them in Shirley School House October ' in the tts evening, under the auspices of the Women's Institute. It is sometimes thought that these \ College Professors do not know as much as they think they do, but this time he will be a accompanyed by a lady. Mrs Brown who during the past year put all theories into practice, t) will relate her experiences and it is said these theories bear out all he claims for them. t But come and hear in a comfortable room and among others who are interested in these things, . 3’) The benefit of organization for co-operative marketing will probably be discussed also. V Let us give these people who come so far to speak to us the courtesy of a full house and 3 an interested hearing. Do not forget, everyone is invited to Shirley School House Oct8 A at 7:30 PM. i N Graham. pq F' Y r {is _ as