Novem her 5, IQIB The meeting at Shirley School House was well attended and all were delighted with the addresses from Hrs Brown and Mr...Tipper. The. poultry question was pretty well thrashed out. The next-me- eting will be held November 12th in the Grange Hall, Purple Hill, where a record attendance is expected. Mr Farmer of the Port Perry Star is to give an address on " A well planned house for working purposes." Hrs Farmer will also speak along similar lines. The members are asked to bring along their latest device to make work light or convenient. Our Nestletolf! friends are also expected and will possibly assist in the program. "with so many interesting thines ahead of us, we want plenty of time to enjoy them, so the meeting will begin promptly at 2 PA. Let no one miss this treat. All are welcome. 1911; February ls 1911; . The meeting at Mrs A Moore's was a brilliant affair, in spite of the extreme cold, over Sifty . being generously intertained. The program was varied and interesting. The light thrown . upon the Farmer's Daughter revealed many unsuspected phases of her rights. The next mews will be at Mrs Henry Momtjoy's February 11 where Mrs Rev. Kidd will address the ladies :1.n her well known happy manner. Let none miss this meeting as there will be much to interest every body. YJill the members please bring or send the books of the travelling library to the secretary as soon as possible, as the time has expired. M G March ls 1911; At the meeting of Mrs Eulountjoy's was a large and agreeable crush of ladies, many visitors being present from Blackstock and neighbourhood. Mrs Rev. Kidd gave a delightful and formal address on our mott for Home and Country. It could scarcely fail to benenfit every listener notwithstanding the high ideals she set before us, she apparently knew the necessary work of the home, even to the correct method. of boiling potatoes. Cur next meeting will. be at .1 Mrs J Hall's also promises us much entertainment. firs Wm. Byers is to speak and Mrs Arthur 'l Van Camp will present "one thoughts on the Influence of children in the hone. l look f'tr f a record meeting at Shirley and Cartwright, bothers especially interested in this one and . , both are very loyal. _ April 1 1911: k". The meeting at, Mrs Hall's was as successful as usual. The day was cold but fine and the "'"siv, ladies were full of smiles especially when their photographs were being taken. The raesst 4 meeting to be held at Mrs Wm Vances April 8 when Mrs Freeborn will demonstrate with cheese, "rf, and Mrs John Brent will give a paper on Salads. l box of Institute pins will be on hand , and anyone who wishes may purchase. Music will be furnished by some of the young ladies of '9 the neighbourhood. Do not forget Roll Call and seed exchange. "rd * _ c' - jr/s",,: 3 3,“ t F's? ll L ~, (4%?" " '12" , 5’ V. 'r, In: ' - "5’. E , F j" rc-e, . J _ - x l _"'. ' . - T " Mk') in, 3---- < _, Lr,'; ‘ " " i -----_ a - ft l 4/, =-" b The young ladies who provided the music r- Teacher Miss Laura Ridley Mrs John Brent C' hiss Mabel Franklin Miss Sybil Hocken / and Miss Jessie Franklin. The children ci" are Grant and Roy Robertson. The picture if was taken at Sinclair ltobertsons. L May 6 19124 / The meeting at Hrs rim Vances was large and interesting, while the demonstration was very C), successful. The next meeting May 13th for the annual business and election of office nrs i will be held at Mrs Cowlings. Hrs W. Byers will present her paper which was post paged V because of her sari-us illness. Any member who desires Institute pins will be prepared- f" Also those who were kind enough to promise last month, and others who have roots or 311133 or seeds to enchange, Will please take thought and bring them along. We expect a full house .7 for this meeting,