May 20 1911: The annual business meeting of the Women's Institute which was held last week, Mrs H Hocken was unanimously elected president for the ensuing year. We extend out Congratulations to Mrs Hocken for having this honour bestowed upon her. The Institute will hold. their next meeting at the home of hrs Alex Vance. k full attendance is requested as a pleasant and profitable time is anticipated. June 3 19111 The business meeting at Mrs Cowlings was concluded with apparent satisfaction to all. The foll- owing officers were elected. Honarary President hrs G Kilpatrick. President Mrs H Hocken. lst Vice President hrs J H Freeborn. 2nd Vice President Mrs James Byers 3rd Vice President hrs James Henry. Secretary hrs J B Graham. Assistant Secretary Mrs Wm Darcy. District Director hrs Allan Moore Flower Committee Mrs Alex Vance and Mrs John Byers. Brides _ Committee Mrs Wm Byers and Mrs Allan Moore. Next meeting at Mrs Mex Vance's June 10, where . a large crowd is expected to hear an especially interesting program. July 1 1911; The meeting at His Alex Vances was a good one and as our new President Mrs H Hocken begged to withdraw from the honours and responsibilities of the position, the chair was well occupied by a former President hrs A Moore. A new election will take place at the next meeting July 8 at the home of Mrs John Toms near Bethel Church. k good program is being prepared, the details of which are notbeing made public. Come and find out about it. July 29 19111 The Women's Institute held their Lawn Social July 21 at Mrs Thos Smiths. Proceeds over il $100. (under the auspices of Shirley-Cartwright Women's Institute). 3 September 2 19111 x. The meeting at hrs Wm Byers was successful and all present declared the program to be most h entertaining. A sum of money was donated to the Canadian Women's 1lospita1 Fund and aided by private subscription to $38. The next meeting at hrs Lambes September 9. The program 5} is to be helpful and interesting. The following ladies will take part, Miss Sybil Hocken .3 Mrs J Henry, Mrs Wm Darcy. g October 7 19111 The meeting at Mrs T Lambes was well attended and our new President Mrs Alex Vance took the _ chair for the first time. The sum of $15. was voted for material for Red Cross work. S The Institute members and others met at the basement of Bethel Church to make it up. Four \3 sewing machines bummed merrily and busy tongues kept time with busy needles. Private Q contributions came in as well and so made a fine bundle to send to headquarters. Next meeting will be at Mrs F Franklins October 114th where Mrs Hockens Mrs Moore, hiss Franklin and others will speak on recent wars. They are good speakers, so be sure to be on hand. ( November l, 19114 The meeting at Mrs Frank Franklins was as good as it was expected to be and that is saying a Q good deal. A good crowd was there to enjoy it. The regular meeting of the Institute will he ' held at the home of Mrs J Strong Cartwright on November 11. All are invited to attend. i Everyone is preparing to enjoy Miss G Grays demonstration and 1ecturecon Food and ways to prepare and serve them. The first meeting of this class is called for Thursday November 5 y at 2:30 P.N. at the Orange Hall, Purple Hill. December 2 19111 The meeting at Mrs James Strongs was interesting and large, despite the fact that the demonstration lecturer calling the ladies out so many afternoons. Many of our ladies are knitting, everyone that can squeeze in a little time is trying to knit at least one pair of socks for soldiers. , Chu. musical program was not complete until we sang Tipperary. The next meeting will be at . Mrs Sinclair Robertsons December 9, when the cheif item is to be a parcel shower for the Belgians. I', Everyone interested is invited to attend and bring a donation. It is requested that any t: partly worn clothing shall be clean and in good repair. We hope for a good attendance. m "s. January 6 1915 F ) The meeting at hrs S Robertsons was interesting having a large display of fancy work of various kinds, as well as reports of the Toronto Convention given exceptionally well by Mrs Franklin and hrs Hocken. The appeal for Belgians for clothing met with a liberal response 3 Our next meeting will be an At Home where we hope to welcome the gentlemen friends of the . 'sb Institute. Mrs Wm Darcy has kindly loaned her home for the occasion. Thursday evening ' January lhth. Mr James Sbonehouse will be present and give an address on Milk and its g Products" which will be sure to he interesting to all present. Do not forget the date. t fe 1915 3 February 15 1915 i, The open meeting at hrs Wm Darcy's was a decided sucess, the attendance being large and the s?,'"- program good. The main item, Mr James Stonehouses address on Milk was a revelation in many l respects, and commanded the attention of all from first to last; the young people too seemed continued