DtCKEY. ltancha (nee smr but“ Evelyn lanes, Edward (Sam) ‘BELL. Theron William, at BELII. Marion Bernice Inet Mattnsl at SLUTE, 11'ati/,ittr,1gn Willie.) attheCommunlty at Falrvlew Lodge WI Tues , (former Warden of Ontario the Comm nity Nursing' the CommunityMemorlai Hospital, Port Thursday ilnu l i,, his Nursing Home, Port Perry, dan Simv.sst'y1ttrr3?t5 County) at the Community Home, Port %"ry,on Tues, ‘ PerryrdfrWedrtesda6octther%rm5in at Fairview Lo 99Ed lard onSaturday,Auwst3,1935, Louise Evelyn Buddy (hhtr' Memorial Hospital, Port day, May itâ€, 1985 in his her 66th year. Beloved wife of the late Wth year. f,;),!?,!,'-,),--?)?,-",?] In her 85th volt, Wed 86th year. Dearly belmttyd Perry on Monday, May 27, Inst year. Torih Bell, dearly Emmy rrP.therprtPeyrtfirps Shite of Rayan, e We wife of the late Harold wife of the late Lyman A. was, Sam Oyler In his alsi loved husband of 'O ' goertofJanetviileandLln- hCis7riihtrTr8 il Velyn Lame James Reid Dickey and the Gifford. Loving mother of year. Dearly loved husband C .1 B ll, dear fem (dit Marcotte oi Sudbury. Loving grand. Dear father and father in late Russet Wray. Dearly HMS}. POUSI†Coates of _ s Oyler. 3%5 of Oshawa, mother of eight grandchildren and one law of Merlin and Emily, loved mother-rt/te (Mu INT Raglan. w!" be Emmerich, "Rrstmrtotjanetvme and Lin- 'ftatariy1teauihter, Sister of Ruby Leonard anleerna, Cecil memory 01 Sutton. Everett sadly .m'i’gd Pg‘â€"‘" Edith Sofie, Wlnnifred da Marcelle or Sudbury, 'Birkett at Raglan, Thomas Manns of and Doris; home and Wray of Shlrle8oaet, Lots ,yYutrh.ter Mrs, ouglas Burnett, all of England and Loving grandfather of a Scugog island, Richard Manns of-Port Eileen', Lloyd and Eileen Cochran: of Port Perry. (W,') iphytlTs) of predeceased by Annie grandchildren, and one Perry, Elwood Manns of Raglan, Stanley and the late Doris Slute Alse Ivan Wray of Columbus. wmanvllie and Dianne of Dormer, George and , great granddaughter. Manns oi Raglan. Audrey MahatiEy of survived by sixteen grand Merlin WM 0f Bethany, Raglan. Great grand, Herbert of England and Brother of Margaret (Mrs. Raglan and predeceased by John Manna children and luurleerl great Robert Way ttf Oshawa, children lam, Kathleen. Harry oi Oshawa, Friends G. Hannaigrd) oi Weston, rarkiBerytWhnrservicewastoeltattrte grandchildren Complete Burness Bryant pf Raglan, Euebeth and Patrick. may call at the Wagg and Elsie Mclnnis of Scar, 'Wagg FunerilHome, PortsPerzvrun Fri: service was held at me Dennis Mayof Blackstock. 1'i'2ftm,tt%"tr Mae Funeral Home, Port Perry borough, Friends may call day, October 25th, at 11:00 am. Inter. tuneral chapel of Loved grandmother of 27 and ro tr?. Fred, Bill, on Tuesday, May 2th tram at the Wagg Funeral Home, l merit Pine Grove Cemeteg, . McDermolt Panabakeri grandchildren and 9 great Greg art0 Johh. (awed by 2-4 and " p.m. Service in Port Perry, on Wednesday, ., ' ' gap' F i . [7 Port Perry on Monday grandchildren. Sister oi rsfr,t5,,i'2ltt,s,,i'/e,'t',t'i,"ras; the Church of Ascension, May 22, from 2 'til 9 p.m. a i (In, l sl- “it = if, January Honour, Spring velyn Christie of Toronto, Friends are frrvited focal a T Port Perry on Wednesday, Service in the Chapel on ", rrc' CL) _ Interment Pine Grove RossWallace. Earl Wallace ,the McIntosh-Anderson May 29tft at 2 lim- Inter. Thursday, May 23rd, at 11 A e u; _," a n , Cemetery . _ and Lloyd Wallace, all of Funeral Home, 152 King meniPiaa Grove Cemetery. am. Interment Pine Grave in riff“ , u, . v _ L - l ' Part Perry, and predecear (.itr.e.tt.0str Oshawa 433-5555 l It desiriri, a donation may Cemetery. If desired, a ' t b W ' _ ed by Mildred Magee and (visiting after 2:00 pm. in made to the Port Perry donation maybemadetothe WM J. Clarence Wallace. Service Thursday), ltr? Service .Angllcan ch Ming Heart and Stroke Founda- k ‘was held at the Wagg 'tttft 1tirFrrt'i,svfrjei,'s", Fund or ',ta'e29ep lion or the Port Perry k ' Fyneralrtrmts Port Perry. Chutch tht Friday, Augu t Community Memorial Anglican Church Building HOFTYZER on Tuesday, Must 6ttr, at 23. at 1:30 p-m. intermeri Hospital Building rU ,. Fund, Arnold Christiaan _ _ 1:30 pm. Interment Pine Oshawa UnionCemetery.in --r, _ , __-- N, On M d J 6 ill d [ Grove Cemetery. "desired. i1l'lrtrgfr'l'l','osie', pt, , L33 m " u-C' .~ ' 1986 "ll Th, Familag , Sympathy is extended to Bi all adoration maybemadato 'illrt' a, N :3;le o" 3 gm; 'JVr-f'ae7 lif)tu1/y'"' 3,2953% JeanMahaffyon thesuddenpassmg 'ill:,?'".""" PY"'" C'i'tt',lL,d'lh) ENLr y L a RM km? . Hospital. Beloved hus- ofBill’s brothel-WtSL [ N FF I? - "V J ’- - g , - r ur, , t , Lband of Wilhelmina Marys verysud y. 1 yea? i g It - arrn {M yr“ "P. A ' FM --drsw fl - _ -- _>___ ,Teeuwsen Hoftyzei of Fl along with Grant McLaughlin at- W -. T " tts, l FETCHISON sFi it". Blackstock, Ont, l vices on g B, a , l . , g i F, Mfg! J, Joseph ‘LOB IBO, Dear father of tended the iunera SE.’ er a; - ' 'cAV . a - A .~ On August16th, 1986M. Bertram K, ol,Qshawa. _ Houdini? Bob sptr.lt, his 3'09“ng gift? g y , ave a it / lLondon, Ontario. Josephi Frank H, of Biaeluitiyck l year‘set and w.ill ' "' . _ ' dt, .r A WIS ’Feichison in his 69ml and . John A Raglan, _ remember' y eolder residents t a†4 t . My 7 - _ - - W L -e £1,342 iyeai. Beloved husband oti 'Sask. Brother of Germ “his area V 'arrqK, _ ‘ - 056 t ALDRED, Flossie Maytnee Spencer)at {Constance I. (Wait) and John of Brighton, co r _ , aFia1). Ef‘ the Hillsdalm flt,T/N',1 Tues ‘Feichlson. Dear father -of, Ont: Bertram oi Spen- - _ _ EB . F _ COCHRANE’ “Sip" Dem" mead" fsigatrg1'T,h1idt'/e"2',r,irt 1l2'l't 2r"dt,t, "ilit,tig 'i'arvvihf11,g,1i. AXES _ , Crest Stables) peacefully athis home on sister of George, John, Stanley, Richard Fetchison _ both of survived by three grand» Sunday, July 13. 1986 m his Nst year, and Violet Spencer and Pearl Manns,all London predeceased by children Complete tuner â€" Dearly beloved husband trt Mary redeceased Survived by many nieces two brothers Anthony rat service in the Christian GORDON. Fred Allan suddenly at his ‘Cochrane, dear father of Teresa Mary p d news Funeral Service was held and M ron 'Fetchison Retormet Church 166 home In Port Perry, on Thursday, April and her husband Gerry Louvelle. Gerald an "gap We . -McDermotl-Panabaker' ‘Dear uxcle of Victoria Simone St PnnoelAlbert 10th, 1986 In his 7er year. Dearly loved John Cochrane and his wife Joan all at ' hereal Ho’s: Port Perry.on Thursday, Mossman of Orillia and on Thursday January husband of Anne Barrett Gordon. Dear Port Perry, and Gary Steven Cochrane NU ember 13' at l:30 p;rn. Interment James Fetchison of 9th. at 130 rim Spring lather ot Diane and her husband Dave and his wife Laurie of Clncinatti, Ohio. 'lg, Grove cemetery Oshawa The Funeral Interment Pine Grove Durham of Ptprt Perry.Juneand her hus- Grandfather of Stephen. Shawn, Shane me . _ Service was conducted Cemetery in lieu of flow- band Jt9tn Bright M Srra9rave and Gary and Kristen “dram†Port Perry,and‘ ‘in the Chapel of the A .ors donations to the Ca- andh'SWW Marilyn GordonM0shtswa. Melanie and Brian Cochrane at Cincinat- c98AIgA middlemen†on Siturday, Millard George Funeral nad'lan Home Bible Loved grandfather of SIX grandchildren, ti, Chloe Dear brother of Eileen Dee, January EttBW'a't Falrvlew Lodge, Home 50 Ridoul St, s, League Post Office Box Service was held at the Wagg- Patricia Marlow, Carmel Elliott, Whitby, Gordon Corner of Columbus. lLondori on Thursday. 524 Station A Weston Mc0errnott-Partabaktsr Funeral Home, Kathleen McCann and Walter Corcoran, Beloved husband of Lila M. Kilroy, dear 'iAusust 21st with "my: Ont t M9N 3N3 No W3â€) Port Perry on Saturday, April 12th, at all of Kingston, William Corcoran of father of Doris and her husband Cecil ment following in Wood- ing ‘prior to _ servme 1:30 pm. Interment Pine Grove Stouffviiie and Gerrard Cochrane of slyty.rfiugian.etarotamtGGiiGk" land Cemetery London _ WaggNcDermotpamr Cerntstery,lfdeslred,adarustIon maybe Pennsylvania, predeceased by his of Dshawa, Evelyn and her husband Memorial donations ar)) baker Funeral Directors _ , made to the Heart and Stroke parents Martin and Mary Teresa Elmore Peel at Orlilla. Loved grand- be made to the 'IU/tl/ ' I. ' Foundation. Cochrane and his brother Gordon lather of nine grandchildren and ten Society 420-920 Yonge ( ,1 "f .' - 3 ' " y . '"Y Cochrane and his sister Margaret great grandchildren, Complete service St Toronto M4W 3J7. " 7 ' f I l V-' ", i _ .L" J 1- _ / Cochrane, both of Kingston. Sadly miss- was httld at Wagg-McDerrnott, The late Mi Fetchison "o 'x “'m? , e'..T l, " , C - t' .347 ed by Joe's numerous friends. Friends Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry, served with the R.A.F. in v, _ may call at the Wagg-McDermott- Ttrt Monttay, January 27th at 2 pm. England and India during , Panabaker Funeral Home, Port Perry, Spring Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. _ store on Tuesday, July 15th, from 2:00-4:00 in lieu of flowers, donations to the the SewndWO'ld yvar. Delbert Knapp . . _ Alzheimer Societyoi Durham B 201 He was 6 Civil Engineer A, brother, Orvel p.m. and 7,009.00 Fm. Rosary and ' ox 5. _ . . Delbert Knapp (is . prayer service In the Funeral Home on Oshawa LIH 7w wouldbe appreciated. with the Municipalities of I died at Oshawa General Knapp, a sister, Mrs. Tuesda at 8:00 .m. Funeral Mass will i Oshawa and bondon andi l . Percy Lambert (Doro- Y . p x - -_ was retired District Marr) Hospitalm Wednesday, th _ be celebrated m the Church oi the Im- common". M. tnee mm) at Fair, a er of Waste Mane w July23 1986 if). and two grand, inoculate Conception. Port Perry, on view Lodge In Whitby on Saturda , 00 g 9 _ ' . . - children, Larry Bram- ' _ Y meniBranchforlhe Prov [ He was born in Car: Wednesday,July16th at11.00a,m. Inter lobar d, 1986, Lilla M. White was the in†of Ontario H mm, ht Townshi on ham and Christine rrtetttPfnelrrrveCemetgtrxa, beloved wire of the late Gordon Henry - ‘1‘? V _ . ( a #1» tiir g.†1% "Tn p Lindsay, died before The family of the late JOSEPH Corner of Columbus, dear mother of {LLLUMOLL’ZS , 2, U" y , . IS pay him, ' COCHRANE. Wish to express their Doris and her husband Cecil Slute of _ a c, a _-tlst', ents were thelate Lmis He is survived by his sincere appreciation to friends. Raglan, Harold and his wife Ruth of "rt,: f, s' Iw,., 15" K.n.app and Ethel Da- wife RoydaiiAii'th' of neighboursandpallblarerstortheiriup‘ Oshawa and Evelyn and her husband 1 t 7L, V F " â€A. "E vidson. _ Oshawa: my dau manomcoghtfuioeedsduring our re- 'Elmore Peel of Orllila. Loved grand- X a"'. "7 .. , He was a resident oi ters iiiiit. illi J Eh "ntktss.YttuarBtmvtturtt.rtttmttrmtrrt- mother of nine grandchildren and 12 LAROCOUE - In loving memory of a Omemee, where he , Wi mm 0 IV tlon Individually. but You know who you great granchlldren. Service was held at dear uncle Larry Larocque, who passed owned a fishing tackle son (Barbara) of Hon- are, andnowords crMdeverexpressour the Wagg-McDermott-Panabaker away October 5, 1959. eywood and Mrs. ttttmes for your Wim- We ttlmt wish Funeral Home, Port Perry on Monday, Even though Inever knew you before you . _ - Douglas Eales (Dem to thank Rev. Father A, Grlma who has October 6, at 1:30 pm. Interment Pine passed away _ ". _ ' ‘V , rah) of Omemee; three been so caring before. during, and Mter Grove Cemetery. In lieu offlowers, dona- You would have been the same iust like sons, Norman and Wil- our loss; and tor arranging the Funeral tions to the Alzheimer Society at Durham my other uncles, the best in every 'way liam Bramham of K Mass, assisting Ciefgxr eulogy reader would be appreciated. You passed away before I was born so 10 h ' h Altar a s, I s awe, and RoMrt Rev. Father L. McGouo , " f never even got to meet you Kn . ortymlst Andrew Kwan, and lan Dick, tau,, “em " ' Qo I'm sure I would at loved you the some . app of Grande Prai- _ tutor from St. Michael's Choir School. -, .. _ EM er. as all the others no, Alberta; n grand-, Thanks Ill thet knights of Columbus fitr a†3 Dear uncle since you‘ve gone away children; and two their help and honouring ot Jam and the The ones you loved so true - great-grandsons. ladiesoftheC.W.L. of Immaculate Con- Try hard to carry on the way _ SUTCUFFE' Robert Leroy, at the Sutr' Mr. Knapp is also Sill" aeolian CdetIm; "gr,,'g,1 os,',",","',,',',', We know you’d want us to gnbrogk Marital Centre, Toronto, On vived by one sister, arra o heon --------- If I . urs a l rive . ' ' . . court: Hall. Thanks to Harold Wool; of BLAIN, James at the Oshawa General rd t'g",1u,wrig,,"'dTen Mth veal Belong; mi, was in his Mrs. Ron Angie (Ei- ww,,Funoral Home for his considera- Hospital on Thursday, June 5, 1986M his I want to bring you back" and Mabel Sutclifle T2rtt/',,2ire teen) of Oshawa; and. tim.uliotl'ioeandutmostklndnessdur- 72nd year. Dearly loved husband of Butthere’s no way how God wliibewlth Catherine Leeistuiiii'mii and PE; lei: a, two brqmemt Douglas the this dMictglf time. Special thanks to Marlon Kirby Blaln. Dear father of Mur- you " r nah of Perth, and predeceasedb i; an, ,of Oshawa, and Dan of Dr.RePrlcefbrtmctrrnfbrtlrtg visits, ray and his wife Ann Blaln of Sclar- And you'll still be with me lJuIia Loma’go, Gordon and Yd'Lésslell Pontypool, India Dre Tom Miller and the Port Perry borough. Irene Biain of Qshawa. Ahan My thoughts are most strong now $utclitte. SisrVived by man niece r es My, Ktiiqpwas at the Ambulance crowtortheir help and Com Blain of Waterdown, Loved grandfat er As they will ever be nephews. Service wash ld Y s and Armstr . ' Fun 1 Ith Sunda K ii and St hen. Brother of Emily . e aiihe Wagg. T _ Prlg era l rr,tr',t,ff2'lgT,gT2J,u'/: we: 3.3:th otOesgiawa Roy aiain of Port God has YOU In his keeping ')eJtgt,ttagjiiej,ii/ Funeral Home, Home: lFuneral serv- 't'Jl2,"'dat'g. Special thanks also to P;rry and predeceased by Ted Blainand We have you Irt our “2:2;- missed and afri-ogrrggy" 'ii'atePt,i,'ji,iii/ 15th 'ffkTi2 ll the chapel l r . at the _ . . V ne _ rave on Vcrmna BMW: Joe ' 'g,"l',IT, Jean ASmIth. 'e,r,,tg,uili'kl1re"'d,e'rg' lovingly remembered by Cemetery', (/iesi/e%'l'llmfill'f May be at 1:3?yimgyt25ii 1986, "rmmryartdMrhusbemdFlrrydtard , Wagg McDermo your niece. Colette made to the Port p r c . p r! o owed Ma Mickie who helped with the! Horne,PtrrtPerryrimMondayrJune9th Memorial Hospital T Y Dmmunlty by _eretttntiish at the horses. and her husband Roy; all or at 1:30 p.m. interment Pine Grove / A . I,» a“, _ l ' , = , "il. . 1.4 lTtohitotr ". Ciemato. frtttt-rttttrtgttt-yfantttulfamF Cemetery. Ifdesiretr9dtrnistlort may be ,f. y“, _ k L T " titroLiil Scifi/ rium. ReinX, Hughes 1yeimds.Thartkrou ALL tor caring and made to the Diabetic Association or the QM ._ r Officialgd‘ f. . -e ' God Bias you. Ontario' Heart and Stroke Foundation, xv-da,. As. aau _. =Cu-. " - - - _ sincerely , _ . , ,3 C-rtrs an t {M _ Mary Cochran , A}? f Lit» / “by.†e w 4 f k Ja-f , i low / /rsure'm,