Shirley WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1868-1987, [1868] - [1992], p. 10

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l Eleanor KELLY t Eleanor Marie ' l SuddeMsult of e y ‘an accident on Thursday, June 19, 1986 in her . . . . . 20th year. Dearly loved 'rTor_cTarTari-rsos, m. After-a lengthy illness, a loving Jayme Cannon, one greaygredsiy, Afreak trafiie ?eeider.1t.0ulrq a daughter of Gerald and t'll7,,l,Mit,uhtim!. York-Wrens) wife, mother, grandmother and brother Bud Kemp and Sister-in- severe summer storm claimed the Joyce _Kelly ot Jsl?r1ts- at the Communlly Memorial Hospital, friend Margaret 1. Bo nton passed law, Priscilla. life of !iltagglia.llrr on June 19, lock. Sister of Elizabeth, Port Perry on Monday, May 12, was In away o"Ah'llfi'l/4'rFy11' 1986 . A brother Pte. James A Kemp 1986 Eleanor Marie was born on Elaine and Esther Kelly all her dist year. Dearly loved wife ot Nor, . , ' . . ' ll _ . . th lat home. Loved grand- m," Boynton of Port Perry, dear man," The loving daughter of the late died overseas in W.W, . August 18, 1966inPDrt Perry, ese lmgme’ "2)1 WW5, or Jr nes Boynton of Barrie, Patrlcla Alfred and Annie Kemp was born Marg. wasinthe Navy (H.M.C.S. cond of four daughters of Gerald "am F. Gary i)! Botr (ME A, Brooks) gf Aiax, ttttd Norma June 6, 1925, at 160 College Ave. in York, Wrens), a member of the and Joyce (Graham) Kelly of gaygeon an he IU (Mrs. l. Cannon) of Prlnce Albert. Lov- Oshawa ' Caesarea Church and the Ladies Bla k tuck. She was the rand- 5 a _ 'd9randrrtotherot12grandch0dren and . . , , c s g b . . F m y t the On July 15 1944 while both were s mmerlea . daughter of William and Edna Kel- Wa -M De tt P on great grandson. Sister of Bud Kemp . u ' . - I B be d th l t bake; EMS: harms M Oshawa and predeceased by James 'lnthe Armed forces,Marg. married . . ye, Io/di'"),'?),','.:,"]',, ('2tai,i,lrli/,i Port Perry on Sat-may- 'Q','g'u11rg,t if?“ JT, no: at I: .her loving and devoted husband A loving and outwith: Person. " - c ermo _ aria a er unara . . . in , sew- jiilf2l'lhl'-istueuSx2Q (today) from 2:4 and 7-9 Home, Port Perry an Thursday, May Norman L. Boynton at Simcoe St.S. liters. enjoyed (er; a 'df, a pm. fieryic.e m Blacks. 15th at 1:30 pm. Interment Pine Grove United Chureh, Oshawa. mg and making er ome Eleanor graduated from Cart- tottk United Church On Cemetery Marg is survivedb her husband welcome place for her family and wright Central Public School and Sunday, June 22 at 3 . . . . y . f . ds Cartwright High School as an On- Fm. Interment Verulam Norm and their children Jim, Pat many nen . h W ta . Cemetery, Bobcayger n. and Norma. Daughter-in-law Bev of Mrs. Boynton was at t e agg no Scholar. She had completed T ' _ . . _ . _ Ildeslredadonation may Barrie sons-in-law AI Brooks of Funeral Home Port Perry. Ser her secondyear of NursingScience be made to the Blacks~ . , . . . ' Cha Th - at Queen's University. Aspresident. lock United Church Whitby and Ian Cannon of Prince Vices were held at the pel urs V l elect of the Nursing Science Socie Memoiral Fund. 1 Albert. Grandchildren - Tina, Nor- day, May 15 at 1:30 pm. followed by ty Eleanor was held in high esteem a . man, Andrea, Aaron, Matt and Nola interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, b T, Boynton, Alan and Marilyn Brooks Prince Albert. Rev. Dr. W.H. y er classmates and members of . . _ , _ . . Jennifer, Heather, Michael and Crawford officiated. the faculty. - Eleanor was a member of the Duke of Edinbl-rgh Gold Society . having been presented with its B a k f - - highest award by Prince Philip g I r _ __ GRAHAM, Oscar Melville at himself. She held Provincial GRAHAM-humnmnson Thursday, we 5,33, 3",; I', if?! . . . 2, was l in B ill " r ' Honours in 4-H and was a leader of Funeral services were held Sum of a second fatality early Saturday it,nt,irh HospitaléLulueP. 53215392? Tuesday, April 3, 1984. Oscar Blaekstock Ranger Group. Eleanor day afternoon at the Blackstock morning that took the life of a 26 dentofMarnwood House), beloved wire Graham. in his Nth year, was an avid camper and en- United Church for, 19 year old year old Uxbridge area man _ ofthe late 2,s,ii'rrs4e-lS?g9. le Graham, dear tiirr,ht11ef £33223 3: A . . . V _ " th V u ron . thustiastic mgmber of the Durham Eleanor Marie Kelly, .who died ear." . Eleanor was a popular and well- R1315: Ws'stff,i2ltT2l':trgatr, . "G"/-P5ikt'f1tr, Dear Eas Junior armers. E eanor was ly Pureateveyipg in a car acc1- liked teenager, who was involved in motherof Graham and his wife Barbara father of Alma and her hus- spendingher second summer as a dent on Regional Road 57, south of numerous community activities in and Marilyn, great grandmother taf l band Ross Duff of R,R, L nurse's aid at the Port Perry Com- Caesarea. Jeremy and Karen Duff. Dear s r of Blackstock. Loved grand' . . . the Blackstock area. A graduate oi c h t 'll?, l father of Marilyn Graham munity Nursing home where she Her: 20 year old sister Elizabeth, Cartwright High School, she had 35?: ha man. and , e la e 554% and his wife Barbara and had made many friends among both, a passenger P the car, remains in completed her second year of nurs- 'IFS', oraham an a Bradley. Com- great grandfather of staff and residents. She was an ae- Oshawa Hospital where she is being ing studies at Queens University in plete servlce was lilo-am Wagg Jeremy and Karen. Brolhir tive member of the Blackstock _ treated for arm injuries. Kingston McDermottPanabaker Funeral Home, El P/ct-Here, hand . . . . . . Port Perry on Saturday, January 4,1986 arence ~ra am. United Chg-lob. th tl . d Durham Police say the single car She is survived by her father ai3;00p.m. Spring Interment, Cadmus Predeceased", try,, tour left to r lze e grea ass in a - accident occurred about7:30p.m. in Gerald, her mother Joyce, who is a Union Cemetery. Any donallons to brothers and Me slsler. Ser- dition to her parents and grand- a heavy rainstorm that made road trustee for Scugog with the Durham Blackslock United Church or the Port vice was held at the Funeral parents are her three sisters, conditions slippery at the time. The Boardof Education andalon -ti Perry Community Memorial Hospital Chapel, qt McDermult- . 1 ' d TPc h ll t - . . . g 1me will be greatly appreciated. Panabaker, Port Perry, on Elizabeth, E ame an IEst er, a a girls were returning to their home contributor of Cartwright area news A... - Friday, April 6th, at 2 Fm. home. Many relatives and. friends in Blackstock after collecting cen- to the Port Perry Star, her sister Mtermsint Cartwright Unlon will remember her outgoing and sus forms in the Caesarea area: Elizabeth and two younger sisters . cemg'ery' lf desired, a bubbly personality. Many floral According to police, the car was Elaine and Esther ' ( l " -- . . donatitan may be made ”The ib t d h b f . . _A, Another former resr. Port Perry Community ', tri u as an. a uge num er. 0 travelling slowly aboutloo metres Interment was at the Verulam l dent, Harold DeMille l Memorial Hospltal Building memorial giftstoBlaclrstock United north of Concession Six, when it Cemetery, Btrbcaygeon. The farni- x passed away last week i, Fund or the Blackstock . Church and other Charities attested went outof control and flipped over. 1y has asked that memorial dona- ,; Sympathy is extended to I 3""? Church Memorial to her widespreaAir1fluen? The accident took place within tions may be made to the , , his wife and family and ' Il', I The memorial service at several hundred metres of thescene Blackstock United Church. _ his tWo brothers Tumm Blackstock United Church was con- _ and Henry y ducted by her minister, Rev. Dale y Star., - (w 'g Davis assisted by former minister “was - ----- I: {2/ -_ BRADLEY, Edna Inn. m (Olli- s were cousins munit Memorial Hospl a Pt/ac"gieSAF,i,s/,g, ' e ry, Dn on ay- mmun morlal Ital, Port Parsons. Pallbearer d on Tuésday February IO, A , 5 awa eneral December_22, was In her 94th year. Perry,beltrvett wife olthclain Laonardl Rick Staples and Fred Slemon an 1987 in his 51st year I (Hospital on Tuesday, Beloved Wife of the late J en, Bradley and the late Fred R. Glbaon. friends Dwayne Bryant, Ralph De- Bob q dearly lovedl jApril 21, 1987 in her dearly loved mother of oh son, Dear mother of Bruce Gibson or Port Jong, Robert Green and Brian 'i!jiill?1rilii,r?i, tBray 1. Knitters; 'eltv,r2v,,if. 1tttd'aagt,p1/1s,i re k an: mpg. go's: Slough M Blackstock, Verna Holliday 0 ac s on , . . ' ac s or: an rs. ord oblmon) of Ham ton, VanCamp. f il l t Dear father of and _ Dear father ia'lriir'trli. pre’de'gaéed by Ro W ' Loved and Arthur Glbson at Port Pgrry. Interment was at the arm y p o her husband J Mot his Mfg Anne Blain of grandmother on gran c ren and 22 Pradacaaaad by Elizabeth. Marlon and at Verulam Cemetery, Bobeaygeon. fat of Oshawa and 533‘ West Hill, Irene Slam of great grandchildren, predeceased by 5 Jean Glbson. Loved grandmother 0115 at home. Loved son Oshawa and Allan Slain brothers, Friends may callallhe Wagg- grandchlldran and 16 graal grand- Walter and Evelyn Hol- ot Waterdown. Loved McDermott-pa-aka, Funeral Home. chlldrcn. Slater at Clarence Graham oi liday of Columbus. grandmother til-Kelly and Port Perry on Tuesday, from 2'.00 to 4:00 Port Perry, and the late Leslie. Charles, Brother of Gordon Holly I 'ltf/1Tr,, Fnangéa may PM and 7:Wlo9:w run. Camplete Ser- Harry, our end Mervin Graham mg day of Oakwood Son-ln- Sansone AN -M.» ‘6'” tn the Chapel on Wednesday, Gertrude BWI.SIWICI We: held awn law of George and the _ F ERA 'P ABAKER ecemuer 24t1atoi3oixrrcspringint; Wagg-Mrturmott-parti/iGr' Funeral late Lovella Bray of UN L HOME, Port ment at liampton Cemetery] " desired, Home. Port Plrryon Saturday, Aprllia . ----- . f Whitby, Friends may call Perry (985-2171) Qn a donation may be made. to the al moo mm. -lntermlnl Cartwright _ N _ in ioving memory a l at the WAGG~MCDER Wednesday from T-9 Blackstock United Church Memorial Union Cemetery. Cadmus. It daslrcd an. (iFJStysiir2 (nee Maude SIM; MoTT-PANABAKEH FU- pm. and on Thursday Fund. 6ortatlonstoafiyouriuc r Gua l son) 0 cease August 25, 19433;” NERAL HOME, Port from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. appraclgzod. k 'ar/tatt is sadly. missed by her daughter 9 Perry (985-2171) on £52259 t,rtl11/eft/g), 1Eila7isiirEirtT-,arc-aii,av-a, _- 7 _ A 5ger,',tl'f,ela, You did not know Zhghstidgy [ttt,y/mlrTo'/c pm. , interment Fine 't,ii?hi?,,ri!y?ii,iitsire's','i',i Hospital. Pyort ' a,” . bi _ _ .. T Pri erryon on By. Decemb 8t I . _ ' _ pptygeth/,"tgd1i,"""' le re,it,,rtr,rrigi,yint/greeyr, withstand: his63rdyear, 'r'2li1"ycl'i'e/'f/'2idehi,r1 s'/ll2'i/rtlf,tttn,1,rgsi,tra, e g e _ _ . r a t Dave and Jimmy McCarthy 'll at 200 Pm Spring; (flyJy, be made toa ta- (liris't,ikhriititi,te,vrsei'ii'ir,' R.R. 2, General Hospital. Ruby N, .10;me Christa and Angela Jamleson l ins interment at Groveswe vorLec arity. -. mono British Columbi f'.', Juan of Rich- ed wife of d Tri and the late Butwehope you've gonetobetterp a Cemetery, Brooklin If 1347 Cit/W Gilbahk) of R R 2 kt I: t h (Mrs, C. Charles L. ear. other of Earle So we can Interchange desired a donation may (Mrs R K m.) .m IR ar, s ock. Llnda anddaughtenln-law Audrey, Norlne and Do you help to intercede d ' be made to the Canadian Loved oralidtam . .f2, Blackstock. sown-law Alien Card and the late Herr While we learn down here r'e'1s",t',S,'v'ii', Cancer Society a, a in. ‘Kimberley Laura Ld'. 2e,hQ,tt 9sttsteprnoihi/GtV g Remember dear, your WW 7 mine Charity- - __. and Me h ' r ' ' ra ey J'clWiraet,t,a, ff to tr _-------- " g an. Dear brulher of Lela Ware . a arm Isp,',',?, $519??er lite {ram home Bas E°rb . i 't)i'luld,uh'iheahtsss; Hazel Belyea of chlldrenoavrjd irl)r)tt'1p')gt,udsj,'.iiiri', Always there to greet me back . . Et, urte as in of Blackstock, vice was held at m . n. J, Mother's smile was rlght WI track. 3:5: 1r;'iskhelitcltfAtgtj'is Mann; Panabaker FuneralE mag: tt'a'gt), rey a: ei on Mondo Dec be ' . ' of Toronto. Rested at th _ . y, em r 29th al3.00p.m, l)1cDertrmtt-Panabaker Funereal "egg, 3:;qu Interment Uxbridge Cemetery,A Port Perry. Funeral Service was held in would? made to, your favourite charity . V slackslock United Church on Thursday, B e appreciated. _ ecember lilh at 2:00 pm. Interment r“ _ 5, Cartwright Union Cemetery, Cadmus. " tD Den, :3 I 7 " deslred, a donation may be made to the Elacksiock Unlted Church Memorial und.

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